Wednesday, May 27, 2009

DVD for the summer. Doubt and Frost/Nixon for hot summer

Right on the road to the summer, I dig back into the DVD collection to look at some of the most unlikely movie to watch in the summer. Oscar winning Character movies. My friend often call me crazy, why would I watch those boring movies? But why not? Does humanity are less interesting that all of the bombing and crazy fighting sequence or special effects? So some of the mellow, character pieces that truly talk about human are most interesting when you are alone in the library.
The first piece I watch is Doubt. The story is about the alleged claim by a nun or charity sister that a priest has a hand on one of the altar boy.
Meryl Streep is the nun who is the principal that confront the priest about the situation. There’s 4 main character in the movie. One is the principal, the priest is Philip Seymour Hoffman, the innocent young nun that find out about the peculiar behavior of the priest, portrays by Amy Adams and the mother of the Altar Boy Viola Davis.
If the story you discover the living truth of the Boston public in the 60’s. the character that is involve. The performance of the actors and actresses down to the little kids that played the altar boys are tune to perfection. This is the reason why no matter how good other movies are, this pieces reveal what best actor and best actresses material really are.
I won’t talk much about the story because it is those story that needed to see it to really love it. Or hate it. Some people are receptive to the ending of these kinda story some are totally rejecting this kinda movies. But it is a stage play that is adapted to movies. So the dangling feelings of the unanswered questions are mostly acceptable.

Another master piece movie of the last Oscar is Frost/Nixon. Ever since I knew the existence of the movie I wanted to bad to watch it. It is a piece of the history of mankind. The Vietnam war, human right and the abusive of power and what the position of POTUS truly meant after Eisenhower and the scandal that brought his achiever into resignation. The only resignation of a president in the history of the United State. It also discusses the humanity of the person who is David Frost and Richard Nixon. Is he truly the Devil that is portray at the time or is he still the president that is voted onto the stage and to have the movie comes out last year it totally reflects a lot of the Bush administration on the matter of war and the character of the president have on world history and their promises and action on dealing with such situation, in the term of politics and their role. His relationship forge with China and Soviet Union at the time is impeccable.
Anyway, of course a Frost/Nixon movie is about the many people that involve in that one event. The interview soon after the resignation of the president, the two teams that is there. One trying to solicit the apologies from the publicly opinionated president that have failed. The other to reinforce if not revive the fallen reputation of a good man. Both team thinks they are right in the matter. Of course for the movie the expression and the acting of the actor is dramatized compare to the original real interview. But that is what makes a movie stand out. Great actors that is playing the character into the right feel, invoking unknown feelings that the audiences have about the situation and allow the viewers to judge it for themselves. Nothing is forced.
You finished the movie with the respect for both sides. And the gravity of the movie really have on the history is gratifying.

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