Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Positive Sidee of Everything!!!

The More I got into the Whole Law Of Attraction thing the more That I'm happy about my life.

You know the feeling when you are in some kinda dilemma. I have that feeling before, with work with life, to a point of even depression, but as I'm promised to myself that I'd not kill myself no matter how hard that life gets I've forced myself to meet the problem head on.

Yet the Law of Attraction makes it simple for me. the situation still the same, and the ppl still treat me the same. but I am happier, much happier than before. because I see everything in a positive way. and everything just seem illuminated to me. and when some ppl did say something bad or negative to me. I am so in the bubble of my happiness that I simply forget or blocked them out or can't really get the any of it at all. I am Happy.

I think everyone should have a try. It makes life so much easier. and I'm lost at least 10 pound for the past month. I can see the conture of my leg and thigh muscle now.

The sky seldom rain on me now. and money is flowing in...... by the day.

I'm Happy. so for those of you looking for an alternative perspective to life. positive thinking mayb the answer. It works for Drew Barrymore. so i see no reason y ppl wouldn't try something that actually improves life's Quaity.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Happy Helloween Everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hope the everyone is Having a great holiday!! and My best wishes to those in the L.A. and San Diego Area. It's been a rough week and I hope the holiday do bring cheers to your life this week.

Sorry for the delay. I was almost hospitalize out of Exhaustion over the weekend.

I just got the chance to watch Stardust in the weekend. Another great perfomance from Charlie Cox. but his image really is quit limited because his feature is a bit altered from certain angle.

Still with all the star all along his side. It'd be one of the greatest experience for an actor.

Then of cors there's the Justin Timberlake Concert in Australia, after resting for over 2 months he's finally got back on to the ride. Take care of your voice man, that's the best prize you have on you.

of cors, there's always the Papparazzi Haunted Zac Efron. I'm not really that interested in him, doing Gym, Skating..... He's another ordinary person working, but What I'm more interested is the Cycle that Papparazzi is doing...... I mean come on, Skating? walking to his car from Gym? you really have nothing better to do than to wait beside someone and see how normal he is? and to wait for a so-called celebrity for hours just to take picture of him/her walking to the car park is plain boring.

have anyone wtch 30 days of Night already? It's just the perfect picture for the helloween, though i know most ppl are going for the gorrified SAW...... I'm just not really that into the whole cutting, blood drenching kinda movie. no wonder ppl are more voilent these days. If you really have no feeling for that kinda scene anymore, for the reality-confuse person....... he/she would have no feeling when they actually saw the real thing too? would they? that's how i think. "What about 30 days of Night?" that's totally different, cos the vampire part believer or non-believers that in some way suggested it's not really REAL.

FYI, there's a couple new Fragrances coming out this week, Kenneth Cole's Reaction and Mariah Carey M and Jennifer Lopez's Deseo all great smell test it out guys.

Emile Hirsch anyone? he's bound to be one of the most celebrated actor. Y? because he's got the right move, the right mind and getting all the right movie. Though the Shia LaBeouf's Fans may differ. If you are looking for a confirmation of award quality acting for Shia that's not just commercial, try "The Greatest Game Ever Played" He's acting is so mature in it, I'd sell him an Oscar for that.

and Fella If you haven't Watch the Hippest TV Show of the Season "Gossip Girl" yet, Go catch this young and energetic Show. It's just the right replacement for The O.C. in New York.
HAHA!! One Tree Hill be careful, you got a contender this season.

Well, Happy Holiday again Everyone

Thursday, October 25, 2007

This Week Featured Photographer!!!!

I just thought that this artist/ photographer is simply brilliant. I hope that the US can get some one as young and energetic. All the photo that he capture just releases all the teenager rebellious angst and appropriately display the subject desire to break free.

so for young Actor or actresses like Zac Efron and Hayden Panettiere or Hayden Christensen, they ought to let this artist paint the perfect image for you.

His picture is editorial beatiful, energetic yet present the subject is a very natural and brilliant light. their Anger, their young-ness just radiate, and yet it's not rebelously intimidating.

so this week i recon this is the very Artist to look out for.

Thursday Music Review! Get You up for the weekend Ahead!

Great News!!! The girls are back.

