Wednesday, May 27, 2009

2009 American Idol Album before the history: Kris Allen - Brand New Shoes

Well, the American Idol is done with. Kris Allen is crowned American Idol.
Of course a lot of people is looking forward on the new album.
Actually Kris have come out with an album before this. Brand New Shoes is the title.
If you’d like to see what kind of album that Kris is capable off you can get the album. But now that he is sign to a major label whether the old album is allow to be sold.
Anyway, to tell the truth, his talent transcended even then. American Idol is a platform for his performance. He needed almost no training anymore to actually creating great music on his own. The album sound great. Much of the same path as David Cook, who also have an album out before the idol time. The album Brand New Shoes is actually really enjoyable album.
Mostly unplugged version pop songs is the perfect match to Kris’s style and the condition of his voice is prime. It is also a well-produced album that shows nothing that he is amateur on the matter.
So go grab your Brand New Shoes before it’s taken off the net wave.

DVD for the summer. Doubt and Frost/Nixon for hot summer

Right on the road to the summer, I dig back into the DVD collection to look at some of the most unlikely movie to watch in the summer. Oscar winning Character movies. My friend often call me crazy, why would I watch those boring movies? But why not? Does humanity are less interesting that all of the bombing and crazy fighting sequence or special effects? So some of the mellow, character pieces that truly talk about human are most interesting when you are alone in the library.
The first piece I watch is Doubt. The story is about the alleged claim by a nun or charity sister that a priest has a hand on one of the altar boy.
Meryl Streep is the nun who is the principal that confront the priest about the situation. There’s 4 main character in the movie. One is the principal, the priest is Philip Seymour Hoffman, the innocent young nun that find out about the peculiar behavior of the priest, portrays by Amy Adams and the mother of the Altar Boy Viola Davis.
If the story you discover the living truth of the Boston public in the 60’s. the character that is involve. The performance of the actors and actresses down to the little kids that played the altar boys are tune to perfection. This is the reason why no matter how good other movies are, this pieces reveal what best actor and best actresses material really are.
I won’t talk much about the story because it is those story that needed to see it to really love it. Or hate it. Some people are receptive to the ending of these kinda story some are totally rejecting this kinda movies. But it is a stage play that is adapted to movies. So the dangling feelings of the unanswered questions are mostly acceptable.

Another master piece movie of the last Oscar is Frost/Nixon. Ever since I knew the existence of the movie I wanted to bad to watch it. It is a piece of the history of mankind. The Vietnam war, human right and the abusive of power and what the position of POTUS truly meant after Eisenhower and the scandal that brought his achiever into resignation. The only resignation of a president in the history of the United State. It also discusses the humanity of the person who is David Frost and Richard Nixon. Is he truly the Devil that is portray at the time or is he still the president that is voted onto the stage and to have the movie comes out last year it totally reflects a lot of the Bush administration on the matter of war and the character of the president have on world history and their promises and action on dealing with such situation, in the term of politics and their role. His relationship forge with China and Soviet Union at the time is impeccable.
Anyway, of course a Frost/Nixon movie is about the many people that involve in that one event. The interview soon after the resignation of the president, the two teams that is there. One trying to solicit the apologies from the publicly opinionated president that have failed. The other to reinforce if not revive the fallen reputation of a good man. Both team thinks they are right in the matter. Of course for the movie the expression and the acting of the actor is dramatized compare to the original real interview. But that is what makes a movie stand out. Great actors that is playing the character into the right feel, invoking unknown feelings that the audiences have about the situation and allow the viewers to judge it for themselves. Nothing is forced.
You finished the movie with the respect for both sides. And the gravity of the movie really have on the history is gratifying.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Congratulation to Sonie Sotomayer for become the first Hispanic Justice on Supreme Court

Federal Appeal Judge Sonia Sotomayor is chosen by President Barrack Obama to become the first Hispanic Justice on the Supreme court. not to mention a Female Supreme court Justice too.


The whole situation of the Prop 8 is summing up into a big dissapointment. and to have the counter vote to be available only after 2009 is ridiculous.

I'm not anti-gay marriage or not. everything aside. to resolve an issue by vote on a state level have to wait for 6 months is just too long.

