Thursday, November 29, 2007

Everyone! I know! I Know! End Of Week again

Sorry for the past few weeks, I'm unable to actually update anything cos work is keeping me away a bit
so here's what happening.
with thanksgiving on means that the Chistmas and new year is coming really soon.
so on this festive month, have any of you gone and buy your present or any of the holiday sales bargain? If not better do it fast.......

so what's happening? We have Jordin Spark, the new Crowning American Idol's first Album, yes I know, not as estatic when you heard the first single. never mind. I just the wrong first choice, she's still the same girl with the strong voice, you'll see when She's performing live and in later single. a word for Jordin, first single ain't mean nothing girl, you just do your thing, the chellenge here is not doing it with a lot of sales, it's how long you can stay there. so you ain't no one hit wonder with that voice. take good care of it and you'll find yourself in the top spot soon enough.
well, for all the ladies and G-ents, I know you all are waiting for Blake Lewis's new gig to come. he's ultra-cool mix will come out in a couple of weks so watch out for another Clay Aiken miracle first runner up.
And I still hope that the very much JT like Chris Ricardson would have his aldum out at this festive season too. cos JT is taking much too long to get his third album out. HAHA. and there is Paris and Melinda by the way? they ought to have got an ink on some paper by now.

well, besides the new graduate coming out with their own name, Carrie underwood is having a blast with the new album, and plenty of ppl are coming out with a much more festive album, like the #1 album of the week, Noel by Josh Groban, one of my all time fav, and of course who could forget such classical Songstress like, Barbara Striesand and Frank Sinatra or Aretha Franklin, and if you are looking for something with a Operatic Twist, Il Divo Previous Christmas are on sale. haha and of cors who could forget all those Choir Music like the Trinity Boys Choir, Christmas Carol. and not to forget the HSM bunble of Christmas song collection from Disney, I'm sure that the kids would love to have that one.

Well, of cors there are the usual suspect that alway likes to come out right before the festive wave takes over the last month the year. Kieth Urban with his new Greatest hits Album, The Best from Andrea Brocelli, you should check out the Johnny Depp new Movie's Soundtrack, or the "Into The Wild" Soundtrack for those OST Junkie out there you'd love this one if you like the Brokeback Mountain's. Hair Spray would be a good choice if you haven't have it. but seeing that all of the year's summer Blockbuster is coming out with DVD so early for the Holiday, you might want to wait for the DVD. and for some pure music pleasure you can check out the Dave Koz Winter Album, it's a pure joy of Xmas Tune.

Anyway, normal Festive music aside, I'd love to introduce the a couple geniuses in the industry that many ppl have ignore, Damien Rice and One Republic. Both of them have egreat great voice, and Damien Lyrics are simply wicked......... and one Republic just sound... Great even with Timberland undertone mix, they sound even more outstanding.
Jamie Scott and the Town is just as nice. but Jamie, Some of the sound your voice is a bit over shadowed by the music, so if you really want to create a softer romantic vocal can you make the music mix lower than your voice, they are great sound just that you don't want your audience to strain their ears to enjoy your music.

Alright, Friday Night of cors is another movie nights. Of cors Xmas does what it does best, Festive Movie. The All American Fair tale movie, Enchanted have be-witched the whole nation and taken the #1 spot and started the race, Follow of cors by the all so funny man, Fred Claus (the misterious and terible terrible Big Brother of the Famous Santa), and you kids out there without HSM, you can catch This Christmas Starring non other than the Uber-popular Chris Brown. August Rush is still in the Picture, all who love a Chicky love story mix with cool music you should catch this one. and for all Action freak, there's the Hitman out there. Beware.