Chaka Khan is hitting the big stage for her debut on the Broadway for the very first time. watch out for "The Color Purple"! Yeah! Look out for American Idol Star, Fantasia. Now with the new cast, surely the 1985 Movie Flop (which I think it's not that bad really, just that people can't accept Whoopi going into a non-comedic character at that time.), will change a new skin and shine brightly again on a new stage. WHOOPI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Right on for all the so-called minority in USA, declaration of the bodylicous ruling class, the new Queen of Jazz, Queen Latifah is promoting her new album and yeah! you got curve girl. All Hail the Queen and some other bodylicous clan. As long as you are healthy and have the right curve I see no wrong is having a big body. I find that Thin folks ain't really healthy either sometimes. So I say good job Girls (Chaka Khan, Jennifer Hudson,America Ferrera, ain't they just look delicious. Yummy!) Catch Jennifer Hudson on the coming "Sex And the City" Movie and "Winged Creature" and of course the ever-so-fabulous America Ferrera (Yeah! sound just fine, like America's Ferrari to me!) on "Ugly Betty" Weekly.

Some news on the Tenor side of the Clan, Russell Watson, the new tenor hail from across the Atlantic have been hospitalize in critical condition when he is removing a brain tumor. My Best wishes on you! Russell, get back soon and make many many Pretty music for us.

Alright, Let's get Down to Business, for those of you who have been sitting duck in the US, Try a listen to this. but "Parental Advisory" Alert. Here's an artist I've been listening to, his energetic, Querky, F***ing great, Damian Rice. There not all depression and anger have to be presented in a violent manor. He's a great examplee when you can simple refer to human sex organ for what it is, sex organ. And the freedom that the US have been hail for so long. i find that the british are giving the idea much for space that the Freedom land has. So I think sometimes we must remember to examine. What's our action are? What's our reaction are? and the very thing that we are doing........ are they actually contradicting with the very foundation of we our action are founded on? you feel Free? or are you thinking "Yeah! when i have the money!" if so you are so damn wrong. Freedom is not overrated. It's just underrated by those with fear.

Carrie Underwood's new Album will be out soon too. So everyone look out for that. She and Fantasia are some of the greatest result of the show i feel. They are great sound and great in their own genre and unique yet not intimidating.

On the other hand, I think Clay Aiken and Daughtry and Elliott Yamin and Taylor Hicks are a lot more unique too in their own way. Clay is in a musical now, of course Daughtry is burning up the chart, the music label should release more single from his album now. and Elliott are totally under-rated. and where is Taylor? I haven't have any news on him for a long time since the August Charity Bid. I hope that a new Album is coming out soon and he will be striding on the big stage again too. can't wait to see the wierd Botty-shaking Taylor again.


The other day I was looking at the gallery of one of the best new Photographer in the U.K.
His Picture of the young artist in the U.K. is so fresh, the way they were capture totally realizes the Teenager Desire to break away(If not already successful), they simply look brilliant and energetic and taking on the world like storms swiping across the plain.

I've been doing some soul-searching online lately, Bidding on eBay like crazy. haha! I'm so new on this part of the net, I've make plenty of mistake and having ppl paying for my shipping fees and insurance haha! I'm so sorry. I hope that they are fine with it and ship me my good. But it really is abundance I love bidding. but i hope that i could be more patience and learn to bid smarter next time.

My wishes to the people of San Diego and Las Angeles, wish you all Good luck and hope your home is OK and the disastor will end soon.

Last picture is what i wish to see in the near future, PEACE man!

Signing off...........................................

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Time Fly Fast! 10 Blogs Ago!

Well, this is the one week Aniversary of my blog and the 10th Blogs in the space........

Last week I was cheery, Jumpy, Estatic, and today I'm Bruise, and Down with the Blues.

Listening to Janis Joplin ain't doing my no good either. HAHA!

It's a really funny thing, to have this idea to get all the really really old songs out and listen to the sound of tomorrow way way back when my dad was at my age.

