Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Oh! How can I resists..... This Year's American Idol is finally On the Way!!

I didn't watch the preliminary at all. so this is the first time I watch the Hollywood stage of the show and already there's a great surprises.

Ellen finally take the judges sits. No Comedy there. Dead Serious. Yet a proper job on the AI.
Seeing Paula missing on the panel and no one fighting with Simon is a bit odd. And Ellen is clearly itimidated by Simon somehow. Well, She said in interview that Simon is meaner than she thought, but they didn't show him that way in the show last night.
The show have changed a bit. There's no second chances in Hollywood week this time. one time on stage and you are either going out or performing tonight on the group. So I guess it is tough to fire off close to a hundred candidate in a day. And I believe Simon meaness can just get the momentum going.

As for the Talent

The Waiter Girl, Didi Benami, singing Terrified is both terrifying and terrific-cal....... it is so perfectly sang that I think Kara just have a remake done on her song.

We catch a glimpse of Michael Castro coming back for a second time. There's no telling the online sensation of Jason Castro's Brother would be able to stay after Group or drop out like the last time.(finger cross)

After yesterday's show, the internet is already buzzing about Andrew Garcia....

And I think Casey James is doing pretty good considering the Accident and all... He sounds like a country singer already and the guitar work is great.

It's a bit of a pity that Cancer Survivor Justin Williams didn't make the cut. His singing on the Keyboard is not bad.

Well, those are the picks for the day. We'll see what happen on group.

Well, as always that's what the producer want you to think who is good and not for the moment.

I'm sure there will be plenty of Drama and surprises ahead.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Avatar 2D VS Avatar 3D

Well by now everyone knows that Avatar will be the most grossing movie in the world everywhere. Of course the studio thinks it’s about the 3D because this is a 3D movie all the while when it goes into production.
It is amazing what a producer can do when they really put their mind into it. It’s James Cameron. I’m sure the adventure have not been the most easy going for everyone but the push is needed for the cost is sky high and the quality must be met. And only a great director can do that. I have no doubt the scope of work being put into Avatar is no small matter with doing 3 Lord of the Rings movie put together.
I do agree the movie is made for 3D only. And if the studio thinks they are going to get a piece of it this year or next…. I think they are really wrong. When there are more choices, the demand would be bigger than the usual Final Destination or even Avatar. Audience would want more than that.
With Avatar, you even get a fear of height from it. That’s how good it is. Can every movie be that good? So if the studio jump the gun too fast they are in for a big budget deficit from it.
I must say not every audience would appreciate wearing a heavy glass on a boring movie that would cost even more and in the end it’d become another Hong Kong movie scene. Where the price is sky high and everyone is choosing to watch the movie on the net rather than the cinema.
As for whether Avatar would get the Best Movie. It’d be a great story to have one like Avatar to get the Best Movie. They already got the money to do all the move they needed to do it. To get 4 times the return compare to the cost of Avatar is amazing, that ‘s why the studio is going with the formula too. But in my opinion only a couple of movies for all of the hundreds 3D movie that will make it this year on the box office.
I’m sure though that like Titanic. The movie will take home most of the technical awards it’s nominated. And that should quite well lead to Best Movie. And there will be quite some joke on it too.
As for the ticket sales it will continue, might not be as long time coming as Titanic but it will be well through 2 Billion in my opinion when it’s finished.

for the past few months of the life is an Experience!!!!

