Thursday, December 27, 2007
Good or Bad?
It is not sad, she is fighting for a new presidency election, and she died for it literally.
and her death may just have some effect on the Pakistan election on 8th January. Could there be a presidency that a dead woman would win?
Her death may just bring a ripple effect on the world. you just wait and see.
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Merry Chistmas And Happy New Year

Former S Club 8 kid all grown up, In this year's new series Life Is wild. All You Brit, Fist your eye on your home grown Kid struting his stuff in the US or A.

- (A magazine like Blog that have all interesting Issue and Content but It's target for more MeteroSexual Audience)
- (This one of course is a Blog that is more for the Homosexual Audience)
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
X Factor Sensation

Sunday, December 16, 2007
Weekend Movie Getaway
the "Golden compass" wasn't as bad as the critics or the tickets sales seems. It's really quite interesting. thought you might see a bit of the shadow of Narnia and LOTR. but i guess the lack luster of a young handsome actor like Orlando Bloom or William Moseley is one of the reason the ticket sale wasn't as great as they think it would get. Cos it's a kid movie with the attraction of Nicole Kidman and Daniel Craig. Surely kids is not going for them, nor do adult go for a kid movie. so that's it. just a mismatch of actor in the show. but never the less it is one good story gone to waste if the second and third movie is not produced.
as for the chipmunks. they a pure fountain of joy to be watched. really It's too short in my opinion. the director don't really have to cut so fast. but the singing and the humor is just great. brings back so much old old memories when i watch them cartoon replay right before "I Love Lucy" replay.
The Surprise internet singing sensation

But, my surprise today, is not my first time to relly serving the you tube databases. it's that I came across this kid, looks like from somewhere in the east. His name is Warrne Zentz, his voice is well form, a bit raw. but much better than Leon in his Audition. though his performance is somewhat artificial sometimes yet his voice is undoubtably one of the best I've heard. of course producer would say that "there are millions of such talent out there". If so, this golden child simply look astonishing, and if you dun sign him mister now, he'll be signed sooner or later. what you need is a good producer, he got the talent already. tube his name in you tube and you'll see what i mean.
Monday, December 3, 2007
I went to a concert and movie this week!