Besides Starting on "The Secret" theory, I found myself walking into the world of mistic.

the cryptical magic of the universe lead me into studying some of the hardest books i've ever thought I'd came across. I was fascinated by the Feng Shui of the chinese culture lately, how that name the Direction from north to south, and the position of energy in a position, situation, human being energy emitted, and how these place affect our energy.

then there's this book that have been recommended by my cousin called "Crutial Conversation" that explain how and why we should be calmer even when we are in the heated conversation and how to change the situation to a position that's more comfortable to have a chat than argue.

you know my style of writting if you have follow my blog. there's always some photo. but I dun have much to show today. so i just show one or two i think it's relevent

Here's 2 person thats emitting similar energy in their feature, yet the age and demeanor of themselves have seperate them.
How fame actually bring on some light to a person's feature.

Oh bout fame. I hope that the world would really know how to give and bestow fame onto people. cos these days, fame is not, and definitely not, on the best light.

Peace and may God allow us to gain wisdom everyday.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Teen Idol Termometer!!!! Hotness!!!!

Sorry for delivering late today. here is the termometer for teenage Idol.

I find that this web site is a relyable source for all idolization of teenager. most of the Idol featured here have been either doing it big or going to be big.

Enjoy, Especially the New picture section if you think that going tru all the old picture is troublesome.

they have general daily upload everyday.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Monday Blues! Let's have some candy! SWEET!

It seems to me that the world's obsession with all the new teen sansation is a bit overwhelming. Wonder how the teens idols actually feels with paparazzi following them around all the time. I meanhave you since the snap of Zac Efron lately? or Miley Cyrus? But on the other hand. After all of the previous teenage sensation like N'Sync and Backstreet Boys or Hanson got married and got older. there's a huge void waiting to be filled by a new batch of blood. So here comes the new Disney Mickey Mouse "Brady Bunch". Besides Chris Brown and Ryhanna dominating the Darker side of the half moon, the whiter side of it now are filling up, by the oh so-sensational Miley Cyrus, and the Jonas Brothers. Though their Style of singing isn't really my kind of taste. but non-the-less I know why the teens raging hormon just overflow and pour towards those cute faces. and Hayden Panettiere that's the Julia Roberts of 16. Well, she actually got more famous than Julia Roberts at the same age. But as the story goes, let's hope the teens in the lime light can handle the flash light better than all of those predecessor of their kind.

Friday, October 19, 2007

How strange It is! De Javu! Short Story Saturday!

I was changing the country that i'm in. and suddenly everything just gone back 12 hours back. haha. Now all my post are in Thursday haha. I thought i was making a Friday post when i'm actually posting the last post. A bit of a De Javu moment there.

Anyway let's continue. I guess you guys now would be looking at my blog a day earlier each day. I actually write my blog the night before it is posted. so......... here goes.

Here is a short story i've written a couple of days earlier. I thought Since the weekend is coming, what's better to start the day with a bit of a story reading?

So here Goes! ***** Homosexuality Tendency Alert!****

Saturday April 20, 1940

Me and Papa just came back to the cottage from the field. It's a great day, spring is in the air, the moon is bright, the mountain side and the cliffs reflected a curtain of grayish velvet. Looks just like a waterfall of shiny silver magma flowing from the sky above to the field below. The side hill leading up the cliffs just filled with fully bloomed wild primrose of the spring. It is a great day.

"Alex, Go and put all the Shuffle into the barn and come have dinner." "Yea, Papa!" I answer.
I was walking towards the barn, crossing the Store House where Papa and Monsieur Gillespie teaches me to piant.

I light up the lantern on the side wall of the barn cos the night is getting darker, and it's getting hard to see my way even with the half full moon light. As I was walking towards to the barn door, I saw that the barn door was opened. It's strange, we never kept the barn door open to avoid wild wolves from running in to the goats and horses. Walking slowly toward the door, raising the shuffle in my hand....... The barn was strangely quiet, no clicking of any hooves, no quaking of any of the duck......
when i reach the door, there's a stripe of handprint by blood drag across the door to the lock. That's when i realise that there's a trail of blood on the floor leading from the other side of the barn. I walk cautionly into the barn, opening the door softly so that i won't alert anything that is inside. I heard the harsh breathing of the horses inside.......

the blood trail have stop at the barn door....... as i was looking inside the barn there's nothing strange inside. the horses and the goats is fine. the duck is in the duckling house me and papa build a couple of years ago.

I went inside and put the shuffle in the tools stored corner of the barn.

