Well, not that we are breaking the tradition that we talk about American idol every year. Though this year they makes a lot of changes. Ellen coming, Simon going, a contestant kick off and returning. But in the end, it is a talent show. and there's really nothing much to talk about.
it is all nothing when people say it is a show about training talent. Manufacturing them. in the good old days, manufactured band is to get the money when they sell CDs. but AI the show itself is a money making machine. more than 10 million viewers twice a week. and the telephone company is earning at least as much in Dollar with all the SMS voting. and the talent is natural or not. The show goes on. and who sell CDs anymore now.
But are there any surprises who will win this year? Crystal Bowersox, from the beginning til the end have been superb. As Simon always says, the others are totally in another class. I don't see who will win except her this year.
Well, then maybe the strategy the show producer should do this year is really to train the others to be better.
It's not like every year you'd get all the mature, enormously talented and rounded artist even before they are in.
As for Tim, many have said he should be voted off a long time ago. and I ask. Really? then who should be voted off after him? He is not really in the zone of artist yet I do agree. But, it is a singing contest with a popularity voting system. and you are telling me that that face, that physic, that "Smile" will not hold him in place?..... Well, at least until to Top 7. Some kids are already contemplating him being on tour and on some TV show. Like Ellen say, Good Job. He is totally in another class of his own...... on the outside at least for the moment. Not to be mean spirited, he does have improved since the beginning of the show.
Here is the reason that the American Idol remarks is less than pleasing this year. Because we are moving on to new Show....... Dancing with The Stars anyone HAHAHAH!!!!
Glee looks far more interesting....... Well, the Glee monster have evolved into a music singing machine now instead of a drama. 1st season, the drama, the comedy, the singing is pretty even out. Now, it's just plain show off. Don't take it the wrong way, I love the Glee gang. They are fabulous. So does the singing. But I think anything that is too much is an overkill and the 15 songs mash up in one episode(exaggeration) is a bit too much. and all the promotion about who's famous or not song is featured is just plain lame. Hollywood does tends to fall into a pattern 15 minutes after something new come. When it's singing that's better, it's all about singing for the next 50 years (another exaggeration). It is a show, a drama series with comedy. Get off the labeling and wake up Dude!!!!
Anything else? Oh NCIS LA is hot. Right on for the suspense. much better than the original that rely heavily on humor alone.
A Good Wife, love the topic, love the character, but hate the script. It's just not cool to be new when almost every idea in it is old.
Which is why, I think people are all going for TV reality fakes and real fiction nowadays. cause they are far more interesting than anything any (stereotyped) fat, old, bored, poor writer sitting on the typist chair can come up with.
And I myself have (sympathetically) resort to reruns of Oprah.
Like Barbara Walter says, now everyone are celeb. and there's nothing special there to celebrate about. Mind as well close it when it's still hot
I don't know if we should call it.... People are getting more and more simple everyday or lazy or habitual. 50 years back, people are righteous and loyal(regardless it's for the right or wrong reason), 30 years ago, people just got material and thought the world sucks, and there comes all kinds of different things and innovation and art and almost every 2 years a new kind of music or some kind of music get their name change. rock becomes rock and roll, then come jazz and blues becomes R&B and then they both become pop, and then rise of the alternative, and funk is back, then alternative are then reduces to contemporary rock. and jazz and Blues become classic R&B and rock n roll are just pop. and heavy metal are just Rock.
Now 20 years after, "Life after the tragic", the rise of the phoenix. The old have a time line to separate them from the new. and the new just think What does "No War" actually means. and there's the old and desperate, or romantic and enlightened, there's the new (that's not so new) that's angry and the New New stay young and don't give a damn.
Talk about Generation Gap. Last time it's about mom and dad saving money, working ethics is different. but still the new generation have some kind of "Work Ethics". Now, their world is wide, flat and small. Everyone knows about everyone's business. There's no such things as romantic of secrecy, and if you are not open then you are OUT. Yet everyone is so bored of the whole thing, they just want to be alone (Well, the enlightened call it a peaceful time.) I call it pissed off poo poo. The boundaries are all blur. People just blah out whatever they like.
There's no gap. Cause it a huge ditch and everyone is in it. and it's full of shit.
Well, in other words it's call Life everyone. Ask your grandma.(those over 70 I meant.)