Thursday, November 29, 2007
Everyone! I know! I Know! End Of Week again
so here's what happening.
with thanksgiving on means that the Chistmas and new year is coming really soon.
so on this festive month, have any of you gone and buy your present or any of the holiday sales bargain? If not better do it fast.......
so what's happening? We have Jordin Spark, the new Crowning American Idol's first Album, yes I know, not as estatic when you heard the first single. never mind. I just the wrong first choice, she's still the same girl with the strong voice, you'll see when She's performing live and in later single. a word for Jordin, first single ain't mean nothing girl, you just do your thing, the chellenge here is not doing it with a lot of sales, it's how long you can stay there. so you ain't no one hit wonder with that voice. take good care of it and you'll find yourself in the top spot soon enough.
well, for all the ladies and G-ents, I know you all are waiting for Blake Lewis's new gig to come. he's ultra-cool mix will come out in a couple of weks so watch out for another Clay Aiken miracle first runner up.
And I still hope that the very much JT like Chris Ricardson would have his aldum out at this festive season too. cos JT is taking much too long to get his third album out. HAHA. and there is Paris and Melinda by the way? they ought to have got an ink on some paper by now.
well, besides the new graduate coming out with their own name, Carrie underwood is having a blast with the new album, and plenty of ppl are coming out with a much more festive album, like the #1 album of the week, Noel by Josh Groban, one of my all time fav, and of course who could forget such classical Songstress like, Barbara Striesand and Frank Sinatra or Aretha Franklin, and if you are looking for something with a Operatic Twist, Il Divo Previous Christmas are on sale. haha and of cors who could forget all those Choir Music like the Trinity Boys Choir, Christmas Carol. and not to forget the HSM bunble of Christmas song collection from Disney, I'm sure that the kids would love to have that one.
Well, of cors there are the usual suspect that alway likes to come out right before the festive wave takes over the last month the year. Kieth Urban with his new Greatest hits Album, The Best from Andrea Brocelli, you should check out the Johnny Depp new Movie's Soundtrack, or the "Into The Wild" Soundtrack for those OST Junkie out there you'd love this one if you like the Brokeback Mountain's. Hair Spray would be a good choice if you haven't have it. but seeing that all of the year's summer Blockbuster is coming out with DVD so early for the Holiday, you might want to wait for the DVD. and for some pure music pleasure you can check out the Dave Koz Winter Album, it's a pure joy of Xmas Tune.
Anyway, normal Festive music aside, I'd love to introduce the a couple geniuses in the industry that many ppl have ignore, Damien Rice and One Republic. Both of them have egreat great voice, and Damien Lyrics are simply wicked......... and one Republic just sound... Great even with Timberland undertone mix, they sound even more outstanding.
Jamie Scott and the Town is just as nice. but Jamie, Some of the sound your voice is a bit over shadowed by the music, so if you really want to create a softer romantic vocal can you make the music mix lower than your voice, they are great sound just that you don't want your audience to strain their ears to enjoy your music.
Alright, Friday Night of cors is another movie nights. Of cors Xmas does what it does best, Festive Movie. The All American Fair tale movie, Enchanted have be-witched the whole nation and taken the #1 spot and started the race, Follow of cors by the all so funny man, Fred Claus (the misterious and terible terrible Big Brother of the Famous Santa), and you kids out there without HSM, you can catch This Christmas Starring non other than the Uber-popular Chris Brown. August Rush is still in the Picture, all who love a Chicky love story mix with cool music you should catch this one. and for all Action freak, there's the Hitman out there. Beware.
Oh some Preview News, all Monster or Apocalyptic Frenzy out there, you'll want to prepare for the coming new year hit, Cloverfield. you Like the long-forgotten Blair Witch Project? you'll like this one, It takes Godzilla into a new level, "lower" this time actually, the level of the victim, the normal ppl and let you see how normal ppl really feel like when Godzilla actually Hit New York. It's like a whole new Roller Caoster Ride there haha. Of Cors I'm very eager to see I am Legend coming to the theatre near your area. another cool performance from the ever-almight Will Smith. and for those of you still haven't getthe chance to catch Lions for Lambs? watch it, it's the one movie that actually make you realize that the fear of 911 is long gone and witha clear mind you'll see that should or should not the war continue in it's course right now and you can reflect on what you can do as a citizen. I won't say normal ppl cos we are all unique in our own way no matter how stupidly ppl like to generalize others to make themselves superior. so this coming election, be clear minded and make the best choice you know. short term gain of any profit will not profit the whole country, you should know by now. so everyone go out and vote this coming year.
this year besides the boring old issue like war and bill and loan and money, you have some more issue to think about, electing the first Black President would actually seems like he knows what he is doing, the ultimate supporter, Oprah. next ladies, imagine this, (If only all ladies would vote on this one) the First Women President of the US. (not some story line that the first line president die and woman take over, the real actual first women president who have maintain her dignity and stature in the face of the ultimate mans world.) ultimate supporter and family friend, the great Barbara Striesand. and of cors the usual suspect from the traditional Republican. I may sound hyp about the Democratic's candidate, but actually I'm not, though I'm pro-peace and all but the truth is ,the democratic candidate are having more hype than the republican cos they are the very definition freedom stands for, women's Right and Equal Race Right. and of cors the News are done by most not-so-tradisional thinking New York Media.
So anyway, you have your choice cut out for you, whether you stands for powerful tradisional, or the revolutionary spirited, Sexes and Races Battle of all time.
Alright, we should get back to the movies, where am I.... Ah of cors I'm Still waiting for Jumper and The Golden Compass to open, oh, the Narnia SAGA, anyone still remember the Cute older brother be King with his 3 siblings? William Moseley is back for the second installment of the Chronicle that started it all, Caspian Prince is coming to Theatre Next year Summer. Wait for the Trailer to come out this month. Oh thriller, not to forget, The Mist............ the Stephen King is back.
If you are looking for some laughter in this season of white and not so white Xmas for Mexican and Miamian, 27 Dresses is a great fun to watch, just as fun as knocked up was.
On DVD, Harry Potter is out, So is Ratatouille, and Die Hard Quadology or Fantastic 4. and there's also Spiderman 3 and the rest of the summer Blockbuster coming out soon.
Well, just some info i'd like to share. If you are frustrated with your life and wish to liberate a bit of the stress from your life, I have 2 book you should read. but I'm not encouraging any cult, just that for me they are good mind plenishing books that have help me liberated some of my problem when I read them. one is called "The Secret" and the other is "Wealth Beyond Reason". the latter is a Digital Format course , If you can get one of the member that have taken the course and share her cpy with you then you'll be good.
Alright then, everyone, have a great weekend this week yeh!
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Happy Holiday Everyone!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone. My Best Wishes to all of you. I know, I know, thanksgiving is not Xmas, but i dun want to show a delicious Turkey here. hahaha, so I choose to send you all an early wishes for Xmas with all of the tree around the world
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
AMA Everyone and Britney Spear???