Then I saw it out of the corner of my eyes, right beside the horses, there's a pair of muddy feet.
I pick up the holves knife and walk over to the comparment and there I see it / him. He is lying on the old hay lay down from last fall...... He have an angelic face, laying there calmly, both his hand on the left side of his waist, there I saw the bloody working cloth i use to wipe the knife in the barn. I approach him and saw his chest heaving.... He's breathing, but he doesn't seem right... he's muttering something, then only i knew the blood stain of the cloth is still wet, they are still dripping......

I quickly ran back to the kitchen and yell at Pap and Monsieur Gillespie along the way. They met me half way from the cottage and I told them about the stranger I saw in the barn. They hastily follow me to the barn, Monsieur Gillespie still holding his kitchen knife in one hand and a table cloth on the other.

When we were there, Papa examine the boy. He say he have been stab, Monsieur Gillespie throw away the knife he's holding and quickly carried the boy back to the cottage kitchen. the steady silent night now filled with hast and running feet. Louis lay him in the kitchen's bedroom. "Alex go and get a lot of clean cloth, get me the sewing box from Mama's room, and Louis boil some hot water from the kitchen."
I ran up to mama's old room. I've never come in here after mama passed away last year. I found the box in the the closet and ran back down stair.
Papa clean the wound with the hot water and burning the needle with a candle and he start sewing his wound. we have to hold his arm so that he won't struggle and hurt himself. Papa finish with a nod at the end of the stitches and as papa and Louis walk out the room to discuss i meant to follow but his hand is grabbing mine so tight i can't break free.
"Alex, you take care of him for tonight. We'll take turn. the stab didn't hurt any of the organ. It's just a flesh wound but He'll get infection for the next couple of days. Use the rest of the cloth to clean him. I'll be in the kitchen if you need me."

I pick up a clean cloth, wet it with the new batch of boil water, and start taking his blood stained shirt and pants off. He have a lean body, muscled in the right way, I thought in my heart, he must be one of the boy from the mountain. as i was cleaning his body, he groan a bit when i clean around his wound, which makes me very careful and wipe his body softly, scared that i would hurt him in some way.

He started to groan a lot and sometimes started to mutter word that cannot be recognize. His infection is making his body burning like an oven, he constantly sweat all over and i have to wipe it off every couple of hours. It's hard to force him to drink. I have to feed him soup and water with a spoon.

After 2 days of groaning and fever he finally settle down. The fever is gone and the wound, Papa said, is healing very well. As I was walking off out of the room, I glance back at him and realise something. I haven't been touching my paint brush for the past couple of days and i've never drawn a human body before, Luois and Papa is the only one at home, and Luois just arrange fruits and pans everytime when he teaches me to draw.

so I quickly ran to the store house and grab some coal and paper and back into the room.
I started drawing. begin from the his face to his half covered body. he have the most handsome faces I have ever seen. Tender and strong, A few strain of his light golden brown hair lay across his face, his arm is of the right length, well toned, a couple of scar here and there. His chest heaving steadily with his breathing, slightly brown skin covered his well defined body reflecting with a bit of golden brightness from the sunlight shining in from the window. It's the perfect picture of a fallen angel. without any haste and retouching i've finish my drawing. After making sure that he is alright. i go into the kitchen.


I am so facinated by his body, I can't stop drawing him. I go into his room with a drawing board everyday. Luois and Papa say I should just stay home and take care of him. he and Luois will do double duty to take care of the crop. I've also learn a few tricks in cooking while Luois is in the kitchen for the past year. Bossing him and making trouble in the kitchen everytime he want to start cooking. I'm incharge of dinner now.