I was living in a college campus with a bunch of undergraduate. What I’ve learn is realizing what I’ve learned even before I become a college student. Being a temp in the primary I’m long learn that you can’t force kids to learn, there’s a Chinese saying, you need to lure them to learn.
To have a whole gang of teenager living together is as it is. The complain doesn’t work, the more I complain, the more irritation arises and the more complain they have towards me. They are as simple as any kids, simple action with simple reaction. So to be well with them, you gotta ignore some of the nonsense and make life well. Do it in front of them what you would do in the situation and wish for the best that they will see what you are trying to do and learn from you. If they can’t then they might not be right for you. Even as a friend. Well this theory are the same with kids, teenagers, or adult. If you don’t care they are not gonna care, if you get irritated, they are as irritated with you as you are with them. Those are the simple action and reaction and that is what most people can manage. There’s no reason to be mad or angry or irritated about it, cause the world won’t change in a day. Something just ain’t gonna change even in a thousand years.
The lost of a friend have me spiral a bit downward and the reaction from the people are I’m mad, not be near him. Well, sometimes only the right one will help. And you just have to pull through yourself and not wishing to depend on others too much. And teenager does what teenager does, they try to run the first time they see something that they can’t handle. Typical, but understandable, when they have not learn otherwise in anyway at all.
One of them actually ask me when I say I can learn something from them, “so there ‘s something you can learn from us (youngster) as well.” Well though it’s not exactly learn from them and definitely what he thought about me learning from them but rather it’s learning through experience with their presence. I have learned some from some younger friend before, but from these bunch, it’s learning from the experience with them. They just do not know how to convey their advantages.

you can't demand respect by showing off, they would just get irritated. you can only recieve it by giving it.

that's just how life is. when sincerity sometimes meant pretencious and spontenious meant changing strategy. it's just how people with such attitude percieve life to be and how they percieve a person effort as. we can't change the fact that people are contaminated. but what purity of the spirit and soul is meant that we can't be bother by such simple unconcious, automated reaction people with the third eye closed do. we need to rise above that and keep doing what we do and show they the light to the third dimension to their life.

if speaking would only lead to argument and ignorance then the best way is persistance action to show them that this is for real and with love and true and right.

We are the World Remake. Feel the Love everybody!!!!

After a quarter of a century, the greatest work of music in the world is coming back on Grammy night. Last time they all do it after the AMA this time they gather again after the Grammy. The nest artist of our generation is gathered together to remake “We are the World” for the Haiti.
I must say to the tabloid who claim they are the press. Here’s the deal guys. It is not about how many money the song would bring back, or would it break any of the old record, it’s not even about how many artist are there. It’s about an experience for the new generation about what music is all about and what love and being a human is all about. It’s about how music can bring all of us together and how close people are together regardless if they are the artist or the audience is then. It’s about the artist going through one of the most amazing journey an artist can have in his career. To stand in the same room with Celine Dion, and Barbara Streisand and Josh Groban and lil Wayne in the same room, Snoop Dog and Will I Am and Justin Bieber in the same song. Jonas Brother and Jason Mraz and Rihanna and Santana? the best collection of artist, going on an fabulous journey together.

Grammy is the greatest music awards show ever. you think? Look at Pink.

What impress me the most on Grammy, is not the explosive opening Lady Gaga did with Sir Elton John, it’s not how Taylor Swift beat all the girls in the last award, it’s not about how Beyonce become the most awards winning singer, it’s not even about the sexy performance she gave or the ultimate Michael Jackson tribute they did for the day……..
It’s the one and only performance that only one person in the history of music dare to do live. Hanging and singing and soaking wet was Pink modest description of her performance, it’s the most daring, beautiful, wonderful, amazing, fantastic, and mesmerizing singing that any singer have done. Yes, she did it before. But she did it again. And this time even more intense. Can you get any other singer to do it? Few years back we are still awing about some singer dropping down from the theatre roof on some ring or moon. Or walking down a long winding staircase on 7 inches heels. This…. In Pink and Pink only exclusive. So admit it guys, she is……. On amazing and unique artist.

Why Expensive car crash more than old, winded one.......

To the stupid and arrogant jerk that think his car is more superior, expensive and faster, say a Mercedes X3, driving in the heavy cats and dogs rain with his front light off. For your information, it’s not about how exclusive your car is, it’s about how fast the car in front of you is going and the capability of the car behind to see you damn big car ass. So please next time when ppl flashes you. Do Think that they are telling you to switch on your stupid light cause your custom made white is so visible on the blurry white pour windshield of mine. Perfect example how stupid ppl are when they think they are cool