Personally, regardless homo or hetero, I think prob 8 does nothing but to constrict freedom which USA is suppose to stand for. it's totally against what America stands for. it seems that the British government with or without sentimental issue to the Gay Marriage situation is much more liberal.

Right now they are saying that majority can vote to not allow. what if one day the Gay out numbered the hetero? so they are going to ban different sex marriage then?
It is a choice in the end, and i think this is one choice that everyone should be able to make that for themselves regardless the sexes of their spouses.

ok fine! if marriage is define as a union between a guy and a girl only. then create another name that involve faith but not religion that signifies the legal union of the same sex. Don't call it Marriage. call it Luog-age then, the age of "legal union of gays" then. Then give the other party the same legal privilege as any couple have and get off of it already.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Movies at the theatre today. Angels and Demons Fighting off Monters VS Aliens while Push for the 2nd round of Night at the Museum

Over a week ago I was on my regular movie visits.
It’s watching Angels and Demons on Digital Screen and Push.
Of course as anyone had expected Angels and Demons is a great success lacking in competition that week.
To me, if you have ever read a Dan Brown’s book, you’d know that there’s the clue, the controversy and the twist at the end. But with that anticipation too you’d have guessed much of the storyline in Angels and Demons and who is the villain.
But one good thing about Dan Browns book is the mystical blur vision it superimpose into the modern religious scene. It puts you into perspective of the century old tradition we holds called religion and let us reflects on peoples reaction and history in effects by religious believe ideology or choice. Which also created one of the most controversial idea in movie. Discussing religion publicly…. Right or wrong?
Anyway, the baseline of the story is that a series of murder is happening in Vatican and it is related to some century history, the violent history of a secret society Illuminate and the church. In the turn of the century when a pope is dead and a new pope is to be selected. Where all believers is mourning for the dead and celebrating the born of a new pope.
The digital capture of the movie gives you the best view of all the beauty that the city have to offers.
Push in some way are reflective of Angels and Demons, Wolverine or the TV series Hero. American with super power living in the small island of Hong Kong trying to escape from the grasp of the big enterprise. The place is so small how can anybody possibly escape from anyone?
Well, the cinematography is more of your typical Hong Kong Style than the usual American style. While I was pretty impress with the cast, Chris Evans, Djimon Hounsou, Dakota Fanning, but the script is lack of imagination and the blending of east and west just fail to inspire this time. it felt like a bunch of American acting in what seems like a 2nd rated action Hong Kong Movie. I was hoping for something better.
Anyway, the story is talking about the bio-experiment the Russian and American have done on children creating army of people with special ability, like the Pusher, could push thought into people mind and make them believe anything they “Push” into their minds. The sniffer can smell a person and find his traces anywhere. The Stitch can heal anyone of any injury or inflict them into anyone. The Mover can move objects at their will. Shifter can shift things into other things. And shadow can shield people from the sniffer. Watchers are those that can see the future. The bleeders are those that can screams and cos people to bleed through their ears and eyes. And wipers can wipe all memories out of people’s mind.
A pretty good idea to create a bunch of people like this but the structure of the story will have to be better than this.
Moving on, sure enough, I’ve gone for movies last weekend. Night at the Museum 2 is on showing. This time it’s bigger and more creature or people are involved. They go into the humungous Capital museum park, the Smithsonian and evoke havoc to the area. From giant squid to the Marble Abraham. And this time there’s flying in planes, Egypt myths stretch to the underworld. The humor is still pretty much in tacked. Yet, just like the first movie it lack of a bit of context to the story. It’s just plain non-sense from the beginning to the end all over again. Well, just laugh it all out.
Monster VSAliens, finally the movie has come to the theatre on this side of the world. After long overdue, the animation from DreamWorks about a bunch of monster defeating the invading aliens from outer space. Or should I say one alien.
Well, a whole bunch of fun. The graphic is good, the story is done well, and the character are pretty funny. I just dun think making the officials and the president in the movie as stupid as they are in the movie give a good taste. The security measure that they have in the facility is a good laugh though. All in all it’s more of a PG 13 movie in my opinion really.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

American Idol Crown Their Winner!!!!!!!!!!!!