Then I was thinking, though I have clean his body plenty of times. I have never touch his skin before. I slowly walk across to the bed. I started touching his face. he have a soft skin, firm as his lean body would suggest. Crossing his neck, there's a scar beside the right colar bone, I've notice it everytime i draw him, wondering how he get a scar so close to his veins and could it be the same kind of wound he have now. then i reaches to his arms, his shoulder strong and arms long, lean, well muscled, I'm sure that the person he holds will feel safe in his arms, and the i reaches across to the stomach, the well tones muscle heave and shadow with his breathing. and that wound stiches clearly visible. and when i lay my hand on his chest, feeling his calm breathing, i felt a rush of blood to my face. I don't know why. I have never felt this way with Papa or Luois. I'm shock and intrigue by this strange feeling. I can't move my eyes away from his angelic face nor my hand from his chest, my whole body are fixed perplex in that moment.
Then without a warning, I saw him opening his eyes. His crystal blue eyes, staring at me with that soft tenderness yet strong gaze. I was shocked. I don't know what to do and i run out of the room. standing beside the door. He called out to me. I look back inside, he was trying to get up. "No, No, don't move, you'll hurt yourself." I rush back into the room and hold him and lay him back onto the bed. We stare at each others eyes for a while.
"Merci." He said. "Where am I?" "My house." I said. "You are hurt and came to our home about a week ago.". "Si." He answer. He doesn't look surprise as i thought he would react. Yet I saw a faint shadow of tears on the side of his eyes. "I am Samuel. I came down from the hill forest. My family stay there. They are all gone."
I don't know how to react. I know something bad must have happen but I don't know what to say."They killed my father and my brother when they fight back. and they thought they killed me too. I ran away when they are gone.". Losing my mom is hard enough to process for me, I can't imagine losing a whole family. "Who are they?" I asked. "They are run awayed German soldier. they have no place to go. So my father take them in. but they betrayed him, betrayed his trust and lock us in the storeroom for days. We fight back one day and they killed them."
He continue, "I've been in the forest for a couple of days. not knowing where to go. then I saw this house and I go into the barn...... "
"Well, You are alright now." Finally I know what to say, "You just take a rest."
"What are you doing just now?" Suddenly I felt the rush of blood in my face again. I saw the drawing board, I pick it up and said, anxiously,"I was drawing you."."Oh, do I look good in it?" He reaches for the drawing and i give it to him. He look at it, "I look like this just now?" "Yes" I hastily answer. "Well, I look better in the drawing, you can draw me anytime you want." I blush again, so I turn away and say,"Si!" As I want to walk away. He grab my hand, and pull me to sit on the bed. His hand holding the back of my head, we are face to face, and he kissed me on the lips. I have never been kissed before, my heart was pounding so hard I cannot feel anything at all. "Merci!" He said. I look at him speechless, I don't know what I'm feeling nor what just happen. "Thank you for taking care of me, I can feel you around me these past days. I'm just too weak. I also don't know what is this. I feel the same way when you just touch me.",He said."Merci!"

To be Continue~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I am very Tempted to write a sex scene after that but now it's just too soon.
Although the story is a bit old, being in the world war 2. but it is inspired by mordern real story.
The real story is not as dramatic. Drawing involved, taking care of a young friend is relatively in the range, and that's what happen one day. The Last bit of the story.
So here It is. The story may continue. it may not. I don't know. We'll see.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Rev Up Your I-Pod! Friday Music Night Review is here

Hey Everyone! Oktober Fest of German is going to be over in a couple of weeks. So for those who is really interested in Beer should go there and be with your gang. HAHA! All the Beer that you can find and think of to drink man. nothing better that just get drunk with a million ppl at the same time and cheers and Holla All night man.

As for the People who is more into something less intoxicating (or maybe not). Here's Friday Music night. The more you read my Blog you'll find that the music I'm listening to usually would be a bit off the "Hit of the day" track. I'm more of a steady, my style of music kinda Guy. though Sometimes I do catch on with the crowd Haha! Oh! I have very few bubble gum pop kinda music around me so Gals or Kid, If you are looking for Sanjaya, or old-style Britney Spears or Jassica Simsons Kinda music, sorry Idon't own a single album from them, unless they are on sale aand i was bored with all the Great churner like Micheal Buble, or Soft Rocker like the Hanson or the All American Rejects
Lately I've been collecting old old "vintage" music, there's been some fabulous greatest hits album coming out lately, i don't know whether it's out in the USA or Europe but i Gut a whole bunch of it while i'm in Asia, it's called "The Essential......" it range come Janis Joplin to Tony Bennett, Luther Vandross to Micheal Jackson and for musician from Yo-Yo Ma to Kenny G. so for those music fans that's looking for huge huge greatest hits collection for all those artist you've miss out for the pass....... 50 years. It's time to catch up. they have at least 40-50 artist available.

OK, so the latest Album I've been listening to is Elliott Yamin, The Click Five, Rihanna, Micheal Buble, Good Charlotte, James Blunt, Enrique Iglesias and some oldies like Tony Bennett, Frank Sinatra, or the ever fabulous Bette Midler.

