I know that after the whole Avatar incident. Every studio is doing their best to go for 3D.
Many would think that when it's 3D everyone would flock to see it.
and what many didn't think is that, what would happen when a 3D movie becomes a flop?
Here's a good advice to the studio. Not all movies are good in 3D, not even every action movies.
Unless the movie is planned for 3D from the beginning. After a few failed projects, audience would hesitate to go in. and I must warn you guys. Despite the sale on Clash of Titans. It is clear to the audience who have gone for 3D, it's not a 3D movie.
So, one down 2 to go. with 3 strikes, you'll get Out. and a warning, the more the flop sales, would means the more the next coming 3D will not get it's audience. So choose wisely, which movie you want to do it in 3D and make sure the cinematography knows how to capture a 3D scene on film. if not..... I'm sorry to say you'll be losing more millions than earning them doing 3D treatment.
My bet of flops, if not done right that will really get the strike totally out of the court. would be Twilight and Harry Potter. The latter is already in the can for 3D so we'll see how it fairs in the cinema this summer. if it doesn't digest well, then it's bye bye baby to the studio. Don't misunderstood, I'm sure the Harry Potter would sell, it's the rest of the 3D movies that's coming in that will lose. and with this economy, people will choose more wisely after getting hit a few times. So out of the 136 3D coming in this year. I'm sure that not every person would go for 3D and I wonder which 3D will be the first to lose millions.
Before this, I thought that movie studio are great minds. only one or 2 flops in the good old days. now, 136 3D movies? You'd ought to get at least 30% of them not earning. and I wonder how many money from those are?
One not on the movie Loser. Not that the movie isn't a great movie. from the beginning the script, very close to the comics are already something that's best on paper not on screen.
the comics, is exciting because the "Kow" and "Pow" and "Boom" are already enough. but on screen it's a totally different story. And the angle of a lot of the scene are very distance and disengaging when someone shoot a bazuka or blow up a car. now a days, audience have been Dazzled with right on your face effects and gore. So the still so squeeky clean action movie from comics is just......... too clean for them. Surviving on humor? I can accept it. but most just leave that to long winded TV Series now.
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