Friday, November 16, 2007
O.K. I Confest
Ok here's the deal.
This is a Blog I created for the audience that's a bit off the heterosexual track.
I got plenty of blogs. some serve for homosexual totally and some not. this one happen to be a meterosexual one. means not so homo nor so hetero. get it?
so my closest friend if you are wondering. the day if do come and i know I'm Gay or not. You'll see me bring my Boyfriend or Girlfriend over O.K.? I dun hide things.haha
so stop asking me the Big question.... haha there's no big Question to ask.
I'm just who I am. open minded and like to explore even the human mind and their limit. and by the way to earn some money off of it. please click on the advertisement of your interest.
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Yahooo! Another Friday has come!

Magazine would have a younger face to put of the front page.
Friday, November 9, 2007
Saturday...... Movie Weekend!

First Up, August Rush, one of the greatest love story I'll ever recommand someone to watch.
It's not Chuicky, nor Macho. Just right for the whole family to watch and experience life as lovers, parents and son. Great family Drama with a Big-Heart filled with Love.
Next up would be, I am Legend. I know there's plenty of Zombie movie out there. but It ain't getting any better than watching Will Smith in a action movie with a twist. I like the idea of world ends in this film. very sound of thunder but better.
Another movie I recommand anyone to watch this year is Black Irish, Great movie. Filled With Faith and Love and great family drama. Michael Angarano acting is so mesmerizing that he is definitely in the same league and Emile and Shia. Year End is always a family movie time. so don't fight them, join them, It's warm your heart always.
Of course there'll be quite a few thriller as well.
the coming thriller besides I am Legend is "Jumper", you'd want to get that one. Christensen matching up with Jamie Bell. Again 2 of the brightest new star. you can't get any better than these 2 in the same film.
then there come a movie so disturb, even the movie deep thinker would get sick on this one. It's like getting high without the drugs. I always love Antony Hopkins and his vision. there's no one like him definitely. He is the legend for me. so the movie is called "SlipStream" but you'd want to be prepare to get shocked. cos you've never seen a movie like this trust me.
Well, Thriller, Drama aside, there's always some great comedy, and sorry guys, I dun always like the no brainer type. so If you are in for some light smart comedy you'd get this pitch. Imagine when you kill yourself, what will your afterlife be...... what if you are stuck in the same world and life, only now you cannot kill yourself again......... what a ingeniuos plot HAHA
well, calling all dance junkie, Step Up is back and getting on to the street. I know most of you will say what's the different with You've got Served? well, mayb non, but it's always fun to have a dance movie that's suits your taste every year. and you can catch a Cameo of Channing on this one.
That's not all, last but not least, there's the every so majestic movie like Elizebeth: the Golden Age or The Colden Compass, a follow up in the tradition of Fantacy movie trend per year. Oh there's this one querky movie that's about Bob Dylan called "I’m Not There". the thing about it is that, you dun see bod dylan in this one but you get 5 -6 actors that's great playing him. believe me, all 5 of them should get a Oscar for their perfomance.
Then at the end there's always the Documentary of the year awards. always overlooked but any movie goers, but guys this is as close you get on reality without risking your own life. cos the movie maker have risk it for you. There's the so star studed "Darfur Now." I'm 100% supporter of any humanitary event. A bit sad that the Live 8 didn't get the Hype we have 11 years back. but still we are living in the same world and believe me no matter how you want to hide and ignore or don't bother, the whole universe is connected simply because we are in the same space together, you can't run or hide. so Accept it.
Oh! one more Documentary thatcatch my eyes is Sharkwater. It's the prefect example to the line "you'll get more than what you expected!". a tale of a film maker that want to tell the tales about shark and instead he gets the reaction that the whole world usually give to foreign idea or object....... You'll see what i meant when you watch the movie. how the world, the people, the fisherman, the goverment reacted. It's like another Micheal Moore in the making...... HAHA
As for DVD, there's the usual Christmas release of Summer Blockbuster. I've already got Fantastic 4, Transformer and 300, now there's Harry Potter and Ratatouille. the rest will follow up soon.
but besides the new DVD coming out. I think if you haven't have this few you should go out and get it. "Dance with Me" great dance movie with great comedy and romance. Girls would love this one.
then there's Finding Forrester, I think this is the biggest slip out of 2000, great acting and great Chemistry doesn't comes better than Sean Connery and Rob Brown. Speaking of Rob Brown you could catch him in take the lead too. Great inspirational movie for the teens. Another great dance movie is Save the Last Dance. Julia Stile at her best besides Mona Lisa Smile.
Oh! to go a bit deeper into my vault, there's still one more movie I haven't got myself. which is Meet Joe Black. Anthony Hopkins and Brad Pitt at their Best (same with Legends of the Fall). Brad Pitt looks even better on this one. but Handsome face a side, it's just great fun to watch him acting with Sir Anthony, it's like the best sword fight you'll ever see your whole life, they are so cunning and graceful. Sir Anthony is Brilliant without being a bad ass this time, just the perfect gentleman and father, and Brad is the perfect picture of Death at His best. and of course those that have seen it in the Cinema always remember the long-winded Dialogue without any accompany of music. Well, with DVD you can the lighting better and a cup of coffee will help you enjoy this perfect Scripted Film. I will say this is one of the best Script I've ever seen in ages in Movies.
And If you are into the whole British humor thing, you should catch up with the runaway hit of from the east of the Atlantic, "Mrs Henderson Present", you get plenty plenty of great English humor there. And I must say. It's the prefect Script to be converted into a broadway Drama too. just another great acting from Dame Judi Dench, no doubt. and the ever so funny Bob Hoskins.
Speaking of the Dame, you might want to catch another side of her with Maggie Smith in "Lady in Lavender" that's what I call an actor. You dun get more diverse role that those that dame Judi Dench got. non-of-those hollywood glamour non-sense. those is what actor should be like, devoted to the art at the high talent and honor. Learn from this hollywood. Create Talent not celebrity, they can only last for so long and the maintainance fee just so high it's a crap. why not do another Harry Potter and like the Actor deal with the press himself like Daniel Radcliffe? Get what i mean?
O.K. then that should be all for today. Good day at the Movies and come back to me next week.
The Secret Works!!
Yesterday I went to 4 shopping mall. Everyone parking lot that I went in, I'd imagine parking at some place close to the escalator shaft, and 4 out of 4 times. I got the perfect space. Some I met ppl exiting the escalator when i arrive, giving me the space. one even came closer than I thought, right beside the excalator lobby Exit door. I don't have to look too far for the spacve, and It's in the very first level of car park I went in each time.
I got friends telling me that I'm getting too into these things. and some of my Christian Friends even suggested I should stop before I'm devour by the devil. such fanatics they are sometimes.
But I felt It have not suggested anything that is against any religious believes? nor have it been giving me any idea of evil.
It's like the buddhism that suggested, with happiness, you find that life is not so hard after all.
I've walk out of my depression. Though my E.Q. were not as high and still meet with some dilemma of Anger management, yet, I've learned to focus on happiness and things that brings me joy and the anger or frustration just dissappear. I'm no more bothered by little stuff like Queueing up at the counter of the cinema or while getting a haircut.
And Without those feelings I enjoy a clear mind and great relationship with friends that I hard sees for years and having better conversation with my friends.
Thank you for showing me the light toward a new life. and I thanks that one lunch time that i decide to go back and switch on my TV and saw the replay of the very show that OPRAH was doing on this Magnificient Book. Thank You to all the "Teacher"
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Positive Sidee of Everything!!!

Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Happy Helloween Everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hope the everyone is Having a great holiday!! and My best wishes to those in the L.A. and San Diego Area. It's been a rough week and I hope the holiday do bring cheers to your life this week.
Sorry for the delay. I was almost hospitalize out of Exhaustion over the weekend.
I just got the chance to watch Stardust in the weekend. Another great perfomance from Charlie Cox. but his image really is quit limited because his feature is a bit altered from certain angle.
Still with all the star all along his side. It'd be one of the greatest experience for an actor.
Then of cors there's the Justin Timberlake Concert in Australia, after resting for over 2 months he's finally got back on to the ride. Take care of your voice man, that's the best prize you have on you.
of cors, there's always the Papparazzi Haunted Zac Efron. I'm not really that interested in him, doing Gym, Skating..... He's another ordinary person working, but What I'm more interested is the Cycle that Papparazzi is doing...... I mean come on, Skating? walking to his car from Gym? you really have nothing better to do than to wait beside someone and see how normal he is? and to wait for a so-called celebrity for hours just to take picture of him/her walking to the car park is plain boring.
have anyone wtch 30 days of Night already? It's just the perfect picture for the helloween, though i know most ppl are going for the gorrified SAW...... I'm just not really that into the whole cutting, blood drenching kinda movie. no wonder ppl are more voilent these days. If you really have no feeling for that kinda scene anymore, for the reality-confuse person....... he/she would have no feeling when they actually saw the real thing too? would they? that's how i think. "What about 30 days of Night?" that's totally different, cos the vampire part believer or non-believers that in some way suggested it's not really REAL.
FYI, there's a couple new Fragrances coming out this week, Kenneth Cole's Reaction and Mariah Carey M and Jennifer Lopez's Deseo all great smell test it out guys.
Emile Hirsch anyone? he's bound to be one of the most celebrated actor. Y? because he's got the right move, the right mind and getting all the right movie. Though the Shia LaBeouf's Fans may differ. If you are looking for a confirmation of award quality acting for Shia that's not just commercial, try "The Greatest Game Ever Played" He's acting is so mature in it, I'd sell him an Oscar for that.
and Fella If you haven't Watch the Hippest TV Show of the Season "Gossip Girl" yet, Go catch this young and energetic Show. It's just the right replacement for The O.C. in New York.
HAHA!! One Tree Hill be careful, you got a contender this season.
Well, Happy Holiday again Everyone
Thursday, October 25, 2007
This Week Featured Photographer!!!!

Thursday Music Review! Get You up for the weekend Ahead!

Alright, Let's get Down to Business, for those of you who have been sitting duck in the US, Try a listen to this. but "Parental Advisory" Alert. Here's an artist I've been listening to, his energetic, Querky, F***ing great, Damian Rice. There not all depression and anger have to be presented in a violent manor. He's a great examplee when you can simple refer to human sex organ for what it is, sex organ. And the freedom that the US have been hail for so long. i find that the british are giving the idea much for space that the Freedom land has. So I think sometimes we must remember to examine. What's our action are? What's our reaction are? and the very thing that we are doing........ are they actually contradicting with the very foundation of we our action are founded on? you feel Free? or are you thinking "Yeah! when i have the money!" if so you are so damn wrong. Freedom is not overrated. It's just underrated by those with fear.
Carrie Underwood's new Album will be out soon too. So everyone look out for that. She and Fantasia are some of the greatest result of the show i feel. They are great sound and great in their own genre and unique yet not intimidating.
On the other hand, I think Clay Aiken and Daughtry and Elliott Yamin and Taylor Hicks are a lot more unique too in their own way. Clay is in a musical now, of course Daughtry is burning up the chart, the music label should release more single from his album now. and Elliott are totally under-rated. and where is Taylor? I haven't have any news on him for a long time since the August Charity Bid. I hope that a new Album is coming out soon and he will be striding on the big stage again too. can't wait to see the wierd Botty-shaking Taylor again.
The other day I was looking at the gallery of one of the best new Photographer in the U.K.His Picture of the young artist in the U.K. is so fresh, the way they were capture totally realizes the Teenager Desire to break away(If not already successful), they simply look brilliant and energetic and taking on the world like storms swiping across the plain.
I've been doing some soul-searching online lately, Bidding on eBay like crazy. haha! I'm so new on this part of the net, I've make plenty of mistake and having ppl paying for my shipping fees and insurance haha! I'm so sorry. I hope that they are fine with it and ship me my good. But it really is abundance I love bidding. but i hope that i could be more patience and learn to bid smarter next time.
My wishes to the people of San Diego and Las Angeles, wish you all Good luck and hope your home is OK and the disastor will end soon.
Last picture is what i wish to see in the near future, PEACE man!Signing off...........................................
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Time Fly Fast! 10 Blogs Ago!

