Feature Film / Indie Comedy
SAG ULTRA LOW BUDGET (a mix of union & non-union talent)
Start Date: June 5, 2009
Location: Los Angeles
Director: Glenn Gaylord
Producers: Michael J. Shoel, Q. Allan Brocka
Writers: Phillip J. Bartell, Q. Allan Brocka
Casting Director: Jason Wood
Casting Assistant: Anthony Kraus
eo3auditions@gmail.com - send your picture and resume and put the role you’d like to audition for in the SUBJECT LINE. Your submission will be considered but is not a guarantee of an audition.
The Eating Out films have proven to be immensely popular and prestigious comedies which not only launched the career of its creator, Q. Allan Brocka (Boy Culture, Rick and Steve: The Happiest Gay Couple In All The World), but it has also showcased the talents of such rising stars as American Idol’s Jim Verraros, Desperate Housewives’ Ryan Carnes, Marco Dapper, arguably one of the hottest men alive, and the comedic genius, Rebekah Kochan. Eating Out 1 had an indie theatrical release in over 25 cities, screened in over 100 film festivals and won numerous Jury and Audience awards including the prestigious Best First Feature Levi Strauss award at Frameline in San Francisco. It aired on Here! Television in the U.S. and proved to be one of the most popular DVD releases in TLA video history. Eating Out 2 followed in similar fashion, which puts Eating Out 3 in a prime position to clean up the whole plate!
[CASEY] 18-23, Caucasian. Helen's nephew, he's a skinny gay guy who is actually very cute in a geeky kind of way,and possesses a sly sense of humor. Recently out of the closet, Casey deplores the obsessive emphasis on sex in the gay community. That all changes when he volunteers at the Larry Craig Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgendered Center, where he meets the hunky Zack and falls hard for him at first sight. Zack is interested in him too, but when he learns that Casey faked a GaySpace page in order to get closer to him, he feels betrayed, and Casey has to go into full damage control mode if he wants to salvage his floundering relationship...LEAD (4) ROLE INVOLVES SHIRTLESS SCENES AND SIMULATED SEX.
[ZACK] 18-23, any ethnicity. A dark-haired God with a killer bod/six-pack abs, great smile, and eyes that look like trouble. As sweet as he is handsome. Zack, who works at the local gay and lesbian center, thinks his new volunteer, Casey, is quite charming. At loose ends when he breaks up with his hot but evil boyfriend, Lionel, Zack meets his perfect new gay-mate, "Ryan," online. When he learns that Ryan is actually Casey's fake identity, he's miffed, to say the least. Later, when Tiffani and the real-life Ryan intervene to make things right, Zack finally gets his hot and happy ending, in more ways than one...LEAD (16) ROLE INVOLVES TASTEFUL, SINGLE SHOT, FRONTAL NUDITY AND SIMULATED SEX.
[RYAN] 18-23, any ethnicity. Tiffani's ex, he's "scorching hot physical perfection" who works as a gay club stripper, but is actually straight. Ryan broke up with Tiffani some time ago and moved away. Just back in town, he's shocked to learn that he's been hooking up onl ine with the gay Zack, who has been scammed by Tiffani and Casey. Anxious to get back at Tiffani, Ryan exposes the shabby trick that she and Casey have played but later joins Tiffani to match-make between Zack and Casey. To his own surprise, during the heated "make-up" session, he proves to himself and Tiffani that he can be lovable and generous. He and Tiffani wind up reconciling as well after their wild and woolly evening...LEAD (41) ROLE INVOLVES TASTEFUL, SINGLE SHOT, FRONTAL NUDITY AND SIMULATED SEX.
[LIONEL] 18-23, any ethnicity. Zack's supremely fit and handsome boyfriend, he looks like heaven on earth, but he's a brass-plated bitch with an evil personality - think a “Mean Girl” with abs. He and Zack may have hot sex, but Zack finally gets tired of his nastiness and breaks up with him. Jealous of Casey and Zack's growing intimacy, Lionel sets out to seduce the hapless Casey and sabotage his fledgling relationship -- but despite his tactics, the two young lovers finally get together after all...LEAD (19) ROLE INVOLVES SHIRTLESS SCENES, BACKSIDE NUDITY AND SIMULATED SEX.
[TANDY] 18-23, Asian. A brooding, sarcastic, ballbusting “Daria” type, she's Zack's best friend, a bit of a wet blanket who detests the vivacious Tiffani at first sight. Terrified of being a fag hag, Tandy is trying to limit her interactions with her gay guy friends. When Tiffani refuses to let her interrupt Zack's hot threesome, the two women mix it up, with Tan dy getting the worst of the encounter...LEAD (16)
[HARRY] 60s-70s, any ethnicity. This exuberant, outgoing, witty gay man is a regular volunteer at the gay and lesbian center. He takes a keen platonic interest in Casey and proves a loyal friend who has some sage advice about Casey's floundering love life...13 speeches & 8 lines, 3 scenes (14)
[ERNESTO] 18-23, Latin. This Latin hunk has kinky sex with Tiffani in a coffin in a back room at the church where a funeral is being held...2 speeches & 13 lines, 2 scenes (1) ROLE REQUIRES SHIRTLESS SCENE, BACKSIDE NUDITY, AND SIMULATED SEX.
[PAM] 30s-50s, Thai. Decidedly unhip, belligerent, this woman works at the nail salon with Tiffani. She bickers constantly with Tiffani in Thai. A real character, she keeps up a blue streak of obscenity that no one else can understand...1 speech & 10 lines, 4 scenes (10) MUST SPEAK THAI.
[CANDY] 18-30s, Thai. Pam's younger charge co-worker at the nail salon, she also speaks only in Thai...1 line, 3 scenes (10) MUST SPEAK THAI.
STORY LINE: How far would you go to get the person of your dreams? In EATING OUT 1, a straight guy pretends to be gay to get the girl. EATING OUT 2: SLOPPY SECONDS saw a gay guy pretending to be straight to land another guy. This time out, bombastic Tiffani and her new friend CASEY, a gay guy recently out, try to lure the gorgeous ZACK, the object of Casey's adoration, by creating a phony GaySpace page using t he image of Tiffani's buff ex, RYAN. But when Zack learns of the deception, he's furious, and ready to write Casey off for good -- until Tiffani and the real-life Ryan intervene to rekindle the romance between the estranged gay guys and in the process, light quite a fire between themselves as well.