Oh some Preview News, all Monster or Apocalyptic Frenzy out there, you'll want to prepare for the coming new year hit, Cloverfield. you Like the long-forgotten Blair Witch Project? you'll like this one, It takes Godzilla into a new level, "lower" this time actually, the level of the victim, the normal ppl and let you see how normal ppl really feel like when Godzilla actually Hit New York. It's like a whole new Roller Caoster Ride there haha. Of Cors I'm very eager to see I am Legend coming to the theatre near your area. another cool performance from the ever-almight Will Smith. and for those of you still haven't getthe chance to catch Lions for Lambs? watch it, it's the one movie that actually make you realize that the fear of 911 is long gone and witha clear mind you'll see that should or should not the war continue in it's course right now and you can reflect on what you can do as a citizen. I won't say normal ppl cos we are all unique in our own way no matter how stupidly ppl like to generalize others to make themselves superior. so this coming election, be clear minded and make the best choice you know. short term gain of any profit will not profit the whole country, you should know by now. so everyone go out and vote this coming year.
this year besides the boring old issue like war and bill and loan and money, you have some more issue to think about, electing the first Black President would actually seems like he knows what he is doing, the ultimate supporter, Oprah. next ladies, imagine this, (If only all ladies would vote on this one) the First Women President of the US. (not some story line that the first line president die and woman take over, the real actual first women president who have maintain her dignity and stature in the face of the ultimate mans world.) ultimate supporter and family friend, the great Barbara Striesand. and of cors the usual suspect from the traditional Republican. I may sound hyp about the Democratic's candidate, but actually I'm not, though I'm pro-peace and all but the truth is ,the democratic candidate are having more hype than the republican cos they are the very definition freedom stands for, women's Right and Equal Race Right. and of cors the News are done by most not-so-tradisional thinking New York Media.
So anyway, you have your choice cut out for you, whether you stands for powerful tradisional, or the revolutionary spirited, Sexes and Races Battle of all time.

Alright, we should get back to the movies, where am I.... Ah of cors I'm Still waiting for Jumper and The Golden Compass to open, oh, the Narnia SAGA, anyone still remember the Cute older brother be King with his 3 siblings? William Moseley is back for the second installment of the Chronicle that started it all, Caspian Prince is coming to Theatre Next year Summer. Wait for the Trailer to come out this month. Oh thriller, not to forget, The Mist............ the Stephen King is back.
If you are looking for some laughter in this season of white and not so white Xmas for Mexican and Miamian, 27 Dresses is a great fun to watch, just as fun as knocked up was.
On DVD, Harry Potter is out, So is Ratatouille, and Die Hard Quadology or Fantastic 4. and there's also Spiderman 3 and the rest of the summer Blockbuster coming out soon.

Well, just some info i'd like to share. If you are frustrated with your life and wish to liberate a bit of the stress from your life, I have 2 book you should read. but I'm not encouraging any cult, just that for me they are good mind plenishing books that have help me liberated some of my problem when I read them. one is called "The Secret" and the other is "Wealth Beyond Reason". the latter is a Digital Format course , If you can get one of the member that have taken the course and share her cpy with you then you'll be good.

Alright then, everyone, have a great weekend this week yeh!

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Happy Holiday Everyone!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone. My Best Wishes to all of you. I know, I know, thanksgiving is not Xmas, but i dun want to show a delicious Turkey here. hahaha, so I choose to send you all an early wishes for Xmas with all of the tree around the world
Best Wishes Everyone
Just a reminder everyone, Click on the Ads or vote on my Poll in my page. that's something I'll do from time to time to show something that I'm into now

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

AMA Everyone and Britney Spear???

HAHA! I just want to say one thing about Britney.

When the media is pounding on how bad she is, all the voilation of traffic and all.

I on the other hand see that can you imagine a mob of photog (photo Dog) just simply stick their camera at you every space you go? and then bang on your car? and get their foot crush? (by the way, you know she's going why the heck you want to stick your foot so close to the car or stand in front of the car?) I not a supporter of any camp here, it's just that I dun think the media really have no involvement in this situation at all either. same in the Diana's case, no matter what the result of any inquest is, the photog still have played a part and they are part to be blame. Guy's really, if that is your job and you are so righteous as you say and so loved about the photography why not sign up as a war photo reporter? It's far mroe meaningful than terrorizing ppl right? That's the thing, does the US citizen willing to trade their freedom for this kind of Freedom of Speech?

OK Celebrity Trouble aside.

Let's get back to the AMA yesterday, It's one of the biggest show since CMA.

So Fergie did a great job opening the show with Will.I.Am and Nicole.

then there's of course the Chris Brown. He is the really next prince of pop, but I really wonder if he Mic was on everytime i see him perform........ I'm not criticising, just that I hope besides dancing he could should his singing skill more.

of course the floor heat up with Rianna and Ne-Yo performance and It really burns when Alicia Keys did it in the good old raggae hip-hop mix. The floor of the AMA have long since seen an act so affrican inspired. and of cors not to mention the so-crossover act of sugarland with Beyonce.