Well, this is the one week Aniversary of my blog and the 10th Blogs in the space........
Last week I was cheery, Jumpy, Estatic, and today I'm Bruise, and Down with the Blues.
Listening to Janis Joplin ain't doing my no good either. HAHA!
It's a really funny thing, to have this idea to get all the really really old songs out and listen to the sound of tomorrow way way back when my dad was at my age.
Besides Starting on "The Secret" theory, I found myself walking into the world of mistic.
the cryptical magic of the universe lead me into studying some of the hardest books i've ever thought I'd came across. I was fascinated by the Feng Shui of the chinese culture lately, how that name the Direction from north to south, and the position of energy in a position, situation, human being energy emitted, and how these place affect our energy.
then there's this book that have been recommended by my cousin called "Crutial Conversation" that explain how and why we should be calmer even when we are in the heated conversation and how to change the situation to a position that's more comfortable to have a chat than argue.
you know my style of writting if you have follow my blog. there's always some photo. but I dun have much to show today. so i just show one or two i think it's relevent
Here's 2 person thats emitting similar energy in their feature, yet the age and demeanor of themselves have seperate them.
How fame actually bring on some light to a person's feature.
Oh bout fame. I hope that the world would really know how to give and bestow fame onto people. cos these days, fame is not, and definitely not, on the best light.
Peace and may God allow us to gain wisdom everyday.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Teen Idol Termometer!!!! Hotness!!!!

Monday, October 22, 2007
Monday Blues! Let's have some candy! SWEET!

Friday, October 19, 2007
How strange It is! De Javu! Short Story Saturday!

