Over a month ago I met this teenager online, and it’s such a pleasant thing to discover new things in life. He is a harness racing champion.
That is a sport that involves horse pulling a 2-wheeled carriage behind them. The rider sits on a small seats on the carriage, holding the harness and riding the horse.
The most exciting thing about this is, you are sitting on the back, the dust flying past you, you can feel the vibration from the wheel course through the whole race and hear the sound of the horse panting with rhythm.
I feel that to have seated behind the wheel on in this case on the wheel running on 70 miles per hour on a sand course with a fantastic horse power in front of you and your only control of the whole situation is 2 thin line you are holding. Just thinking about all the possibility and the danger and the control and at last winning can give you a thrill
Now below is the brief conversation I have with the champion. The teenager that inspire this small article.

so how much work is there actually to take care of a horse
so much you cannot take a day off
your day starts about 7am when you feed them breakfast, wait for them to eat, then you gotta clean their stalls, train them
you should be done around 4 or 5pm thats when you feed for the night
how many times you gotta feed them in a day?
twice or like human 3?
breakfast in the morning and supper at night, but during the day you might just throw them some hay to have a snack on
what's kinda snack do they like?
apple, carrot?
i suppose you have to brush them daily. do you bath them like everyday?
yeah brush and bath everyday
so is it different to train a horse for ride races and harness races?
yeah its really different
how is it different?
well all the gear is different. the tracks are different lengths.
i see. when you start you have to train them to get familiarize with carriage too?
well the bike is called a sulky and we do that when they are 1 or 2 years old, and that process is called breaking babies and it takes alot of patience and smart decisions and gotta know what you are doing
the breaking. does it also include breaking them into familiarise with the rider?
you ever tame a wild horse?
that's also called breaking right?
yup it does sometimes, its mostly to get the horse used to his or her equipment, the bike, the driver , the track and his surroundings
yes i have
and yup it is
i c
so what about you. the rider. what kinda training to need to do?
well as a driver we get our experience from just working with the horse knowing what to do when something happens, and take tips when older horsemen
every horse have different habit when they run?
well as a driver we get our experience from just working with the horse knowing what to do when something happens, and take tips when older horsemen
how long is a track? and how fast exactly do you run on average?
well as a driver we get our experience from just working with the horse knowing what to do when something happens, and take tips when older horsemen
tracks are either one mile long or a half mile when a track is a half mile you must race two laps to achive the mile
usually about 40 mph
that's fast
oh yea haha
pretty hard to balance when you turn
you ever topple?
as in fall off?
actually no i have been lucky enough to never been in a accident
you ever won any race?
yeah actually the pic in my profile there is my first race win
really, look really good there. nice form
haha thank you
where are you now?
i mean where are you from?
Toronto, ont
There you have it. The interview with a young harness racing champion.