Spoiler Alert************************* for the West Coast

**************************************American Idol Announced**************************
Kris Allen is the Winner of 2009 American Idol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Cheers!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The show started with the top 13 taking the stage. After Ryan take a jab at every judges while introducing them.
The “So What!!” Performance truly shows how the 13 fits each other like a glove vocal wise really.
Going on to it there of course plenty of collaborations performances and not to forget the totally embarrassing Awards to be given out.
So the Male performer of course go to non-other than the infamous Norman Gentle.
Then the Biniki girl goes on stage and got hit bad by the performance from Kara. There’s even a Bleeped showdown of Kara Bikini body with the bikini girl.
Well, the Best Girl performance surely goes to the wailing Laughter of Tatiana.
Who is staged by Ryan to cut her way to go on stage for the award. But she did so snagging the microphone from Ryan and start singing without the music and running around stage with the security chasing her. Ruben Staddard’s face worth a million bugs really. Well of course the commotion is staged. Even Ryan predicted the show would be a bit longer than expected…. HAHA!!! Or is it?
Anyway the Lil Round got on the groove with Queen Latifah. Which still proves that with the Queen most demanding style, it fits the song perfectly.
What’s totally collaborated well is Danny’s take with Lionel Richie. They sing it out, dance it off, the vocal is a spectacle to watch by itself.
Of course you got the guitar jamming session of Kris with Keith Urban on stage. With Keith crasser voice fitting the smoother highs of Kris they just take on each other and make the duet much entertaining.
But the most entertaining performance of the night is from Allison with Cyndi Lauper. Cyndi is always a gem on stage, talented and composed, with her lap guitar haha. They just belted out Cyndi’s classic to perfection and the improvisation brings back so many memories of the ages when Cyndi jamming with all the great musician of our time in all these past years. Musicians are just simply great talented people.
The Top 13 girls join in with Fergie and Black Eye Peas in the middle and then the top 13 Boys sang the Rod Steward classic and joined later by the legend himself.
There’s also the section where Adam perform with the full makeup Kiss and even the old timer 3 pieces split screen is on. Bringing back old good times really.
So after all the finalist did the last performance with the legendary Queen member with the most appropriate “We Are the Champion”.
The winner is announced…… Kris Allen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Shocker….!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He is the talented, from his performance, the instrument playing, the unrealized single he made himself even shows that he is a recording artist already. He does deserve it. Not based on just last night performance. But all the performance. There might be some mishaps in the process but his last performance of “No boundaries” this time around is just suited well. He does have the voice to carry the song. Not as high energy as Adam but the low and subtle sensation of the smooth sound makes it even much easier in on the ear. But the single might need some tweeking when it’s being recorded though.

Adam does did a great job as the finalist and he did compete well. The singing and the vocal is magnificent indeed.

The Final 2 for American Idol 2009 idol is off

There the final 2
Adam started the first with Mad World. Theatrical, all the way through and through.
And Kris Knock back with the totally opposite of “Ain’t No Sunshine”. Winging it on the piano totally took the stage to a new high. First round Kris is the winner no doubt.
Reaches to second, with “Born from the River” Adam K.O. with acing a classic previously done by former idol contestant Syesha and with his high hail inserted even new energy to the song.
And Kris Second takes of acappella on the guitar and stool is fits for a gang but the low and natural range does proves to be a bit too low key for the theatre.
Third round comes with both the finalists hitting it off with Kara co-written “No Boundaries”
Adam just hail it up to the cloud and brought it up to where it should be.
And for Kris to follow it. Third round proves to be too hard because Adam set the note so high and energetic that Kris toned down voice just mixes off in the anticipation of the duel and it seems he’d lose the battle

Friday, May 15, 2009

Eating out 3 is casting..... for those Homophobic folks out there please Ignore this@!!!