Anyway let's continue. I guess you guys now would be looking at my blog a day earlier each day. I actually write my blog the night before it is posted. so......... here goes.
Here is a short story i've written a couple of days earlier. I thought Since the weekend is coming, what's better to start the day with a bit of a story reading?
So here Goes! ***** Homosexuality Tendency Alert!****
Saturday April 20, 1940
Me and Papa just came back to the cottage from the field. It's a great day, spring is in the air, the moon is bright, the mountain side and the cliffs reflected a curtain of grayish velvet. Looks just like a waterfall of shiny silver magma flowing from the sky above to the field below. The side hill leading up the cliffs just filled with fully bloomed wild primrose of the spring. It is a great day.
"Alex, Go and put all the Shuffle into the barn and come have dinner." "Yea, Papa!" I answer.
I was walking towards the barn, crossing the Store House where Papa and Monsieur Gillespie teaches me to piant.
I light up the lantern on the side wall of the barn cos the night is getting darker, and it's getting hard to see my way even with the half full moon light. As I was walking towards to the barn door, I saw that the barn door was opened. It's strange, we never kept the barn door open to avoid wild wolves from running in to the goats and horses. Walking slowly toward the door, raising the shuffle in my hand....... The barn was strangely quiet, no clicking of any hooves, no quaking of any of the duck......
when i reach the door, there's a stripe of handprint by blood drag across the door to the lock. That's when i realise that there's a trail of blood on the floor leading from the other side of the barn. I walk cautionly into the barn, opening the door softly so that i won't alert anything that is inside. I heard the harsh breathing of the horses inside.......
the blood trail have stop at the barn door....... as i was looking inside the barn there's nothing strange inside. the horses and the goats is fine. the duck is in the duckling house me and papa build a couple of years ago.
I went inside and put the shuffle in the tools stored corner of the barn.
Then I saw it out of the corner of my eyes, right beside the horses, there's a pair of muddy feet.
I pick up the holves knife and walk over to the comparment and there I see it / him. He is lying on the old hay lay down from last fall...... He have an angelic face, laying there calmly, both his hand on the left side of his waist, there I saw the bloody working cloth i use to wipe the knife in the barn. I approach him and saw his chest heaving.... He's breathing, but he doesn't seem right... he's muttering something, then only i knew the blood stain of the cloth is still wet, they are still dripping......
I quickly ran back to the kitchen and yell at Pap and Monsieur Gillespie along the way. They met me half way from the cottage and I told them about the stranger I saw in the barn. They hastily follow me to the barn, Monsieur Gillespie still holding his kitchen knife in one hand and a table cloth on the other.
When we were there, Papa examine the boy. He say he have been stab, Monsieur Gillespie throw away the knife he's holding and quickly carried the boy back to the cottage kitchen. the steady silent night now filled with hast and running feet. Louis lay him in the kitchen's bedroom. "Alex go and get a lot of clean cloth, get me the sewing box from Mama's room, and Louis boil some hot water from the kitchen."
I ran up to mama's old room. I've never come in here after mama passed away last year. I found the box in the the closet and ran back down stair.
Papa clean the wound with the hot water and burning the needle with a candle and he start sewing his wound. we have to hold his arm so that he won't struggle and hurt himself. Papa finish with a nod at the end of the stitches and as papa and Louis walk out the room to discuss i meant to follow but his hand is grabbing mine so tight i can't break free.
"Alex, you take care of him for tonight. We'll take turn. the stab didn't hurt any of the organ. It's just a flesh wound but He'll get infection for the next couple of days. Use the rest of the cloth to clean him. I'll be in the kitchen if you need me."
I pick up a clean cloth, wet it with the new batch of boil water, and start taking his blood stained shirt and pants off. He have a lean body, muscled in the right way, I thought in my heart, he must be one of the boy from the mountain. as i was cleaning his body, he groan a bit when i clean around his wound, which makes me very careful and wipe his body softly, scared that i would hurt him in some way.
He started to groan a lot and sometimes started to mutter word that cannot be recognize. His infection is making his body burning like an oven, he constantly sweat all over and i have to wipe it off every couple of hours. It's hard to force him to drink. I have to feed him soup and water with a spoon.
After 2 days of groaning and fever he finally settle down. The fever is gone and the wound, Papa said, is healing very well. As I was walking off out of the room, I glance back at him and realise something. I haven't been touching my paint brush for the past couple of days and i've never drawn a human body before, Luois and Papa is the only one at home, and Luois just arrange fruits and pans everytime when he teaches me to draw.
