Thursday, November 15, 2007

Yahooo! Another Friday has come!

So what's up on a Friday?

Since I've been out cause of food poison for these couple of days I better catch up with all the news.

Matt Damon finally got to the Sexiest Man Alive Rank. If he'd have reach there earlier, People's
Magazine would have a younger face to put of the front page.

HAHA! Now he's a dad and not a catch man.
Or rather seeing that Ryan Phillippe is on the market, maybe people's magazine want to catch up with the whole sexiest Bachelor Band wagon.
Anyway, the regular, Christina and Nicole haven't gave birth yet and Britney still a hot a Momma on her new CD, and hotter is her ridiculously over exposure in the Entertainment news.
the Writers strike ride on and seems like there's no end on sight now. and TV is a bit boring, I'm watching News for the past 2 days cos All of the old TV Rerun.
And Other than that, the Share Market gone on the Roller Coaster Ride for the past couple of days but if you wanna you can switch to the growing up up and away Asia Market though.
What Else, Ah on the Music Side........ Chris Brown is Still Around, I Know a lot of ppl are talking about Jay-z American Gangster Album and the Soulja Boys Album, but I just got into the Run away hit from my CD rack, Timbaland and this kid first appear in Step Up, What's his name, of Ya! Jamie Scott of course and then there's Carrie Underwood coming New CD and Elliott Yamin Holiday's CD. Who else? ah! Celine Dion is back. Feeling younger and greater. have you seen MTV? phew, she's hotter than ever, step aside britney spears, the Queen is back. The High School Musical Francise continue to grow with Ashley Tisdale coming out with the newest edition of Singer. wonder when is the Heart throb of the show Zac Efron, Corbin Bleu and
Lucas Grabeel gonna come out with their own Music venture? Last but not least of cors there's the all time favourite coming back in a big time......... Eagle HAHA! and then not toforget is Seal and Alicia Keys...
Boys Like Girls , or anyone fancy a Dane Cook CD?????? HAHA!!
Ok. what's up in the land of the movie then?
Let's see, besides Gone Baby Gone and Lions for Lamb...... There's of cors Beowolf!
well animation aside. I think all USA citizen should watch Lions for Lambs. I mean it have covers all side of every aspect about the war in this movie.
there's the ordinary people like you and me, represent by the Student and the Professor. then of course the politician and the journalist and then there's non-the less the person who is really risking their lives in the war, the soldiers. So, the Question is what is it that you are willing to risk to do what's right or what seems to be right and plain for personal benefits?
The soldier who have nothing and got up the ladder of education and when they are about to reach the top they join the fight in participating in the war. or the professor who is hoping that he won't lose another bright student in hopes of getting him to the position where he can really affect changes? of the politician setting strategy that's mayb or may not win the war. but if won he'll won a greater place in his political life. or the journalist who have made the same mistake about the vietnam war and the politician she recommended, will she decide to help the very same fella she dun believe now? all the question that the American now-a-day.... so you ask what it got to do with me? so some of you would have the answer, at least one of my friend or family is in the war now. or..... you'll get the answer the government is using my tax money in something i dun believe in? or If you believe the war, what do you think about the current administration and their decision. if you do or don't...... are they any reason that actually back your decision or are there actually blind faith? and for the teenager........ the one thing you should learn is that why should i stay in school. this is the best reason, to be able to affect change and simply the reason why you should vote. of cors you may find that mayb the politician doesn't have everything you want but fight for at least one thing that's worth fighting for. To me I think saving lives, loves and helping my country and countryman is big enough a reason...... the rest, the conspiracy, the political opinion, liberal or not even the illusion of a country image..... or pure pride. is simply meaning less when it's not back by solid economics and great people. so whatever reason you have in your mind. make it and vote.

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