Thursday, June 25, 2009

Farrah Fawcett, our 'Angel' have died at 62

To have 2 of the brightest and most generous person to pass away on the same day would be a loss for us all.

Farrah Fawceett, the original Charlie's Angels, the talented and Kind Farrah Fawcett have passed away on Thursday morning at St. John's Health Center at Santa Monica.

Our sincere Condolenses for the family and friends.

Michael Jackson have Passed away yesterday

Michael Jackson had left us at UCLA yesterday night.

The most covered superstar of our time. Had passed at noon.

The start that have launch a million Music Video with his pioneering Thriller, the first music video.

Not a dancers have not learned his moves, not a musicians had ever not heard his songs. He is truly the King of Pop.

Our Condolences to his family and friends and all his fans.

He will be remembered always as the brightest star or our century

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Lady Gaga and James Morrison is comparison

About a couple of weeks before I bought Lady Gaga and James Morrison from the CD shelf.
Never got the chance to review it. I don’t know why. Lady Gaga is the hottest tickets in town and James Morrison is equally as hot in the UK.
But I just immerse myself in the beat and the croon and forgot to introduce the good stuff to the crowd.
Yes Lady Gaga is outrageously smart and talented and daring, and I must say if you have seen her perform live you’d know that she is it. She got what it takes, she got the musician, she got the art, she got the business sense and she gets what’s entertainment is all about. So she is my artist of the……. Month (I wish I can say of the year but it’d too early to judge the whole year now.)
As for James, he is the normal, soft hearted, smooth melodic, harsh voices, tormented soulful self in the new album. Need me to say more? Every tune in the album, Songs for you, Truths for me is totally and completely James Morrison eccentric. It don’t get any better than this if you want to mend a broken hearts of if you want to fall in love. James voices simply ease you into the mood

Movie Weekend, Scare the Heel out of Drag me To Hell, then grind down with Hannah Montana, punch out in Fighting and Ended up 17 Again

It’s been a really busy week. After 2 weeks of rest I’ve finally got the chance to chase back all my movie reel.
From the Director of Spiderman comes the scariest and also the funniest horror movie of the year.
Drag Me To Hell have all the hells effects in place the scare the hell out of you.
There’s the flying hankerchief, the ugly old mama, the crazy flying people and things, the satanic ritual, the curse the black goat itself and dragging everyone through firy crack floor.
The exocist’esque movie with a modern and special effect twist. The most scary scene from the movie is also the funniest of them all.
The old lady with the crooked tooth, the humor of a no teeth monster trying to bite the dust out of the young beautiful girl. The crazy thing and funny thing the girl can do to actually fight back the curse ghost…..
I must say it is in a rank on it’s own. Funny and scary at the same time. It’s a first on a horror thriller.

Of course after the ups and downs of a scary movie I had to relax a bit. So I went to the most light hearted movie, and light weighted movie of the summer, Hannah Montana.
I must say it is truly the kid movie for the summer, celebrity check, well-known character check, love interest check, beautiful girl check, children suitable song and conduct check, no-kissing check, and handsome young guy check.
What more could you say for the 10 to 25 crowds on a movie like this? Totally attractive.
Oh! Guys, it is a singing movie so……. You’d enjoy the kiddo humor I dun think you’d like the rest of it.
Then after a relax sequence, I squeeze in some spare time for a quick bite before rushing back into the cinema for my 3rd roll of the day.

Fighting,the starter of summer blockbuster for Channing Tatum. He got 3 movies coming out this year, starting with the not so hyped, yet solid Fighting. You read it and you know what it’s about, underground fight club, also starring the equally charming Tterrence Howard. They fight and people waged on the bet who will win.
The story is pretty loose, basing most of it on Channing Tatum handsome charm. Like Recognizing Your Saint, Channing Tatum gave a convince performance in the movie but the material is a bit too brief. The street, the tough people, the lower class and the people fighting. The reflection on the situation is just surface of course, most of it is pretty focus on Channing Tatum fights. It’s not Oscar material but it’s still entertaining to watch.

All of the movies aside, my friend would tell you this is the best movie she’s watched. 17 Again. Just her cup of tea, she’s just there to gawk at Zac Efron and cry with him when he did in the movie.
Don’t get me wrong, the movie is fantastically funny. Every beat of comedic humor is on point and I lost my voice laughing to hard. But it is a guy candy fest no doubt. Calling all hormone raging girl and women (yup ,all you cougar out there.) feast your eyes on the most eligible bachelor of the year if not the hottest.(Chace Crawford beat Zac to it this year in People Magazine.)

