Monday, July 20, 2009

HArry Potter and the Half Blood Prince, Breaking the Blockbuster and still going strong

Just came off the Harry Potter’s Premiere, it is probably one of the most star-studded and wettest premiere ever.
Fortunately I got in about half an hour earlier.

This time the movie is like the book. Not as boring, and surprisingly eventful. The book is filled with boring flashback. This one is after all the set up for the last episode of the series.

They explain the reason why that Voldermort is immortal throughout all the ordeals. And setting up the greatest adventure ever where Harry try to eliminate Voldermort soul one by one.

As well, you’d know who is exactly the half blood prince in this episode.

There’s the games, there’s the love triangle, there’s the 2nd death of the series, there’s flashback, there’s the gathering of the good and evil.

This time it’s much darker, it’s grimmer for the good side. And it’s one hell of a set up for the finale.

As most of them said, since you’ve watched the first 5 why not just finish it haha!!!!

Monday, July 13, 2009

the Star Studded Premiere of Public Enemy yet the shadowy story

After coming back from the Public Enemies Premiere, it takes me about 2 days to actually recover from it. (Maybe it’s the Champaign or after party)
In the innovation of the movie world is growing more and more undeniable these days.
It is a good script, that actually allow Johnny’s character to develop into the most unique and quirky yet professional character in these few years.
Yet, mixing the professional Cinematography and amateurish handheld scene is a good idea. It created both the clear, dramatic for the gun sequence and car chase and bank robbing scene, yet the handheld give an intimate and closeness to the personal and romantic life of the character.
Yet the script is a bit lack in context. Almost, the whole movie touches on the character’s surface rather than dealt deeper into the character.
It might in an ambitious cinematographic movie, it will not be a fantastically admired Oscar contender yet at the moment.
One thing that worth talking about is that Channing Tatum makes a cameo in the movie as one of the FBI most wanted. Which makes this the 3rd movie that Channing is in for this summer block roll down, from the most anticipated G.I.Joe , Fighting and now Public Enemy. He is one busy actor this year.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Michael Jackson's Memorial Service

Michael Jackson’s Memorial Service this morning has been an event that moves the world.
People around the world is celebrating the life of a legend.
Memorial started with a private service at the Forest Lawn of the closest family and friends and then the remains is travelled to Staple Centre after half an hour.
The Police has cleared 101 Highway for the Jackson family convoy smooth passage from the Encino home to Forrest Lawn and then from there to Staple Centre so that Michael can be with his fans there after the private service ended at Forrest Lawn after half an hour.
The memorial at the Staple Center started with Smokey Robinson’s presenting the regards send by absentee and beloved friends of Michael, Diana Ross and Former South Africa President Nielson Mandela.
After close to half an hour of delay after that, Michael’s sealed in the Golden Coffin towered on top with roses is brought into center stage with the welcome cheers of everyone in the audience. Then Mariah Carey came out with her long time collaborator Terrence to serenade Michael with I’ll Be there.
Brooke Shield reminisce her time as a child entertainer with Michael, how generous and humorous and how Michael loves to laugh and smile.
Founder of Motown Record Berry Gordy remembered how Michael came to the studio with his brother and straight away blown everyone away with his talent in singing and the speed he learn all the steps to dances.
Jennifer Hudson brought down the house with her rendition of
And then John Mayer came on stage to perform the memorable solely on electric guitar.
Jermaine perform Michael’s favorite song, Smile by the late Charlie Chaplin
Usher sang the one song that is most suitable to the occasion and everyone’s heart’s desired words to Michael, Gone Too Soon, which formerly sang by Michael for the AIDS hero of our time Ryan White.
The memorial ended with the original back up dancers and singer of Michael’s London’s now will-never-be concert, introduced by the Director Kenny Ortega, to perform We are the World and Heal the World.

and a ending speech from the Jackson's family and the most moving goodbye by his daughter Paris.
It is a somber environment where the fans, family and friends celebrate the greatest celebrity of our time. While a lot of the world remembers his fault, it is well spoken by the representative of congress to address that everyone is only guilty only after proven. The representative will bring forth a motion to forever dub Michael as the greatest humanitarian on earth. For he is the holder for the Guinness World record for the most Charitable Pop Star.
While most people would have side see the contribution of out spoken Michael towards some of the most intense and important issue around the world.
Michael does brought down barrier, Michael does Take everyone higher from the bar, Michael does Unite the world, and he did unite a nation. He did in some little effort heal the world. He at the least allow us, this generation knows the correct attitude towards, famine, hunger, poverty, charity, AIDS, racism, discrimination and he’d opens the door to so many African American into Sports, Entertainment, even Politics and united all races of the world, Black, White, Latino, Asian, European and African, from Japan, to Birmingham Alabama to Birmingham UK, from South Africa to South America. From China to Russia to Australia. No one person in the world have not been touched by this icon in the slightest way.
God forbid, he even influence and help the career of Oprah and the now elected president of America Obama.
Therefore he is in the most sense a Human being, that one charitable person and loving in all ways the most worthy common villagers of the Global village.
For the We Pay our Tribute to you!!!!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Ice Age 3 Prehistory Dinasaurs Rival Modern day transforming Robots at the boxoffice with 42.5 Mill each

The battle between the prehistoric creatures and the transforming roots begins this week.
Happy 4th of July everyone!!!!!
The weekend brings in a whooping 42.5 Mill each for both movies tied at the top of the block.
Ice Age opens worldwide last week and become the first to rival the totally viral ticket sales of the robots.
The sequel to the animation this time is a bit more funny, a bit more relax, this time around it’s about family and this time there’s much more fantastic action than just plain talking humor.
There’s a lot more babies in the sequel. And there’s an unlikely bond between the dinosaurs and the ice age folks.
Another movie I’ve got a chance on a glimpse before it’s drown out by all the summer blockbuster movies is State of Play.
This political suspense thriller is a great piece that took in some of the most amazing actor and actresses of our age that totally blow my mind and truthfully and completely told a reflective story of how dirty politics and press are inter related in the most peculiar and twisted interplay.
Starring Russell Crowe, Ben Affleck, Rachel McAdams, Helen Miren, Robin Wright Penn, and Jason Bateman, you can be assured you’ll get a thrill out of it that is if you are interested in political movies.