so I quickly ran to the store house and grab some coal and paper and back into the room.
I started drawing. begin from the his face to his half covered body. he have the most handsome faces I have ever seen. Tender and strong, A few strain of his light golden brown hair lay across his face, his arm is of the right length, well toned, a couple of scar here and there. His chest heaving steadily with his breathing, slightly brown skin covered his well defined body reflecting with a bit of golden brightness from the sunlight shining in from the window. It's the perfect picture of a fallen angel. without any haste and retouching i've finish my drawing. After making sure that he is alright. i go into the kitchen.
I am so facinated by his body, I can't stop drawing him. I go into his room with a drawing board everyday. Luois and Papa say I should just stay home and take care of him. he and Luois will do double duty to take care of the crop. I've also learn a few tricks in cooking while Luois is in the kitchen for the past year. Bossing him and making trouble in the kitchen everytime he want to start cooking. I'm incharge of dinner now.
Then I was thinking, though I have clean his body plenty of times. I have never touch his skin before. I slowly walk across to the bed. I started touching his face. he have a soft skin, firm as his lean body would suggest. Crossing his neck, there's a scar beside the right colar bone, I've notice it everytime i draw him, wondering how he get a scar so close to his veins and could it be the same kind of wound he have now. then i reaches to his arms, his shoulder strong and arms long, lean, well muscled, I'm sure that the person he holds will feel safe in his arms, and the i reaches across to the stomach, the well tones muscle heave and shadow with his breathing. and that wound stiches clearly visible. and when i lay my hand on his chest, feeling his calm breathing, i felt a rush of blood to my face. I don't know why. I have never felt this way with Papa or Luois. I'm shock and intrigue by this strange feeling. I can't move my eyes away from his angelic face nor my hand from his chest, my whole body are fixed perplex in that moment.
Then without a warning, I saw him opening his eyes. His crystal blue eyes, staring at me with that soft tenderness yet strong gaze. I was shocked. I don't know what to do and i run out of the room. standing beside the door. He called out to me. I look back inside, he was trying to get up. "No, No, don't move, you'll hurt yourself." I rush back into the room and hold him and lay him back onto the bed. We stare at each others eyes for a while.
"Merci." He said. "Where am I?" "My house." I said. "You are hurt and came to our home about a week ago.". "Si." He answer. He doesn't look surprise as i thought he would react. Yet I saw a faint shadow of tears on the side of his eyes. "I am Samuel. I came down from the hill forest. My family stay there. They are all gone."
I don't know how to react. I know something bad must have happen but I don't know what to say."They killed my father and my brother when they fight back. and they thought they killed me too. I ran away when they are gone.". Losing my mom is hard enough to process for me, I can't imagine losing a whole family. "Who are they?" I asked. "They are run awayed German soldier. they have no place to go. So my father take them in. but they betrayed him, betrayed his trust and lock us in the storeroom for days. We fight back one day and they killed them."
He continue, "I've been in the forest for a couple of days. not knowing where to go. then I saw this house and I go into the barn...... "
"Well, You are alright now." Finally I know what to say, "You just take a rest."
"What are you doing just now?" Suddenly I felt the rush of blood in my face again. I saw the drawing board, I pick it up and said, anxiously,"I was drawing you."."Oh, do I look good in it?" He reaches for the drawing and i give it to him. He look at it, "I look like this just now?" "Yes" I hastily answer. "Well, I look better in the drawing, you can draw me anytime you want." I blush again, so I turn away and say,"Si!" As I want to walk away. He grab my hand, and pull me to sit on the bed. His hand holding the back of my head, we are face to face, and he kissed me on the lips. I have never been kissed before, my heart was pounding so hard I cannot feel anything at all. "Merci!" He said. I look at him speechless, I don't know what I'm feeling nor what just happen. "Thank you for taking care of me, I can feel you around me these past days. I'm just too weak. I also don't know what is this. I feel the same way when you just touch me.",He said."Merci!"
To be Continue~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I am very Tempted to write a sex scene after that but now it's just too soon.
Although the story is a bit old, being in the world war 2. but it is inspired by mordern real story.
The real story is not as dramatic. Drawing involved, taking care of a young friend is relatively in the range, and that's what happen one day. The Last bit of the story.
So here It is. The story may continue. it may not. I don't know. We'll see.
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Rev Up Your I-Pod! Friday Music Night Review is here

