Monday, May 25, 2009

Movies at the theatre today. Angels and Demons Fighting off Monters VS Aliens while Push for the 2nd round of Night at the Museum

Over a week ago I was on my regular movie visits.
It’s watching Angels and Demons on Digital Screen and Push.
Of course as anyone had expected Angels and Demons is a great success lacking in competition that week.
To me, if you have ever read a Dan Brown’s book, you’d know that there’s the clue, the controversy and the twist at the end. But with that anticipation too you’d have guessed much of the storyline in Angels and Demons and who is the villain.
But one good thing about Dan Browns book is the mystical blur vision it superimpose into the modern religious scene. It puts you into perspective of the century old tradition we holds called religion and let us reflects on peoples reaction and history in effects by religious believe ideology or choice. Which also created one of the most controversial idea in movie. Discussing religion publicly…. Right or wrong?
Anyway, the baseline of the story is that a series of murder is happening in Vatican and it is related to some century history, the violent history of a secret society Illuminate and the church. In the turn of the century when a pope is dead and a new pope is to be selected. Where all believers is mourning for the dead and celebrating the born of a new pope.
The digital capture of the movie gives you the best view of all the beauty that the city have to offers.
Push in some way are reflective of Angels and Demons, Wolverine or the TV series Hero. American with super power living in the small island of Hong Kong trying to escape from the grasp of the big enterprise. The place is so small how can anybody possibly escape from anyone?
Well, the cinematography is more of your typical Hong Kong Style than the usual American style. While I was pretty impress with the cast, Chris Evans, Djimon Hounsou, Dakota Fanning, but the script is lack of imagination and the blending of east and west just fail to inspire this time. it felt like a bunch of American acting in what seems like a 2nd rated action Hong Kong Movie. I was hoping for something better.
Anyway, the story is talking about the bio-experiment the Russian and American have done on children creating army of people with special ability, like the Pusher, could push thought into people mind and make them believe anything they “Push” into their minds. The sniffer can smell a person and find his traces anywhere. The Stitch can heal anyone of any injury or inflict them into anyone. The Mover can move objects at their will. Shifter can shift things into other things. And shadow can shield people from the sniffer. Watchers are those that can see the future. The bleeders are those that can screams and cos people to bleed through their ears and eyes. And wipers can wipe all memories out of people’s mind.
A pretty good idea to create a bunch of people like this but the structure of the story will have to be better than this.
Moving on, sure enough, I’ve gone for movies last weekend. Night at the Museum 2 is on showing. This time it’s bigger and more creature or people are involved. They go into the humungous Capital museum park, the Smithsonian and evoke havoc to the area. From giant squid to the Marble Abraham. And this time there’s flying in planes, Egypt myths stretch to the underworld. The humor is still pretty much in tacked. Yet, just like the first movie it lack of a bit of context to the story. It’s just plain non-sense from the beginning to the end all over again. Well, just laugh it all out.
Monster VSAliens, finally the movie has come to the theatre on this side of the world. After long overdue, the animation from DreamWorks about a bunch of monster defeating the invading aliens from outer space. Or should I say one alien.
Well, a whole bunch of fun. The graphic is good, the story is done well, and the character are pretty funny. I just dun think making the officials and the president in the movie as stupid as they are in the movie give a good taste. The security measure that they have in the facility is a good laugh though. All in all it’s more of a PG 13 movie in my opinion really.

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