Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Entertainment is up for the week 3 of 2009 Nov. Get a New Moon, and hundreds copies of fab music

This week marks a busy week in entertainment
New Moon Premiere this week. Young girls start howling.
Leona Lewis Album drop this week. Which is a near close shot to the last album. Close at heart. The screaming siren still sounds as soulful as ever.
John Mayer, the jazz, blues, and unplugged pioneer of our time dropping his newest album, Battle Studies, today without leasing out even the most little hint of what’s on the album. Audience will have to grab the whole album right on to see what’s on the mind of the music thinker.
We also see the release of this year’s AI winner Kris Allen self title album. They say it’s modest and ordinary. To me, there’s been too many flashy and R&B schick lately, I think a little bit of modest is good for the soul now.
Of course this week we are seeing the show’s runner’s up chasing over Kris, Adam Lambert with the built up of 2012, proven to be one of the most watched movie of the year now, will be putting out his right hand to entertain the audience all around. Just expect nothing less entertaining. Let’s get entertain “For Your Entertainment”.

Friday, November 13, 2009

2 totally different sci-fi movie collided, Meatball meet The time traveller

Cloudy with a chance of meatball is a very interesting movie. A bit querky, very dorky and very funny.
Of course the idea of raining food is strange enough on it’s own. But to put in the main course of family values and love story seems like a must in every animated movie.
Well, the 3D version definitely makes the banging and the dropping and the rolling of all the huge food seem a lot more delightable.
Surely someone who can enjoy the stiff straight meaningful of Pixar can also enjoy such light hearted humor of a Sony animation.
Well, it’s a strange and funny thing to watch food fall from the sky and the cool way to end the show with a scifi thriller style bang.

The Time Traveler’s wife, I would wonder how many move love story would it takes for the producer to realize that Rachel McAdams is “the girl” to go for for any love story movie. The futuristic idea of a disappearing husband, the love story that span the period ad crosses each other over the time of a 3 decade, the love story of a waiting woman and the man that can’t control his own destiny.
What love could be, and how to make it last and the humor towards life’s uncontrollable factor, there is still this chemistry that loves created that makes us lust for more.
The devotion of a man’s heart to the woman of his life and the pure love to wait for the coming of true love. even when we know exactly what will happen we still cannot know it all and wonder about the mystery and detail behind the event. A perfect love story with the perfect chemistry and all the physical gravity.

Harness (horse) racing could be the most exciting track racing sport i've ever heard of

Over a month ago I met this teenager online, and it’s such a pleasant thing to discover new things in life. He is a harness racing champion.
That is a sport that involves horse pulling a 2-wheeled carriage behind them. The rider sits on a small seats on the carriage, holding the harness and riding the horse.
The most exciting thing about this is, you are sitting on the back, the dust flying past you, you can feel the vibration from the wheel course through the whole race and hear the sound of the horse panting with rhythm.
I feel that to have seated behind the wheel on in this case on the wheel running on 70 miles per hour on a sand course with a fantastic horse power in front of you and your only control of the whole situation is 2 thin line you are holding. Just thinking about all the possibility and the danger and the control and at last winning can give you a thrill
Now below is the brief conversation I have with the champion. The teenager that inspire this small article.

so how much work is there actually to take care of a horse

so much you cannot take a day off

your day starts about 7am when you feed them breakfast, wait for them to eat, then you gotta clean their stalls, train them

you should be done around 4 or 5pm thats when you feed for the night

how many times you gotta feed them in a day?
twice or like human 3?

breakfast in the morning and supper at night, but during the day you might just throw them some hay to have a snack on

what's kinda snack do they like?
apple, carrot?

i suppose you have to brush them daily. do you bath them like everyday?

yeah brush and bath everyday

so is it different to train a horse for ride races and harness races?

yeah its really different

how is it different?

well all the gear is different. the tracks are different lengths.

i see. when you start you have to train them to get familiarize with carriage too?

well the bike is called a sulky and we do that when they are 1 or 2 years old, and that process is called breaking babies and it takes alot of patience and smart decisions and gotta know what you are doing

the breaking. does it also include breaking them into familiarise with the rider?
you ever tame a wild horse?
that's also called breaking right?