This year's AMA is so fuels with teen angst it felt more of the teen choice award vibe when the Jonas Brothers or Miley Cyrus or the HSM were on stage. Teens are today's biggest spender entertainment wise. So the Jonas Brothers act is the only one with a bit of a mishaps, the rest is all well. but they are young and they have the fan base where 80% of the singer there die for. so they have plenty of time to improve before moving into the mainstream adult, which is not the focus of this year show anyway. They are a bit long from the Hanson...... going to Grammy at almost the same concept, but the teens now are really lacking idol to follow since n'sync or britney spears so here comes Miley Cyrus and the Jonas Brothers. I hope they are able to keep their feet on the ground and keep improving, with all the attention on them nowadays.

Don't call Celine Dion a comeback. over the years she never left, you still see her on every award shows, she even sang Oscar with perfect pitch. so this time she may not sell as much as Mariah Carey, but her voice is still no match for any of the attendees tonight.

the only dissapointment is that it's less the Sexiness factor of the Pussycat Dolls or Justin Timberlake, but replaced with funky R&B and Raggae mix...... even Daughtry gave a great preformance as well as Maroon 5. It's a good mix, just that it felt like it lacks of some real country music, and more upbeat dance song.... say when will Micheal Buble be able to go up there to perform anyway?

Since AMA is over , what's next? of cors there'll be Grammy soon. Look out!

Friday, November 16, 2007

O.K. I Confest

So Everyone of my closes friend just wondering.....
Ok here's the deal.
This is a Blog I created for the audience that's a bit off the heterosexual track.
I got plenty of blogs. some serve for homosexual totally and some not. this one happen to be a meterosexual one. means not so homo nor so hetero. get it?
so my closest friend if you are wondering. the day if do come and i know I'm Gay or not. You'll see me bring my Boyfriend or Girlfriend over O.K.? I dun hide things.haha
so stop asking me the Big question.... haha there's no big Question to ask.
I'm just who I am. open minded and like to explore even the human mind and their limit. and by the way to earn some money off of it. please click on the advertisement of your interest.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Yahooo! Another Friday has come!

So what's up on a Friday?

Since I've been out cause of food poison for these couple of days I better catch up with all the news.

Matt Damon finally got to the Sexiest Man Alive Rank. If he'd have reach there earlier, People's
Magazine would have a younger face to put of the front page.

HAHA! Now he's a dad and not a catch man.
Or rather seeing that Ryan Phillippe is on the market, maybe people's magazine want to catch up with the whole sexiest Bachelor Band wagon.
Anyway, the regular, Christina and Nicole haven't gave birth yet and Britney still a hot a Momma on her new CD, and hotter is her ridiculously over exposure in the Entertainment news.
the Writers strike ride on and seems like there's no end on sight now. and TV is a bit boring, I'm watching News for the past 2 days cos All of the old TV Rerun.
And Other than that, the Share Market gone on the Roller Coaster Ride for the past couple of days but if you wanna you can switch to the growing up up and away Asia Market though.
What Else, Ah on the Music Side........ Chris Brown is Still Around, I Know a lot of ppl are talking about Jay-z American Gangster Album and the Soulja Boys Album, but I just got into the Run away hit from my CD rack, Timbaland and this kid first appear in Step Up, What's his name, of Ya! Jamie Scott of course and then there's Carrie Underwood coming New CD and Elliott Yamin Holiday's CD. Who else? ah! Celine Dion is back. Feeling younger and greater. have you seen MTV? phew, she's hotter than ever, step aside britney spears, the Queen is back. The High School Musical Francise continue to grow with Ashley Tisdale coming out with the newest edition of Singer. wonder when is the Heart throb of the show Zac Efron, Corbin Bleu and
Lucas Grabeel gonna come out with their own Music venture? Last but not least of cors there's the all time favourite coming back in a big time......... Eagle HAHA! and then not toforget is Seal and Alicia Keys...
Boys Like Girls , or anyone fancy a Dane Cook CD?????? HAHA!!
Ok. what's up in the land of the movie then?
Let's see, besides Gone Baby Gone and Lions for Lamb...... There's of cors Beowolf!
well animation aside. I think all USA citizen should watch Lions for Lambs. I mean it have covers all side of every aspect about the war in this movie.
there's the ordinary people like you and me, represent by the Student and the Professor. then of course the politician and the journalist and then there's non-the less the person who is really risking their lives in the war, the soldiers. So, the Question is what is it that you are willing to risk to do what's right or what seems to be right and plain for personal benefits?
The soldier who have nothing and got up the ladder of education and when they are about to reach the top they join the fight in participating in the war. or the professor who is hoping that he won't lose another bright student in hopes of getting him to the position where he can really affect changes? of the politician setting strategy that's mayb or may not win the war. but if won he'll won a greater place in his political life. or the journalist who have made the same mistake about the vietnam war and the politician she recommended, will she decide to help the very same fella she dun believe now? all the question that the American now-a-day.... so you ask what it got to do with me? so some of you would have the answer, at least one of my friend or family is in the war now. or..... you'll get the answer the government is using my tax money in something i dun believe in? or If you believe the war, what do you think about the current administration and their decision. if you do or don't...... are they any reason that actually back your decision or are there actually blind faith? and for the teenager........ the one thing you should learn is that why should i stay in school. this is the best reason, to be able to affect change and simply the reason why you should vote. of cors you may find that mayb the politician doesn't have everything you want but fight for at least one thing that's worth fighting for. To me I think saving lives, loves and helping my country and countryman is big enough a reason...... the rest, the conspiracy, the political opinion, liberal or not even the illusion of a country image..... or pure pride. is simply meaning less when it's not back by solid economics and great people. so whatever reason you have in your mind. make it and vote.