Feature Film / Indie Comedy
SAG ULTRA LOW BUDGET (a mix of union & non-union talent)
Start Date: June 5, 2009
Location: Los Angeles
Director: Glenn Gaylord
Producers: Michael J. Shoel, Q. Allan Brocka
Writers: Phillip J. Bartell, Q. Allan Brocka
Casting Director: Jason Wood
Casting Assistant: Anthony Kraus
EMAIL: - send your picture and resume and put the role you’d like to audition for in the SUBJECT LINE. Your submission will be considered but is not a guarantee of an audition.
The Eating Out films have proven to be immensely popular and prestigious comedies which not only launched the career of its creator, Q. Allan Brocka (Boy Culture, Rick and Steve: The Happiest Gay Couple In All The World), but it has also showcased the talents of such rising stars as American Idol’s Jim Verraros, Desperate Housewives’ Ryan Carnes, Marco Dapper, arguably one of the hottest men alive, and the comedic genius, Rebekah Kochan. Eating Out 1 had an indie theatrical release in over 25 cities, screened in over 100 film festivals and won numerous Jury and Audience awards including the prestigious Best First Feature Levi Strauss award at Frameline in San Francisco. It aired on Here! Television in the U.S. and proved to be one of the most popular DVD releases in TLA video history. Eating Out 2 followed in similar fashion, which puts Eating Out 3 in a prime position to clean up the whole plate!
[CASEY] 18-23, Caucasian. Helen's nephew, he's a skinny gay guy who is actually very cute in a geeky kind of way,and possesses a sly sense of humor. Recently out of the closet, Casey deplores the obsessive emphasis on sex in the gay community. That all changes when he volunteers at the Larry Craig Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgendered Center, where he meets the hunky Zack and falls hard for him at first sight. Zack is interested in him too, but when he learns that Casey faked a GaySpace page in order to get closer to him, he feels betrayed, and Casey has to go into full damage control mode if he wants to salvage his floundering relationship...LEAD (4) ROLE INVOLVES SHIRTLESS SCENES AND SIMULATED SEX.
[ZACK] 18-23, any ethnicity. A dark-haired God with a killer bod/six-pack abs, great smile, and eyes that look like trouble. As sweet as he is handsome. Zack, who works at the local gay and lesbian center, thinks his new volunteer, Casey, is quite charming. At loose ends when he breaks up with his hot but evil boyfriend, Lionel, Zack meets his perfect new gay-mate, "Ryan," online. When he learns that Ryan is actually Casey's fake identity, he's miffed, to say the least. Later, when Tiffani and the real-life Ryan intervene to make things right, Zack finally gets his hot and happy ending, in more ways than one...LEAD (16) ROLE INVOLVES TASTEFUL, SINGLE SHOT, FRONTAL NUDITY AND SIMULATED SEX.
[RYAN] 18-23, any ethnicity. Tiffani's ex, he's "scorching hot physical perfection" who works as a gay club stripper, but is actually straight. Ryan broke up with Tiffani some time ago and moved away. Just back in town, he's shocked to learn that he's been hooking up onl ine with the gay Zack, who has been scammed by Tiffani and Casey. Anxious to get back at Tiffani, Ryan exposes the shabby trick that she and Casey have played but later joins Tiffani to match-make between Zack and Casey. To his own surprise, during the heated "make-up" session, he proves to himself and Tiffani that he can be lovable and generous. He and Tiffani wind up reconciling as well after their wild and woolly evening...LEAD (41) ROLE INVOLVES TASTEFUL, SINGLE SHOT, FRONTAL NUDITY AND SIMULATED SEX.
[LIONEL] 18-23, any ethnicity. Zack's supremely fit and handsome boyfriend, he looks like heaven on earth, but he's a brass-plated bitch with an evil personality - think a “Mean Girl” with abs. He and Zack may have hot sex, but Zack finally gets tired of his nastiness and breaks up with him. Jealous of Casey and Zack's growing intimacy, Lionel sets out to seduce the hapless Casey and sabotage his fledgling relationship -- but despite his tactics, the two young lovers finally get together after all...LEAD (19) ROLE INVOLVES SHIRTLESS SCENES, BACKSIDE NUDITY AND SIMULATED SEX.
[TANDY] 18-23, Asian. A brooding, sarcastic, ballbusting “Daria” type, she's Zack's best friend, a bit of a wet blanket who detests the vivacious Tiffani at first sight. Terrified of being a fag hag, Tandy is trying to limit her interactions with her gay guy friends. When Tiffani refuses to let her interrupt Zack's hot threesome, the two women mix it up, with Tan dy getting the worst of the encounter...LEAD (16)
[HARRY] 60s-70s, any ethnicity. This exuberant, outgoing, witty gay man is a regular volunteer at the gay and lesbian center. He takes a keen platonic interest in Casey and proves a loyal friend who has some sage advice about Casey's floundering love life...13 speeches & 8 lines, 3 scenes (14)
[ERNESTO] 18-23, Latin. This Latin hunk has kinky sex with Tiffani in a coffin in a back room at the church where a funeral is being held...2 speeches & 13 lines, 2 scenes (1) ROLE REQUIRES SHIRTLESS SCENE, BACKSIDE NUDITY, AND SIMULATED SEX.
[PAM] 30s-50s, Thai. Decidedly unhip, belligerent, this woman works at the nail salon with Tiffani. She bickers constantly with Tiffani in Thai. A real character, she keeps up a blue streak of obscenity that no one else can understand...1 speech & 10 lines, 4 scenes (10) MUST SPEAK THAI.
[CANDY] 18-30s, Thai. Pam's younger charge co-worker at the nail salon, she also speaks only in Thai...1 line, 3 scenes (10) MUST SPEAK THAI.
STORY LINE: How far would you go to get the person of your dreams? In EATING OUT 1, a straight guy pretends to be gay to get the girl. EATING OUT 2: SLOPPY SECONDS saw a gay guy pretending to be straight to land another guy. This time out, bombastic Tiffani and her new friend CASEY, a gay guy recently out, try to lure the gorgeous ZACK, the object of Casey's adoration, by creating a phony GaySpace page using t he image of Tiffani's buff ex, RYAN. But when Zack learns of the deception, he's furious, and ready to write Casey off for good -- until Tiffani and the real-life Ryan intervene to rekindle the romance between the estranged gay guys and in the process, light quite a fire between themselves as well.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Spolier for the west cost!!!!!!! American Idol Down to 2