yup it does sometimes, its mostly to get the horse used to his or her equipment, the bike, the driver , the track and his surroundings

yes i have

and yup it is

i c
so what about you. the rider. what kinda training to need to do?

well as a driver we get our experience from just working with the horse knowing what to do when something happens, and take tips when older horsemen

every horse have different habit when they run?

well as a driver we get our experience from just working with the horse knowing what to do when something happens, and take tips when older horsemen

how long is a track? and how fast exactly do you run on average?

well as a driver we get our experience from just working with the horse knowing what to do when something happens, and take tips when older horsemen
tracks are either one mile long or a half mile when a track is a half mile you must race two laps to achive the mile

usually about 40 mph

that's fast

oh yea haha

pretty hard to balance when you turn
you ever topple?

as in fall off?


actually no i have been lucky enough to never been in a accident

you ever won any race?

yeah actually the pic in my profile there is my first race win

really, look really good there. nice form

haha thank you

where are you now?

i mean where are you from?


Toronto, ont

There you have it. The interview with a young harness racing champion.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

2012, the year of the biggest disaster movie since armegeddon

Yup, it's totally exploded into existence, or should I say oblivion.
Yes you want to watch it. I want to watch it, everyone want to watch how human or earth would be gone again after a long wait.
what a great day to start the black friday's weekend. Anywhere you go there’s not a cinema that show that movie not have any line that’s 2 blocks away. The liner is cramping people into bunches to no obstruct any traffic.
I haven’t seen this scene since the relaunch of Titanic. Well of course, it’s just the hype.
People are long for a change of scenery in the movie genre by now. Not just vampire and futuristic fighter. Of course it’s just the beginning, whether this will bring it to the titanic portion total in box office is still yet to be known. When titanic relaunch it have already reach 20 times it’s production cost.

Anyway what a great way to celebrate the coming of the winter with a movie that can actually exceed any of the summer movie sales haha!

Enjoy the disastrous everyone

On one small note, Any of you that haven’t actually seen the Rain’s Ninja Assassin, be warn that there’s another ninja movie out there named Ninja. It’s acted by some unknown action star. The question is that it is not exactly your first grade action movie. The script is a bit weak and the character is chasing something that seems.... useless. You see a bit of gore, far less than Saw or 300, and the action in slow mo is not quite up to the spectacle either. And if you are going to go in thinking it’s Ninja Assassin, then you are totally going to be bored to death by it and Ninja Assassin is going to lose it’s audience as well, for i don’t feel that people are up for another ninja disappointment.

p.s. while Michael still lives through to Thanksgiving holiday, This is It have reach it’s 200 Mill marking this week.

Monday, November 2, 2009

if Surrogate can be created for everything in life....

Surrogate is the movie that actually discuss about what the world is going to be in the future is, if our lives can be replaced by robotics to go around the world with no fear of human being hurt yet still be able to live and feel?
Yet it poses the underlying problems and issues that ensues with the surrogacy of human body in all living environment. Are we really living normally or the pursues of normalcy have cause the very person to lock themselves in the house and hide from the real world through a robot.
The story is easy enough to understand, and the progression is easily guessed yet the topics is an intrigue one. Leaving audience dive into the situation and imagine what they would be like to live in such a state.
So what will happen if we life through robot or if we have the freedom….. or when we lose it suddenly?

Good News!! Micheal Jackson: This is it!! will have it's screening extended to the Thanksgiving holiday!

Everyone!!! It’s just a 2 week show. Better get your tickets now. This is it!! The ultimate concert that never happen.
The spetacular that will not be seen by the world could be the most amazing journey that the fans from over 3 decade that have never experienced. The mixes of the old sound with the new move and the most adventurous and experimental sets ever created. The pyro techniques and the lighting, the huge screen and the huge on stage setting. The dancers that moves as well as Micheal, and the old timer that is so comfortable with him and the new generation that have been inspired by him now stand on the same stage with the great and learn and see the work shape by the meistro.
Jackson, at the age of 51, still moves as fast and reflects as well as a 20 yo and sing even better than any experienced singer. You can’t stop but look on the big screen and be impressed by the professionalism of this great artist. Ask the dancers, seeing him sing and dance on stage, even when it’s just a rehearsal, the 50% effort is already better than more than half of the artist on earth.
He is simply the most unique and the only and only KING OF POP in our decade and I think for the century ahead of us.