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Transformers : Revenge of the Fallen Just broke records

Just came back from the Transformers premiere.
If you are a special effects buff, you’ll be dump founded by this sequel.
Last time it’s great, this time it’s even better. Finally there’s the screen shots that’s not too tight that’s enable the audience to look at some of the fight sequence clearer.
Of course to make it even bigger, this time there’s the no introduction straight into storyline attitude to the movie.
From the start the transformer is getting both bigger and smaller.
The mind boggling special effects if just devastating to all graphic designer from now on. How can you create so many shots in just the short time of 2 years?
The new, more advanced transformers is much much more sophisticated than last time.
You think creating 12 robots last time is tough. Try hundreds this time, and possibility or combined transformed transformers this time.
Well, special effects aside, I must say though this time it dealt more into the characters feeling of family matters and the comedic punch line is plugged in throughout the movie. It is still a bit weak at places and disjointed.
But I must say, Michael Bay really has some tricks up his sleeves negotiating all the advanced military machine that is being shown on the show. The variety of it is….. uncountable.
The scene is bigger, the sequence is clearer and faster and the storyline is….. ok and the dialog is awesome.
Oh! did I mention, that on this first day all the 4 cinemas showing the same movie at the same time this evening are all fullhoused? Yup, the summer blockbusters season has truly started.

Michael Buble: Meet Madison Square Garden - A Truthful, personal and Enjoyable Documentary

This week on DVD, is the launches of the Michael Buble’s Concert Documentary DVD +CD.
You can never get too old of Michael old style pop really. The perfect charm, the warmth of the gang and all the musicians in Michael’s company.
Michael claims he’s reach his goal after Madison Square Garden, which presented a bit of a sad note on the show… yet, the concert is fantastic.
Although I have hoped there’s more footage of the concert, like any full length show it’d be nice. Instead of the concentrated version of the show with the side dish of the documentary.
Yup, this time it’s more of a documentary than and Concert DVD. But it is a sincere piece for the fans and all. You get to see the relax and daily and love and normalcy and un-normal nature of the artist life on the road, all the behind the scene footage let you have a great understanding of Michael as a person.

Jonas Brothers: Lines, Vines and Trying Times

I just got my copy of Jonas Brothers New Album the other day.
Literally, and regardless what people claim, they are the biggest band out there to date.
Reason, yes the largest consumer group of music, is the tween.
So how does the new album Lines, Vines and Trying Times…. Fair?
It does pretty well, the boys are growing. After all the rumor and conflicts they are still capable to overcome those. It’s a great work professionally and personally.
I doubt that sometimes adult can do better than they did.
Well, gossip aside. The album is a solid follow up to their sophomore album. Now they are really transported into the professional category.
Though the album is a solid work, I do felt it’s a bit lack of surprises. Like any album that have come to a stage of steadiness, the style or innovation of the songs in the album also become slower.
I love the first single out of the album, Paranoid, very energetic and Jonas-esque( they have their own style category now). It’s a notch above from last album’s fast beat songs. The follow up to this successful single will be the much talk about Miley Cyrus collaborated duet. It will again get the rumor mill started. But in all it is a quintessential current tween pop style of the 2 big shots.
You get both much grown style of the Jonas brothers and Miley Cyrus in one song.
If you have heard,(if not you must have stayed in a cave for the last few months) Climb, from Miley Cyrus’s Hannah Montana movie, then you’ll have a clue how before the storm sound like

Transformers : Revenge of the Fallen Premiere, Much Bigger, Much Hyped, More Action, Sillier

Just came back from the Transformers premiere.
If you are a special effects buff, you’ll be dump founded by this sequel.
Last time it’s great, this time it’s even better. Finally there’s the screen shots that’s not too tight that’s enable the audience to look at some of the fight sequence clearer.
Of course to make it even bigger, this time there’s the no introduction straight into storyline attitude to the movie.
From the start the transformer is getting both bigger and smaller.
The mind boggling special effects if just devastating to all graphic designer from now on. How can you create so many shots in just the short time of 2 years?
The new, more advanced transformers is much much more sophisticated than last time.
You think creating 12 robots last time is tough. Try hundreds this time, and possibility or combined transformed transformers this time.
Well, special effects aside, I must say though this time it dealt more into the characters feeling of family matters and the comedic punch line is plugged in throughout the movie. It is still a bit weak at places and disjointed.
But I must say, Michael Bay really has some tricks up his sleeves negotiating all the advanced military machine that is being shown on the show. The variety of it is….. uncountable.
The scene is bigger, the sequence is clearer and faster and the storyline is….. ok and the dialog is awesome.
Oh! did I mention, that on this first day all the 4 cinemas showing the same movie at the same time this evening are all fullhoused? Yup, the summer blockbusters season has truly started.