As Expected, Adam and Kris is off to the finale next week. and it's be a battle between the vocal Artist and the instrumental

American Idol Top 3 Battle for the Finale seats

Last night American Idol Top 3 start with Danny Gokey going all out on the key on Trent D'Arby's "Dance Little Sister” though he tries to be as energetic as he can. He has hit his on road block on the vocal. His highest note is not high enough to carry the song to the highest energy.
Then came Kris Allen, who rendition of the much listened One Republic’s “Apologize” is less than flattering. Great effort to do it on a piano on himself but the vocal is not up to the par. Though he tried to switch the falsetto part to his own but fail to impress indeed.
Adam start the rendition of U2’s “One” with a soft and tender note. In fact the start is even better than Bono. Then he switch to his signature high range for Mary J. Blidge’s part of the songs and nail every note and even create some riffs of his own. Then closing it with a tender gesture at the end. Perfect performance. I must say that’s the best any contestant have done on a song so difficult to maneuver.
The middle section of the show shows Carrie Underwood journey on promoting and helping the Idol Gives back on the past years. (the segment of the show is not done this year due to the Economic Crisis.)
Danny came back on to rendition his take on the classic Joe Cocker's version of "You Are So Beautiful”. He took liberty in changing the melody of the song and to tell the truth the change is not as good as the original. He also missed on a couple of the crucial notes of the songs that’s define the sentiment of the classic for centuries. So, with 2 just OK performance, I don’t know if it’s gonna get him into the finale.
Kris Allen takes on another monster of the night to perform on a guitar and unplugged of Kanye West’s “Heartless”. It is a totally different take on the songs, the judges love the creativity and Simon even recognized it as a vocal master class. Personally I think there’s still some improvements on Kris part both on vocal and control of nerves and confidence on the stage. It is effecting his performance. He just have to drop whatever that worries him and let loose. And go into the zone when he is doing “His Thing” over a month ago.
Adam take on the Aerosmith classic’s “Crying” is close enough to the beat. I mean it’s shadowed in comparison with the first performance. His note change is not as right on point than the original version. So there’s not much to see there. But I must say all 3 contestants finish…… Adam is at the top spot, with just the first performance, he’d earn his right to be in the finale. Regardless what happen next.
It will be a fight between the instrumental and artistic Kris Allen and the vocal master Danny tonight.
I must say if Danny Go through tonight then next week there would be no surprise that Adam will have gotten the throne, that is if there’s no surprise broken down on Adam part, because if it comes down to vocal, there’s no compare to Adam. But if it’s Kris, there’s still some curve ball of instrumental and unplugged performance that he can take liberty of, and it’d be a more interesting show to watch too.
So will see in a couple of hours, who will be going to the finale.
From last night’s performance, my take is Adam and Danny.
But from the desire of how a finale should be it’d be Adam and Kris.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

