Sunday, August 16, 2009

District 9, Disturbing realistic for a Science Fiction movie

From a romantic comedy now we move on to something much more logical or rather, unrealistic.
Making movie history, here’s the most realistic scenario of an Aliens invasion.
District 9 is one of the most innovative (Hence, I didn’t say the most entertaining.) movie of the year. Rather stopping in the US (like all movies does), the Aliens choose one of the most uncommon of places for the people from the space to land. The Grasshopper like aliens (not the cutest creature in the world) been taking refuge in the similar condition as any African have in Johannesburg inner city. After 10 years, the only human character that matters (not the most likeable Character either.) become the person to do the dirty work for the private company to evict these Aliens from the camp. In the process, he got something in his mouth and started to change.
The Private company tries to catch him for testing and he escape find refuge in one of the alien he bullied the day before.
Trying to make it realistic with documentary-style cinematography at first, makes audience pretty uncomfortable with the prospect of having uncommunicatable creature as huge and threatening as human living among human is far too much for normal audience to accept. No need to say to see a not so like main character to be the hero of the movie and the side kick is a similarly unfavorable graphic animated Insect….. it won’t likely be the most likable movie of the year. But it would be one of the most realisticly shocking movie of the year, taking people in the reality of the probability of really having such aliens living among humans. Indirectly showing the cruelty of corporate operated humanitarian effort, the greed or inhumane condition of the operation, that somewhat resemblance or signify what would happen when a private corporation really takes over such effort in real life. So in the end all they wanted is to research and get the weapon and money.
I must say, the graphic is undeniably some of the most realistic I’ve seen on the big screen. It is believable and most of all adapting from a real scene effects, to making a TV news screen the silver screen makes it totally believable. And though audience dreaded the first 30 minutes, they are pretty much capture by the fast pace action after that.
The movie reminded me Cloverfield, but without the wobbly camera movement, but remain the realisticity. And also of most British monster or gore comedy movie, less the grammar, much of the ironic and the gory blasted bloody scene of people being killed off.
So all in all it is a new look for the movie scene, but most likely not the most likable and might probably fade into some other cult movie category in the end for the too innovativeness and lack of likable factor.

I must say with the vision intact the first time director did a fantastic job.

No big alien invasion scene so don't expect Another Independance Day. but there are some really African or Iraq like alley Battle scene with cool gadgets and machines. must be worn, those who is sufferring from terrorist attacks or war caused PTSD might want to sit this one out.

what would you expect from Peter Jackson....... is the as wacky as a genius as any Jackson we know. Congratulation on another new Blockbuster of the week success

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Anonymous said...