Let's Start with Elliott Yamin. I don't know whether anyone notice this. but i find that the industry really is fading. I kind even fine a Asian version of the Album and i got to get the imported one for the price markup up at least triple if not quadruple. It's like this, the music industry is blaming the people for downloading music, and the people are telling the music industry that your Freaking Budget for one Album is F-king too high. so people find other wat to get to their music. and what else better than free download? so My suggestion: music People try to think of a way to lower your price and use the internet to get a more widespread promotion on your artist and don't just book the artist that rap, or hip hop, more variety will appeal to more poeple across the field and you won't have to depend on one demography alone to survive. Kids money will end when their parents is broke.and when the price is right, like these greatest hits album, people will buy. for your information, where Bucky and the Hanson's new Album?

Elliott is one of the fine singer I've find interesting. People always ask me who do I know when the music is good or not, and for some who doesn't even grab the concept of album and music at all, ask how you know what album to buy. (some poeple don't even buy album anymore, cos they think it's too much of an artist.) I say you just listen and you shall find.

Elliot don't necessary have the greatest voice in the world, similar to the case of the Dixie Chicks. but With well navigated Technics comes great music,( the music indstry have always been not about singer who can sing every song, but attitude and individuality, so the music you like, you make it your own.) Elliot's voice fits great with the songs that he makes. Unlike Taylor Hicks, I think he is a greater singer on a live stage, he's infectious on stage as Elliott is infectious with his voice. It's a shame that the promotion for his album worldwide is a bit minimal at this point. But one album that doesn't means that fans can't get to hear him. So people will go to the internet again. As it's the same thing with the Hanson brother. their new music you can't even find them in any TV screen now, but why they are still here? and why they still survive with a whole legion of fans? suggestion to all Music Label owner, Talent is an energy that could never be deminish, so the faster you get the fact the faster you get to bank in on these artist who knows what they are doing. Artist survive from years of bar stage and hotel room lounge to reach this point so your Tycoon King Iron Fist Technics don't work that well now cos People don't buy that. You want to make big money with millions of promotion bucks, or just spend 50 grand on studio time and the artist will bring in money with their talent? think about it.

If it's me. I'd use the million to find 5000 artist that actually sell if you know what i mean.

OK Enough Economics, Elliot, People Buy his album, Support your own great artist, Introducing: Elliott Yamin with his self-title Album.

I don't know if anyone in the USA realise they have this chicky bunch in their pocket, but their album is selling hot in the rest of the world. Sporting a younger and cuter lead singer -Kyle Patrick after the leaving of Eric Dill, they have an edgier sound and much more energetic sound.

It's like the cound of the Moffatts brothers Submodalities album less the darkness.

Kyle look to shiny to be a dark angel rocker haha. the sound is great, very pop-rock, right into the shrine of the Europe's artsy style. (oh! the Moffatts, how i mourn the lost of the music industry on letting go of that group. their Submodalities album proves exactly that the Artist do know what they are doing better than some of the music execs) I'm sure i dun have to tell the rest of the world but USA, as usual, check out these guys. FYI, they are touring the world these few months with Black Eye Peas.

Rihanna needless to say with Jayz label backing her up, she is in the best position. (I think Jayz is one of the greater artist to turn into a even better boss that actually know how to help his own artist thrive.) with countless popularity driven award. One of the Most unique and distinctive voice in the world. She is lining up with the greats like Mary J. Blige. She reminds me of the movie little voice. haha. Though She don't have the "Big" of Aretha, but you work it girl. every twice and turn in the music just fits perfectly in her new Album "Good Girl gone bad". (though sadly not all women find sexiness is good. Well sorry pre-historic being, this is what mordern bravery means. You don't have to sell sexy if you don't want to but i think to criticize sexiness is against natural law. cause we are born naturally sexual. so I think it's fine if she is fine with it. and for those who find it offensive, you can go back to your bubble and be with your own comfort zone.)