V6 summer 2008 concert is a bang and the best stage design ever

Just finish watching last year’s V6 summer tour concert.
Regardless the geeky dance moves, the community exercise-esque dance routine the audience do with the band or the quirky singing voice.
I must say, from the 13 years the guys have been in the business. The still below 30 age of some of the member. The stage setting, the visual effects is the best in the business.
In an arena show, to have all 6 members running from the head of the stage to the far back of the arena and getting everyone involve is already a tiring show to watch. yet, every movement of the LCD screen is perfectly staged with the choreograph including their the way they moves and the position each member is to stand on the stage.
The LCD screen stretches from the 1st floor to the top floor where the band mates actually can have contact with the audience on the top floor and the effects follow the member throughout the arena.
It is the best stage design I’ve ever seen in any show both abroad and Japan and I think Johnny’s does it best, far, far better than those did in western stage.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Star Trek for the ultimate Trekie is the most entertaining movie of the year..... and the Best Enterprise movie ever.

To tell the truth, Start Trek could possibly be the single most interesting movie I’ve ever watch this year.
It is definitely the most exciting Star Trek movie I’ve ever watched.
The alternative reality version of the movie is a totally acceptable version. The best ensemble ever to be cast in a star trek movie.
From Chris Pine as captain Kirk, Zachary Quinto as Spock and Leonard Nimoy as the old Spock that gone back in time into the alternate reality.
Even John Cho as Hikaru Sulu and Karl Urban as Bones is right up to the mark. And who can forget Anton Yelchin as the most convincing final with a right and funny Russian ecsent Pavel Chekov and the even funnier engineer by the even funnier Simon Pegg. Down right to Jennifer Morrison and Chris Hemsworth as Kirk parents is some of the best choice a producer had ever made in the casting of the movie.
The story started with the movie beginning. Finally a movie that is like a prequel or reinvention or readapted movie that doesn’t waste too many time on explaining the past.
Finally there’s one movie that’s so entertaining that it makes sense fom start to the end.
The classical movie magic is back to full force. There’s no dumb jokes, there’s the right guy with the right timing, there’s the person that fits the character right to a T and even makes the old character better. Now this is what I call a remake.
J.J.Abrams still got his magic.
The one complain I got is I think it’s about time that you guys change the costum man. That….. egg york yellow and the tight long sleeve really gotta go. It’s so 60’s. The only person with a real update on wardrop is Zoe Saldana’s Uhura.
P.S. Even Director, Writer, and Actor Mr. Tyler Perry is there to lend his support as the Federation's Chief Commander

Friday, May 8, 2009

America's Got Talent Casting in Houston on May 15th guys!!!!

Dear Casting Couch Members:Do you have a talent worth 1 million dollars?

Our friends at America’s Got Talent are holding an audition in Houston!

Apply today for an audition.

Deadline is May 15th.


This year the team will be holding auditions in more cities than ever before. Houston is in two days, submit a video today!

COMING NEXT...HOUSTON - MAY 9TH & 10TH George R Brown Convention Center

1001 Avenida de las Americas

Houston, Texas 77208

Please do not contact the venue


We still want to see your act! If you don’t live in the Houston area please submit a video audition! HURRY!!! DEADLINE approaching fast!

If you cannot make it to an audition in Houstong, there are two ways to submit a video of your act. You can mail in the tape or upload a video of your performance. The length should be 2-3 minutes. All music performed must be a "cover version" of a popular, published song. NO ORIGINALS please.


Upload your video when you click on mynbc (located in the center of this page) to apply for an audition.Mail-In

1) They will accept VHS & DV tapes along with DVDs. (Please NO hi-8 or formats that need VHS adaptors.) Label the tape or disc with your name, act name, address and phone number.

2) Download and complete the following forms. Eligibility Requirements/Casting Information Sheet/Personal Release Form (Adobe Reader is required to view the forms. Click here to download a free copy if you do not have it installed.) Please take your time and answer all the questions.

