Tuesday, December 15, 2009

The New Moon Saga have begun

Alright, after the Black Friday……
There’s no way that anyone can write a decent movie review without talking about the New Moon
How can you, skip the biggest thing to ever hit the screen this year.
So, Taylor Lautner is the lead on this years of the Twilight Saga, but with the story, the obsession of Bella on the Vamp, the bitterness from departing from the sweetness of last year’s movie, Jacob still remain as the Second lead in the second movie.
The main line of the story is still, the love story between Bella and Edward.
The storyline is well formed, and balanced between action and love hurting, yet for those that have no idea what the story book is about will have problem accepting the changes. and it’s seems a bit boring to see a love that never would work blossom in Jacob. The humor is less in this second movie. A typical example of what’s actually work on books would seem a bit hard to translate the anticipation into movie.
It's like too few at the beginning and too much at the end.
Anyway, the Volturi is an exciting to look at with that amazing cast, but fans knows that they are not likely to come back until the last movie.
and the wolf packs is right up the alleyway of good. the effects is good enough too. at least the wolf is intimidating to look at.
Anyway, for the die-hard fans, there’s no way that they are going to miss the next 2 movie, no matter what. It is still one of the most interesting story that teenage this century decade have.

This year, if anyone have seen the premiere you’d notice the far far reaching effects that fame have on something. It’s humungous compare to last year, so-called independence movie premiere. Every media is there. Even the evening news network, it’s crazy. (And well done to twi-fans they also packed and Blown up Comic-con this year.). it’s a wonder how big it’s gonna blow up in the coming 2 years.
With the progress of the filming and the schedule of the shoot, the saga would surely end in 2012, so what will happen after that? What would happen to the Twilight gang then? Or the fans?

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