Tuesday, December 18, 2007

X Factor Sensation

Now! Now! everyone on the right side of the Atlantic Ocean I know that this have come a little bit late. but here goes. the New Xfactor Star is born.

following the footstep of Shayne Ward, are a young chap from scottland.

Leon, you caught the audience right in your first audition, that scottish acsence and that voice of yours. though like Lious said you still have some work to be done. but you capture the heart of millions on that first audition, dedication to your mom and with that first tear drop.

and then your charisma just shine as the show goes on. you did perfect with Kylie and "when you believe" really well.

and for those skeptic, don't rain on others parade., you'll get your chance too.

I always love the British, they have a sense of dignity and humor and charm without all the Arrogances. I love the gentlemanness that they display.

For the younger teens, this is what a man should be at the age of 18.

and for those think you won't make it. if he can do it, you can too, just put away your ego.

and for those who just hate it. piss off. you ain't getting none when you are angry. see the happiness and project it. that could makes life much much easier. for everyone including yourself trust me.

Leon, Congratulation Again. you'll become one of the greatest stars. No doubt about it. you deserve it. just keep your feet on the groud. and remember your mom will always be there. whenever drugs or alchohol or smoke gets near? just remember to be strong, take care of your voice and be grateful. If you wish for some inspiration, look out for the book named "The Secret" or "Law of Attraction". Good Luck man.
Look for him on you tube. especially the performance after he won and the one with Kylie Minogue

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