3) Send it in the mail to:America's Got Talent, Season 43727 W. Magnolia Blvd., #808

Burbank, CA 91505

Please submit your video by May 15th 2009.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Well! the final 3 is in and everyone can start prepping for the parade! Allison is out

Yup, another surprise for the week.

Allison is out of the race and the family member and the community of Danny, Kris and Adam can started their parade.

I thought it was supposed to be a fight between Kris and Danny. but apparently the statistic of voting behavior for female and male contestants and the popularity factor really does effect the result.

Allison can go with her head held high. She is as talented as the rest of the gang. and she's proven that.

Calling Every Treki in the world

this week marks the premiere of the Star Trek reinvention......

So everyone get a refresh look of the old Enterprise now guys....

featuring Chris Pine, Zachary Quinto, Leonard Nimoy reprising his role as the older Spock, Eric Bana, Karl Urban, John Cho, Wynona Ryder
almost everyone of who's who in the motion picture business is in the loop.
and J.J. Abrams is promising the most amazing revamp of the oldies.
it may displease the great old trekis with another version of the new start of the Enterprise into space. but it'll be a new attration to the new generation who have not followed every Trek TV show and movies in the past.
and the new movie is bound to spawn anothing series of sequel to the ultimate Sequel Buster of the universe.

American Idol Top 4 - Adam Lambert is safe and not everyone else

We have another shuffle this week on the Top 4. Everything is on the line and the resident rocker is heating it up the air waves in the studio.
First up on stage is Adam Lambert who rock out the first Led Zeppelin of the show and nailed it to the high sea.
Could he have been beaten by himself? Nope, he’s the rock God pf all rocking contestant of the show. It’s heavy metal all the way for the contender and I think he just got his ticket to the Final. Every rockin moment is high on energy and in perfect rock style. He is the one to beat this week.
Next up is allison the resident rock chick. Both of them have taken the wing and fly over the moon with it. The Janis Joplin with a modern twist. She got so much raw energy that’s not too flowery that she’s made the performance as current as it can be.
She did hit the top of her range on the last chorus line and the judge do think a more melodic that just cry Baby will do her good.
The first duet is up next with Kris and Danny on the line when they pair up their harmony sound magnificient. But when they break apart the song broke. The key is off the beat is off. So though Simon call it on Kris as the weaker one I do think that’s not the real point, because Danny take the higher range of the song and it’s still quite soon to call it.
Kris Allen is up next, taking a beatle and a guitar, he did the Carly Smithson song last year with a unplgged twist. Though he is himself in the style he is not himself at all when he is performning. He’ll be a bit nervous thistime. But if Kris is voted off, the show will be pretty boring this year in the final. Because he is the only one with the chops to take on a song, make it original and on a guitar to showcase it.
Danny Gokey is up after that , he’s hesitating at first, the note switch is totally wrong and the last bit of the screaming is off. He took a risk and it won’t pay off this time for him
The show ended with Adam and Allison in a duet. The two ultimate pole of the rockin ice cape is here. It’s a solid performance and they fit well, hit well, and they cling well together. It’s right on target and it’s pretty obvious that Kris and Danny is in trouble this week.
At this point to have done a performance that’s below par is just not going to look pleasant.
Finally for one week there’s a unison reaction on both popular and talent votes. No doubt about it.
Adam and Allison is top 2 and
Kris and Danny is the low 2
Will Kris song change cost him the step to the final or Danny losing on the high notes?
Danny has never been in the low 2 and Kris is there last week will this week marks his leaving. We’ll just see tonight.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Summer movie season start

with Fighting, 17 Again and X Men Origin: Wolverine the summer movie season have finally started.

coming soon, Crank: High Voltage, Star Trek, The undeniably atticipated sequel to Twilight, New Moon, the long awaited Harry Potter 6, G.I. Joe, Transformer 2, the much politically incorrect Angels and Demons (or is it politically too correct?), Terminater.

it will be another year for the independent with the start of Tribeca and Spirit, hundreds of interesting title appear.

I must say when you guys go and watch Fame later the month there will be another heat for dancing and performing movies..... because they have the most amazing collection of performer.