Thursday, October 18, 2007

Hunk and Beau Of the Week

Charlize Theron! AAAHHHHHH! need I say more?!...........................(Guys, wipe that drool off your face, dun embarass yourself). Girls What you need is not DIET, you need confidence.

This is the perfect example of how perfect dentistry can do to a person's appeal. Have anyone seen Zac Efron before High School Musical...... So Guys, can't meet a Girl? Try going to the Dentist...

May be i should go too. haven't really been to my friend's clinic for ages haha!

oh the Paparazzo! please non of the freedom of press Shit! I don't think the whole nation obsess with a "fictional" real person in the tabloid create by the press is the only thing what i hope my Villagers have in thier brain.

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