Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Jonas Brothers: Lines, Vines and Trying Times

I just got my copy of Jonas Brothers New Album the other day.
Literally, and regardless what people claim, they are the biggest band out there to date.
Reason, yes the largest consumer group of music, is the tween.
So how does the new album Lines, Vines and Trying Times…. Fair?
It does pretty well, the boys are growing. After all the rumor and conflicts they are still capable to overcome those. It’s a great work professionally and personally.
I doubt that sometimes adult can do better than they did.
Well, gossip aside. The album is a solid follow up to their sophomore album. Now they are really transported into the professional category.
Though the album is a solid work, I do felt it’s a bit lack of surprises. Like any album that have come to a stage of steadiness, the style or innovation of the songs in the album also become slower.
I love the first single out of the album, Paranoid, very energetic and Jonas-esque( they have their own style category now). It’s a notch above from last album’s fast beat songs. The follow up to this successful single will be the much talk about Miley Cyrus collaborated duet. It will again get the rumor mill started. But in all it is a quintessential current tween pop style of the 2 big shots.
You get both much grown style of the Jonas brothers and Miley Cyrus in one song.
If you have heard,(if not you must have stayed in a cave for the last few months) Climb, from Miley Cyrus’s Hannah Montana movie, then you’ll have a clue how before the storm sound like

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