Friday, November 9, 2007

Saturday...... Movie Weekend!

I've review some of the greatest movie yet to come.

First Up, August Rush, one of the greatest love story I'll ever recommand someone to watch.
It's not Chuicky, nor Macho. Just right for the whole family to watch and experience life as lovers, parents and son. Great family Drama with a Big-Heart filled with Love.

Next up would be, I am Legend. I know there's plenty of Zombie movie out there. but It ain't getting any better than watching Will Smith in a action movie with a twist. I like the idea of world ends in this film. very sound of thunder but better.

Another movie I recommand anyone to watch this year is Black Irish, Great movie. Filled With Faith and Love and great family drama. Michael Angarano acting is so mesmerizing that he is definitely in the same league and Emile and Shia. Year End is always a family movie time. so don't fight them, join them, It's warm your heart always.

Of course there'll be quite a few thriller as well.
the coming thriller besides I am Legend is "Jumper", you'd want to get that one. Christensen matching up with Jamie Bell. Again 2 of the brightest new star. you can't get any better than these 2 in the same film.

then there come a movie so disturb, even the movie deep thinker would get sick on this one. It's like getting high without the drugs. I always love Antony Hopkins and his vision. there's no one like him definitely. He is the legend for me. so the movie is called "SlipStream" but you'd want to be prepare to get shocked. cos you've never seen a movie like this trust me.

Well, Thriller, Drama aside, there's always some great comedy, and sorry guys, I dun always like the no brainer type. so If you are in for some light smart comedy you'd get this pitch. Imagine when you kill yourself, what will your afterlife be...... what if you are stuck in the same world and life, only now you cannot kill yourself again......... what a ingeniuos plot HAHA

well, calling all dance junkie, Step Up is back and getting on to the street. I know most of you will say what's the different with You've got Served? well, mayb non, but it's always fun to have a dance movie that's suits your taste every year. and you can catch a Cameo of Channing on this one.

That's not all, last but not least, there's the every so majestic movie like Elizebeth: the Golden Age or The Colden Compass, a follow up in the tradition of Fantacy movie trend per year. Oh there's this one querky movie that's about Bob Dylan called "I’m Not There". the thing about it is that, you dun see bod dylan in this one but you get 5 -6 actors that's great playing him. believe me, all 5 of them should get a Oscar for their perfomance.

Then at the end there's always the Documentary of the year awards. always overlooked but any movie goers, but guys this is as close you get on reality without risking your own life. cos the movie maker have risk it for you. There's the so star studed "Darfur Now." I'm 100% supporter of any humanitary event. A bit sad that the Live 8 didn't get the Hype we have 11 years back. but still we are living in the same world and believe me no matter how you want to hide and ignore or don't bother, the whole universe is connected simply because we are in the same space together, you can't run or hide. so Accept it.

