Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Positive Sidee of Everything!!!

The More I got into the Whole Law Of Attraction thing the more That I'm happy about my life.

You know the feeling when you are in some kinda dilemma. I have that feeling before, with work with life, to a point of even depression, but as I'm promised to myself that I'd not kill myself no matter how hard that life gets I've forced myself to meet the problem head on.

Yet the Law of Attraction makes it simple for me. the situation still the same, and the ppl still treat me the same. but I am happier, much happier than before. because I see everything in a positive way. and everything just seem illuminated to me. and when some ppl did say something bad or negative to me. I am so in the bubble of my happiness that I simply forget or blocked them out or can't really get the any of it at all. I am Happy.

I think everyone should have a try. It makes life so much easier. and I'm lost at least 10 pound for the past month. I can see the conture of my leg and thigh muscle now.

The sky seldom rain on me now. and money is flowing in...... by the day.

I'm Happy. so for those of you looking for an alternative perspective to life. positive thinking mayb the answer. It works for Drew Barrymore. so i see no reason y ppl wouldn't try something that actually improves life's Quaity.

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