I didn't watch the preliminary at all. so this is the first time I watch the Hollywood stage of the show and already there's a great surprises.
Ellen finally take the judges sits. No Comedy there. Dead Serious. Yet a proper job on the AI.
Seeing Paula missing on the panel and no one fighting with Simon is a bit odd. And Ellen is clearly itimidated by Simon somehow. Well, She said in interview that Simon is meaner than she thought, but they didn't show him that way in the show last night.
The show have changed a bit. There's no second chances in Hollywood week this time. one time on stage and you are either going out or performing tonight on the group. So I guess it is tough to fire off close to a hundred candidate in a day. And I believe Simon meaness can just get the momentum going.
As for the Talent
The Waiter Girl, Didi Benami, singing Terrified is both terrifying and terrific-cal....... it is so perfectly sang that I think Kara just have a remake done on her song.
We catch a glimpse of Michael Castro coming back for a second time. There's no telling the online sensation of Jason Castro's Brother would be able to stay after Group or drop out like the last time.(finger cross)
After yesterday's show, the internet is already buzzing about Andrew Garcia....
And I think Casey James is doing pretty good considering the Accident and all... He sounds like a country singer already and the guitar work is great.
It's a bit of a pity that Cancer Survivor Justin Williams didn't make the cut. His singing on the Keyboard is not bad.
Well, those are the picks for the day. We'll see what happen on group.
Well, as always that's what the producer want you to think who is good and not for the moment.
I'm sure there will be plenty of Drama and surprises ahead.
Ellen finally take the judges sits. No Comedy there. Dead Serious. Yet a proper job on the AI.
Seeing Paula missing on the panel and no one fighting with Simon is a bit odd. And Ellen is clearly itimidated by Simon somehow. Well, She said in interview that Simon is meaner than she thought, but they didn't show him that way in the show last night.
The show have changed a bit. There's no second chances in Hollywood week this time. one time on stage and you are either going out or performing tonight on the group. So I guess it is tough to fire off close to a hundred candidate in a day. And I believe Simon meaness can just get the momentum going.
As for the Talent
The Waiter Girl, Didi Benami, singing Terrified is both terrifying and terrific-cal....... it is so perfectly sang that I think Kara just have a remake done on her song.
We catch a glimpse of Michael Castro coming back for a second time. There's no telling the online sensation of Jason Castro's Brother would be able to stay after Group or drop out like the last time.(finger cross)
After yesterday's show, the internet is already buzzing about Andrew Garcia....
And I think Casey James is doing pretty good considering the Accident and all... He sounds like a country singer already and the guitar work is great.
It's a bit of a pity that Cancer Survivor Justin Williams didn't make the cut. His singing on the Keyboard is not bad.
Well, those are the picks for the day. We'll see what happen on group.
Well, as always that's what the producer want you to think who is good and not for the moment.
I'm sure there will be plenty of Drama and surprises ahead.