Oh! one more Documentary thatcatch my eyes is Sharkwater. It's the prefect example to the line "you'll get more than what you expected!". a tale of a film maker that want to tell the tales about shark and instead he gets the reaction that the whole world usually give to foreign idea or object....... You'll see what i meant when you watch the movie. how the world, the people, the fisherman, the goverment reacted. It's like another Micheal Moore in the making...... HAHA

As for DVD, there's the usual Christmas release of Summer Blockbuster. I've already got Fantastic 4, Transformer and 300, now there's Harry Potter and Ratatouille. the rest will follow up soon.
but besides the new DVD coming out. I think if you haven't have this few you should go out and get it. "Dance with Me" great dance movie with great comedy and romance. Girls would love this one.
then there's Finding Forrester, I think this is the biggest slip out of 2000, great acting and great Chemistry doesn't comes better than Sean Connery and Rob Brown. Speaking of Rob Brown you could catch him in take the lead too. Great inspirational movie for the teens. Another great dance movie is Save the Last Dance. Julia Stile at her best besides Mona Lisa Smile.

Oh! to go a bit deeper into my vault, there's still one more movie I haven't got myself. which is Meet Joe Black. Anthony Hopkins and Brad Pitt at their Best (same with Legends of the Fall). Brad Pitt looks even better on this one. but Handsome face a side, it's just great fun to watch him acting with Sir Anthony, it's like the best sword fight you'll ever see your whole life, they are so cunning and graceful. Sir Anthony is Brilliant without being a bad ass this time, just the perfect gentleman and father, and Brad is the perfect picture of Death at His best. and of course those that have seen it in the Cinema always remember the long-winded Dialogue without any accompany of music. Well, with DVD you can the lighting better and a cup of coffee will help you enjoy this perfect Scripted Film. I will say this is one of the best Script I've ever seen in ages in Movies.

And If you are into the whole British humor thing, you should catch up with the runaway hit of from the east of the Atlantic, "Mrs Henderson Present", you get plenty plenty of great English humor there. And I must say. It's the prefect Script to be converted into a broadway Drama too. just another great acting from Dame Judi Dench, no doubt. and the ever so funny Bob Hoskins.
Speaking of the Dame, you might want to catch another side of her with Maggie Smith in "Lady in Lavender" that's what I call an actor. You dun get more diverse role that those that dame Judi Dench got. non-of-those hollywood glamour non-sense. those is what actor should be like, devoted to the art at the high talent and honor. Learn from this hollywood. Create Talent not celebrity, they can only last for so long and the maintainance fee just so high it's a crap. why not do another Harry Potter and like the Actor deal with the press himself like Daniel Radcliffe? Get what i mean?

O.K. then that should be all for today. Good day at the Movies and come back to me next week.

The Secret Works!!

As I said a couple of blogs ago. I've read abook called "The Secret". which tells us about how Quantum Physics works someway in our lives where we, our mind and thinking attracts idea, or wealth and health or experience into our lives.

Yesterday I went to 4 shopping mall. Everyone parking lot that I went in, I'd imagine parking at some place close to the escalator shaft, and 4 out of 4 times. I got the perfect space. Some I met ppl exiting the escalator when i arrive, giving me the space. one even came closer than I thought, right beside the excalator lobby Exit door. I don't have to look too far for the spacve, and It's in the very first level of car park I went in each time.

I got friends telling me that I'm getting too into these things. and some of my Christian Friends even suggested I should stop before I'm devour by the devil. such fanatics they are sometimes.

But I felt It have not suggested anything that is against any religious believes? nor have it been giving me any idea of evil.
It's like the buddhism that suggested, with happiness, you find that life is not so hard after all.
I've walk out of my depression. Though my E.Q. were not as high and still meet with some dilemma of Anger management, yet, I've learned to focus on happiness and things that brings me joy and the anger or frustration just dissappear. I'm no more bothered by little stuff like Queueing up at the counter of the cinema or while getting a haircut.
And Without those feelings I enjoy a clear mind and great relationship with friends that I hard sees for years and having better conversation with my friends.

Thank you for showing me the light toward a new life. and I thanks that one lunch time that i decide to go back and switch on my TV and saw the replay of the very show that OPRAH was doing on this Magnificient Book. Thank You to all the "Teacher"