Hey Everyone! Oktober Fest of German is going to be over in a couple of weeks. So for those who is really interested in Beer should go there and be with your gang. HAHA! All the Beer that you can find and think of to drink man. nothing better that just get drunk with a million ppl at the same time and cheers and Holla All night man.
As for the People who is more into something less intoxicating (or maybe not). Here's Friday Music night. The more you read my Blog you'll find that the music I'm listening to usually would be a bit off the "Hit of the day" track. I'm more of a steady, my style of music kinda Guy. though Sometimes I do catch on with the crowd Haha! Oh! I have very few bubble gum pop kinda music around me so Gals or Kid, If you are looking for Sanjaya, or old-style Britney Spears or Jassica Simsons Kinda music, sorry Idon't own a single album from them, unless they are on sale aand i was bored with all the Great churner like Micheal Buble, or Soft Rocker like the Hanson or the All American Rejects
Lately I've been collecting old old "vintage" music, there's been some fabulous greatest hits album coming out lately, i don't know whether it's out in the USA or Europe but i Gut a whole bunch of it while i'm in Asia, it's called "The Essential......" it range come Janis Joplin to Tony Bennett, Luther Vandross to Micheal Jackson and for musician from Yo-Yo Ma to Kenny G. so for those music fans that's looking for huge huge greatest hits collection for all those artist you've miss out for the pass....... 50 years. It's time to catch up. they have at least 40-50 artist available.
OK, so the latest Album I've been listening to is Elliott Yamin, The Click Five, Rihanna, Micheal Buble, Good Charlotte, James Blunt, Enrique Iglesias and some oldies like Tony Bennett, Frank Sinatra, or the ever fabulous Bette Midler.
Let's Start with Elliott Yamin. I don't know whether anyone notice this. but i find that the industry really is fading. I kind even fine a Asian version of the Album and i got to get the imported one for the price markup up at least triple if not quadruple. It's like this, the music industry is blaming the people for downloading music, and the people are telling the music industry that your Freaking Budget for one Album is F-king too high. so people find other wat to get to their music. and what else better than free download? so My suggestion: music People try to think of a way to lower your price and use the internet to get a more widespread promotion on your artist and don't just book the artist that rap, or hip hop, more variety will appeal to more poeple across the field and you won't have to depend on one demography alone to survive. Kids money will end when their parents is broke.and when the price is right, like these greatest hits album, people will buy. for your information, where Bucky and the Hanson's new Album?
Elliott is one of the fine singer I've find interesting. People always ask me who do I know when the music is good or not, and for some who doesn't even grab the concept of album and music at all, ask how you know what album to buy. (some poeple don't even buy album anymore, cos they think it's too much of an artist.) I say you just listen and you shall find.
Elliot don't necessary have the greatest voice in the world, similar to the case of the Dixie Chicks. but With well navigated Technics comes great music,( the music indstry have always been not about singer who can sing every song, but attitude and individuality, so the music you like, you make it your own.) Elliot's voice fits great with the songs that he makes. Unlike Taylor Hicks, I think he is a greater singer on a live stage, he's infectious on stage as Elliott is infectious with his voice. It's a shame that the promotion for his album worldwide is a bit minimal at this point. But one album that doesn't means that fans can't get to hear him. So people will go to the internet again. As it's the same thing with the Hanson brother. their new music you can't even find them in any TV screen now, but why they are still here? and why they still survive with a whole legion of fans? suggestion to all Music Label owner, Talent is an energy that could never be deminish, so the faster you get the fact the faster you get to bank in on these artist who knows what they are doing. Artist survive from years of bar stage and hotel room lounge to reach this point so your Tycoon King Iron Fist Technics don't work that well now cos People don't buy that. You want to make big money with millions of promotion bucks, or just spend 50 grand on studio time and the artist will bring in money with their talent? think about it.
If it's me. I'd use the million to find 5000 artist that actually sell if you know what i mean.
