Sunday, October 18, 2009

Final Destination 3D Vs a bunch of Guinea Pigs special Agent

While one is a PG13 movie and the other is for all Kids
The Special Effects speaks far too loud to ignore that the little cute rodents and cockroaches are far better than the premonition of the death
Final Destination has come to it’s 4th installment, the 3D effects that’s the hype of the movie is what the movie can do without.
While the storyline is more interesting than it’s predecessors, the effects is a swept under the belt when there’s tons of 3D effects movie coming out this year.
The car chase, the more good looking actors and actresses, and the bigger disaster scene make the movie more interesting. But just a little bit. The rest of the formulated success are pretty much the same.
audience are craving for more originality by now. And not just effects, especially when the effects boosted is not as good as they expected. The roller coaster ride have become a bit of a slow boat ride in this one. The gore is upgraded though for those interested.
As for the for all ages cutey pie of the week. The GG Force is weeping up a great deal on the block buster. The special effects are very futuristically design and well put, making the animal special training look both realistic and futuristic, of course not to forget that close to 90% of the scene in the movie is CGI with every imaginable Character. Even the cockroaches looks cute when the hit the dance….. desk. So you get the special effects, the actions, the 3D sensation, the special effects. I would say it’s a success. The only thing that’s a bit bothering is the closeness of the ending to transformers sequence. It’s not cool and you are claiming innovation and putting in something that’s a bit too copycat. Congrates to the team’s best effort to create a totally funny movie.

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