Well, well, we have come to the finer being in the world, now Micheal Buble, here's a person who exale sexiness with every breath. his cheeckiness is so hot it melt every cheese in the world. He is well, well, in-line with the greats of Frank Sinatra, and Tony Bennett. (Girls, one bit of advice, this is the gentleman you want in your pocket, not the abusive, drug-addict anger driven Rocker Jocks. i know the appeal, the same attracts, but i don't want my life to be as hell like as it is already?!) Sorry Gal, he's taken. HAHA! but you can dream of one like him. His vioce simply spell Magical Romance, His manor breath the freshness of a gentleman, his way across the stage is so natural, you find it entertaining just looking at it. that's what i call a natural entertainer. Oh! kids this is what melody sounds like in case you haven't heard of any before. Hip hop is a lot of beat and less melodic, this is what we all like to call ballad these days, are what makes the flow of sound of music. (biologically, you are in tune with rap and hip hop and rock cos your heart beat are beating with those beat, but ballad slow your heart beat down and calms your nerve to get in tune with the natural you.)

So you kids i know you like the beat of a rocker, so here comes Good Charlotte. one of the greater Rock group i find that's simple popping. Their Sound means Young, Head Bumping Discoteque, and simply smooth moving beat that just get your heart rate fly tru the roof. So for your Best Disco night out tonight, this is the beat to look for.

As for the last bit of the lot today, Last but not least, James Blunt, for all of you who is on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean I'm sure there's no introduction needed. USA?! They are pretty slow in catching up with the world, despite all the promotion that James got from the past. (I don't know, if you ask me I'd be sorry to say that, Yea, American sometimes do look Stuck Up in their own world.) James Blunt, Like James Morrison are a fine musician. they whole the pretty ironic dynameic of both end of personality and music. James Blunt, holds the end of reality Beauifully sad of all music, yet his new music sound less Realistic and more of a memoir kinda fell, while Morrison spell modern and classic British Sound, both of them are heavy on the art of sound. simply saying this is what a musician that sings looks like.

That's all for the time being, some prediction of new music that's coming out of the music factory will be Jamie Scott, Chris Brown, Jonas Brothers, and some some...... Stay Tune!

Grammar Mistake! Alert!

Oh! my friend there's quite a bit of grammar alert in this Blog so i'd like to say.... I'm not sorry haha. this is no coincident......... I'm just not gonna change them, cos....... you can think of the excuses yourself. I'm perfectly find with what i wrote.
and My Oxford English Professor sorry!
Mom and Dad?! that's how your children are like today. haha
and Kids, this is not a good example. dun follow. HAHA
as for my Psychologist... stop Psycho -analyzing it. you are over analyzing it.

Hunk and Beau Of the Week

Charlize Theron! AAAHHHHHH! need I say more?!...........................(Guys, wipe that drool off your face, dun embarass yourself). Girls What you need is not DIET, you need confidence.

This is the perfect example of how perfect dentistry can do to a person's appeal. Have anyone seen Zac Efron before High School Musical...... So Guys, can't meet a Girl? Try going to the Dentist...

May be i should go too. haven't really been to my friend's clinic for ages haha!

oh the Paparazzo! please non of the freedom of press Shit! I don't think the whole nation obsess with a "fictional" real person in the tabloid create by the press is the only thing what i hope my Villagers have in thier brain.

"The Secret" that the night bring

I've just finish the book, "The Secret", for these few weeks I've been digging my head into all the self-improvement books that i've bought for ages and stacks in my floor to ceiling 4x4 Book shelves.

I've tried the books suggestion, it's working quite well, the main thing is Faith.

I like the idea that our Fate though control by "God/ Whatever Universal Power you believe" are still obtainable for us with our faith in the All Good.

So, what do you care what other people think about you? or how you react to any environmental unfriendly situation? You just have to have faith in th positive and positive will come.

to tell the truth it's not really that hard to believe and even optain happiness or comforts with GOOD FAITH. how people act out towards you are merely reaction to foreseen or unforeseen curcumstanse on your life. Your act brings reaction whether it's something you realise or not. and your reaction to others brings reaction of others on you. So It's simple mathematical Logics that if you do good, act good, think good then all positive reaction will be pour to you.

some how you realise it or not. when you feel happy and think positive a lot of the reaction you shown to your counterpart seem positive and great and in the long temr, ppl will change their mind and given you Good and POSITIVE reaction. So try to be friendly and Positive even when the situation are not as such. you'll see that all things you consider difficult are merely Fog that's create fear and blocking you from moving forward. So Brave Yourself, think positive and you'll find your way out.