Grammar Mistake! Alert!
and My Oxford English Professor sorry!
Mom and Dad?! that's how your children are like today. haha
and Kids, this is not a good example. dun follow. HAHA
as for my Psychologist... stop Psycho -analyzing it. you are over analyzing it.
Hunk and Beau Of the Week

This is the perfect example of how perfect dentistry can do to a person's appeal. Have anyone seen Zac Efron before High School Musical...... So Guys, can't meet a Girl? Try going to the Dentist...
May be i should go too. haven't really been to my friend's clinic for ages haha!
oh the Paparazzo! please non of the freedom of press Shit! I don't think the whole nation obsess with a "fictional" real person in the tabloid create by the press is the only thing what i hope my Villagers have in thier brain.
"The Secret" that the night bring

Thursday Movie Review Before the Movie Night

Wednesday, October 17, 2007
1st day on the job
just some preview of the things coming ahead. A short story section, some "Secrets", a bit of Oprah and some books i've been reading, music i've been listening and movie I've been watching. I have nothing against anything so you will see plenty of things you may not see in a normal environment. sometimes things could be chic flick romantic, sometimes macho Jock Arrogance, or Ballet dances ellegance, or even some homo-centricism, so for those who have a different opinion on some of the stuff posted, please welcome to post your comment. But sorry for sexist or homophobic or angry mom and dad. Sorry, I will not tolerate those who tell me how i should think. i know i dun stop how you think. Oh if you are one of those offensive stereotype, one advice, lighten up. no matter what you do the person you try to change are just are good as they are willing to change for you, in the end you might just get the effect of him/she changing against their will and accomodate a lifetime of suffercation..... so let go if you love them. God/ or whatever Higher power you trust, sees every one equal. you may not be the same but in the end we will just end up meeting HIM/ HER face to face one day and He'll Tell you. MY son/ daughter.... I Love You.
Peace! Y'All