Jason is a world traveler, globe hugger and one of the most amazing piano player I’ve ever heard of. It’s been a really great pleasure to finally got into the interview with this great musician. It’s beautiful how simple music can touch the deepest of our heart, yank out all the hidden emotion we never show and release ourselves to the universe and be free. Jason did just that and it’s marvelous.
Here’s my conversation with this fabulous artist.
Hey Jason. How's life in Wales? We hope and everything is great and Happy New Year.
Q: Let us begin by introducing yourself to the world. Who you are, where you are from?
A: I am Jason Soudah. I was born to an Irish mother and Cypriot father in Tokyo, Japan and spent many years living there, some in Hong Kong, some in London, England, some in Cardiff, Wales, some in Bahrain, some in Luxembourg, and I'm sure I've forgotten some places. I'm thankful for all these experiences living in different places, and I love travelling.
Q: We know that that your life started from Japan, tell us something about that. Does it bring any influence to you musically?
A: I definitely think it had an influence being in Japan, mainly on me as a person. I especially appreciate how people show each other so much respect when interacting so politely.
Q: We love your music obviously, How would you describe it?
A: Piano-driven alternative rock.
Q: Who would you say is your inspiration in your life and musically?
A: I have a very strong desire to help other people, and I am often told I have a healing nature. I feel this was enhanced by meeting Mother Theresa when I was a young boy.
Q: How do you get your inspiration in writing such complex music? Do they just comes naturally or should I say fly off the keyboard when you play the piano?
A: I think a lot of my inspiration for the piano comes from classical music, and a love of excitement. The best songs seem to flow naturally.
Q: Your songs are really piano oriented, how long have you been playing piano. Have you ever one time think that you'd be a professional classical piano player or do you know straight away that you'd like to be a more contemporary pop musician?
A: I started playing the piano when I was 4, learning classical pieces, but when I was about 7 I started writing my own pop/rock songs and that's when I decided I wanted to be a singer/songwriter.
Q: Well, we heard that you are supposed to be getting a doctorate academically (or have you actually got the doctorate degree) before you decide to get into the whole music career. How did you actually come to that decision and how is the experience of the transition?
A: I was always encouraged by my parents to keep up with academic school in parallel with music. While I was doing BSc Psychology at University, we had to do a very important project, which normally takes a year. It was the Monday before the deadline and I had not even started...I ended up with second-highest grade in my class! So then I was asked to do a Doctorate. I started it but then had to withdraw because my music career was taking off.
Q: It's been a long way from doing commercial, to composing music for TV (not to say the least for Japanese series), to playing on stage. All the experiences are so different. Does it help to enrich your music and you life?
A: Absolutely - It was especially cool to do the music for the Japanese TV series, as I just played the piano to what I saw on the screen, it all came very naturally, and the producers loved it. I will do more composing for films in the future. Then there is performing live...that is magical.
Q: Which part of the music making you like? Producing and composing for shows and series? Singing solo on stage or writing and singing your own songs on records?
A: I like the way music can take so many forms, so I enjoy all the experiences it brings.
Q: Now the ultimate question that every woman in the world would want to know. Are you single? What do you like in a woman?
A: I'm single, and my ideal partner has to love carrot cake as much as me!
Jon: HAHAHA!!! Nice!
Q: if anyone wish to contact you for any shows or performance, who and how would they contact you?
A: email jsoudahmusic@gmail.com or check out www.myspace.com/jasonsoudah
Q: Now are there anything you'd like to say to all our readers out there before we leave?
A: Read "The Alchemist" by Paulo Coelho - it is a very inspiring and uplifting story about making your dreams a reality.
Jon: We love your music Jason, and we wish for all the success to you. Thanks again for doing this with us
Jon: All the Best

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