OK Enough Economics, Elliot, People Buy his album, Support your own great artist, Introducing: Elliott Yamin with his self-title Album.
I don't know if anyone in the USA realise they have this chicky bunch in their pocket, but their album is selling hot in the rest of the world. Sporting a younger and cuter lead singer -Kyle Patrick after the leaving of Eric Dill, they have an edgier sound and much more energetic sound.
It's like the cound of the Moffatts brothers Submodalities album less the darkness.
Kyle look to shiny to be a dark angel rocker haha. the sound is great, very pop-rock, right into the shrine of the Europe's artsy style. (oh! the Moffatts, how i mourn the lost of the music industry on letting go of that group. their Submodalities album proves exactly that the Artist do know what they are doing better than some of the music execs) I'm sure i dun have to tell the rest of the world but USA, as usual, check out these guys. FYI, they are touring the world these few months with Black Eye Peas.
Rihanna needless to say with Jayz label backing her up, she is in the best position. (I think Jayz is one of the greater artist to turn into a even better boss that actually know how to help his own artist thrive.) with countless popularity driven award. One of the Most unique and distinctive voice in the world. She is lining up with the greats like Mary J. Blige. She reminds me of the movie little voice. haha. Though She don't have the "Big" of Aretha, but you work it girl. every twice and turn in the music just fits perfectly in her new Album "Good Girl gone bad". (though sadly not all women find sexiness is good. Well sorry pre-historic being, this is what mordern bravery means. You don't have to sell sexy if you don't want to but i think to criticize sexiness is against natural law. cause we are born naturally sexual. so I think it's fine if she is fine with it. and for those who find it offensive, you can go back to your bubble and be with your own comfort zone.)
Well, well, we have come to the finer being in the world, now Micheal Buble, here's a person who exale sexiness with every breath. his cheeckiness is so hot it melt every cheese in the world. He is well, well, in-line with the greats of Frank Sinatra, and Tony Bennett. (Girls, one bit of advice, this is the gentleman you want in your pocket, not the abusive, drug-addict anger driven Rocker Jocks. i know the appeal, the same attracts, but i don't want my life to be as hell like as it is already?!) Sorry Gal, he's taken. HAHA! but you can dream of one like him. His vioce simply spell Magical Romance, His manor breath the freshness of a gentleman, his way across the stage is so natural, you find it entertaining just looking at it. that's what i call a natural entertainer. Oh! kids this is what melody sounds like in case you haven't heard of any before. Hip hop is a lot of beat and less melodic, this is what we all like to call ballad these days, are what makes the flow of sound of music. (biologically, you are in tune with rap and hip hop and rock cos your heart beat are beating with those beat, but ballad slow your heart beat down and calms your nerve to get in tune with the natural you.)
So you kids i know you like the beat of a rocker, so here comes Good Charlotte. one of the greater Rock group i find that's simple popping. Their Sound means Young, Head Bumping Discoteque, and simply smooth moving beat that just get your heart rate fly tru the roof. So for your Best Disco night out tonight, this is the beat to look for.
As for the last bit of the lot today, Last but not least, James Blunt, for all of you who is on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean I'm sure there's no introduction needed. USA?! They are pretty slow in catching up with the world, despite all the promotion that James got from the past. (I don't know, if you ask me I'd be sorry to say that, Yea, American sometimes do look Stuck Up in their own world.) James Blunt, Like James Morrison are a fine musician. they whole the pretty ironic dynameic of both end of personality and music. James Blunt, holds the end of reality Beauifully sad of all music, yet his new music sound less Realistic and more of a memoir kinda fell, while Morrison spell modern and classic British Sound, both of them are heavy on the art of sound. simply saying this is what a musician that sings looks like.
That's all for the time being, some prediction of new music that's coming out of the music factory will be Jamie Scott, Chris Brown, Jonas Brothers, and some some...... Stay Tune!