The parents might need to have a translator beside them on all the terminology of the matrix and Energon. and the Prime.
and Parents might not be that please with the movie reference on dog humping and robot genitalea

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Amway, is it really a risk free business?

I was missing for the past 2 weeks because I have been researching for a subject that have been in my mind for the past decade. The research got me dug up my old book of Rich Dad Poor Dad to really understand the concept behind the matter and does it fits into my idea of Law of attraction or being present.
And surprising it, most part of it fits like a glove.
Now to tell the truth, if you are given a lawful way to earn an honest living risk free and finally gotten into a state of financial independence for your future and your family, would you even choose to try?
I thought it is too good to be true either but it does exist in Amway. I’ve paid my 75 dollars of membership, which I’ve already gain back most of it in my first month of discount buying their products. The products are the same of those that I’ve been buying since a decade ago.
The idea of introducing the company’s commission schemes and products to others got me back off a bit on the matter. But after thinking it through I find there’s no fault in the matter but my shyness and fears of rejections. But I’m not exactly introducing anything stranger than what any business is doing, building network sahring ideas and good products. All production risk, marketing expenses and outlet establishment is already taken care by Amway itself. The product is totally quality product, I know cause I’ve been using it for year. Great house whole product, totally organic, tested, proven and certified vitamins and supplements (nutilite) that is endorsed by world class athletes even supplies to all athletes in the Olympics, top ranking cosmetic and skin care product (Artistry). I just need to let people know about the money they can earn from the commission scheme and the product they can buy with discount when they become members and introducer of other users. I find it’s a unbelievably easy thing to do. I’m buying things I want to use for myself and sharing with people about how really good they are (when in actual facts they really are), and sharing with them the possibility that they can also earn money from the matter.
To tell the truth I have my doubts at first. Yet I’m already using the product, I’m just adding the possibility of earning some extra bucks by sharing the good news with others. No risk involve, seeing I’ve already earn my membership fees back with my members discount and guaranteed full refund at the end of the year if I decided to discontinue my account. Where’s the risk? I ask.
Maybe in the end just my pride a bit bruised. Some may feel it, but I couldn’t. I’m not eagerly pursuing people to buy things, nothing undignified about it. I’m simply sharing this great idea and system to someone that wishes to grab the chance to spend on satisfying products and earn money in the process. I find it has no different from any discount card promotion or points calculation purchasing tactics that is done by any mall or even what investment account manager promises of that 1% return each year from the thousands we invested as have lost from last years down turn. And some more people that have been members for years are living a financially secure life out of it (if you are able to have enough network mass)
The funny thing about the whole ordeal is, I meet with a bunch of genuinely good people in the process. People that is eager to share their experience with me, how they actually build a network and how to communicate with people that is applicable in my own job.
Rejection is a part of life. We get it in everything and every job interview venture and business. Nothing to be shameful when this business is not personal at all.
We sometimes spend more money on things we simply sees a celebrity where even before all the testing and guarantee or even effects. What’s wrong when you are sharing with people something you believe is good?
Pride? I have none, I’ll still be as broke as I was before I do this business, I’d be as happy as I was before. The only thing that is different maybe I can find more friend and learn how to work a business of my own and the skill in communicating with my family, friends or strangers.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Calling all Idol Wannabes...... The American Idol Audition have started!!!!

Calling All Idol Wannabe.....
The Summer Auditions for the most watched show on earth have started in Mass!!!!!

Monday, June 1, 2009

This week’s News Reel in

GM file for bankruptcy protection and will be sizing into a smaller group with the US Government investment.

Air France Jet Presumed Down at the Atlantic ocean. Search have been initiated.

Stock is rallying into a good start on the beginning of the week.

Ford is reportedly have a 136% stock growth since the beginning of the year.

Conan O’Brien making Tonight Show debut.

Susan Boyle - British's Britain Got Talent show contestant, youtube sensation came in second on the show finale.

Thousands marches around the streets of US against Prob 8