one thing you can do, look into the mirror and laugh the hell out every time you brush your teeth, you'll feel happier

Thursday Movie Review Before the Movie Night

Anyone heading for the movie carnival for the next three months leading up to Oscar. For all those movie Geeks and Junkie out there, Rendition has proven to be a great interesting story to look into. Have you ever have doubt about the ppl that's protecting you? ever think about the law that you have allow to be created? Is USA really a free country? How far you allow the Law-maker to user tha name of protection and Terrorism to act on your behalf? the person effected the most are us, the citizeen.
For a lighter-heart movie. Go for Tyler Perry new flick, you get to see Janet Jackson, and for once in a couple of years you get a no non-sense movie from the black community that actually speaks something meaningful in the slightest sense of preaching and with some great US-Afro style presented the values and moral and human shared of all races in a great funny ways. Brilliant! Captivating(for those into serious issue)! Funny (For those into comedy)! The Humar is right on target and you'll smile naturally when it hit you. There's not need to think about it, then only ........"Oh, I See!" Tyler Perry is the Genius of them all.
For those not that into the Award-ing movie, grab a Gal and head to the movie at night in the early winter for "30 Days of Night", Girls you can drool on josh Hartnett and Guys you can take the advantage when the Gal got scared enough.
******** Spoiler Alert!*********
Ladies Sorry, this one not much of the beutiful body of Josh........HAHA! it's cold to be in Alaska in the winter man..... HAHA!
but dun look for this one jumping from any big screen to the OSCAR Plasma Board...
for Asian Fans, their Summer movie season not finish yet. the exception Chinese-Ecentric historical Thriller by none other than the 3 times OSCAR director Ang Lee. "Lust, Caution!" proves to be a pretty hard to swallow for those who is not either with a brain or those who is not into Chinese History or culture.
but non-the-less it have inherited the Director signature of beautiful script with beautiful structured story and character relationship chemistry. it does spell out, Caution, is exactly what it meant. movie goer........ mom and dad careful for what your children would see, it's not for the innocence. and for the Movie Lover, Spoiler for you, some country law have force some part of the movie to be edited into a not-so-passionate or intense movie.
****Taiwan have the complete version for those aged 21 and above.
Asian update will be some off-summer movie like "Star Dust", "Enchanted" both filled with magic, first with more glame and less comedy, your typical summer, magical movie that's not quite got any review in the USA, and the latter is the combination of all Magical Kingdom story characters cramp in the Big Apple. Imagine, Shrek with real people in Big Apple.
well, You get to feast your eye on Patrick Dampsey and James Marsdan. Curious, how come James Marsden can't get any movie that's Award-worthy? and beware of the Evil Witch, non-other than OSCAR graduate...... Susan Sarandon.
As for the "Star" movie, catch Ms Ever-So-Fabulous Michelle Pfeiffer in her most evil follow up to HairSpray Wilhelmina character. and Girls pop your Eye out for the newly discovered Charlie Cox (not for those who have seen Casanova or The Merchant of Venice or Dot the I). Look out Jude Law, here comes the new Dustin Hoffman.
Enjoy the moives all my friend. I'll bring you more movie news next week.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

1st day on the job

Hey there everyone. Welcome to my magazine of life.
just some preview of the things coming ahead. A short story section, some "Secrets", a bit of Oprah and some books i've been reading, music i've been listening and movie I've been watching. I have nothing against anything so you will see plenty of things you may not see in a normal environment. sometimes things could be chic flick romantic, sometimes macho Jock Arrogance, or Ballet dances ellegance, or even some homo-centricism, so for those who have a different opinion on some of the stuff posted, please welcome to post your comment. But sorry for sexist or homophobic or angry mom and dad. Sorry, I will not tolerate those who tell me how i should think. i know i dun stop how you think. Oh if you are one of those offensive stereotype, one advice, lighten up. no matter what you do the person you try to change are just are good as they are willing to change for you, in the end you might just get the effect of him/she changing against their will and accomodate a lifetime of suffercation..... so let go if you love them. God/ or whatever Higher power you trust, sees every one equal. you may not be the same but in the end we will just end up meeting HIM/ HER face to face one day and He'll Tell you. MY son/ daughter.... I Love You.
Peace! Y'All