Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Michael Buble: Meet Madison Square Garden - A Truthful, personal and Enjoyable Documentary

This week on DVD, is the launches of the Michael Buble’s Concert Documentary DVD +CD.
You can never get too old of Michael old style pop really. The perfect charm, the warmth of the gang and all the musicians in Michael’s company.
Michael claims he’s reach his goal after Madison Square Garden, which presented a bit of a sad note on the show… yet, the concert is fantastic.
Although I have hoped there’s more footage of the concert, like any full length show it’d be nice. Instead of the concentrated version of the show with the side dish of the documentary.
Yup, this time it’s more of a documentary than and Concert DVD. But it is a sincere piece for the fans and all. You get to see the relax and daily and love and normalcy and un-normal nature of the artist life on the road, all the behind the scene footage let you have a great understanding of Michael as a person.

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