Wednesday, January 30, 2008
If I can have one Island for myself
Most of them are wet land in Canada. If you are interested in Panama then they have much better offer with the same value in USD even.
6.5 acres for 34k Panama
I'll take that one. or if you are interested in Belize there's some good one too.
I dun find it hard to believe if I am going to buy a 300k-400k home. why not a 100k for the island and 200k for building the house and 100k for the transport I find it's a really probable solution.
besides if i can build a cozy house i can simply rent it out.
i just kept thinking about it. most private island for rent can rent from 300- 3k per month or week or the luxurious 3000 per night. so why not if it's really probable and easier option that you need what? 100 years to actually generate that kinda sales in some small product. you can actually do this as a side income job. and you own it too.
plenty of people in USA have own town house or country hides cabin for rent up to 6k per night. it's a probable option for any small modal invester who wish to take a look on the real estate field.
I'll ask my friend in CANADA to take a look at this one
Region Nova Scotia, Canada
Price CAD $29,900
Status for sale
Size 1.2 acres
Location Louisdale, Nova Scotia
not a bad buy really if the land is bare or hard and the water is clean.
but just look out for any law loop. mayb there's more taxes or something that's required.
Bipolar Disorder
bipolar disorder is a combination of mood disorders defined by the presence of one or more episodes of abnormally elevated mood, some called it mania. So It's like a mood swing from Anger to normal to depression and normal and then gone to suicidal and so on.
it's very hard to identify whether you are bipolar or just a normal person. because a normal person would go through the same stage from time to time as well. some could be just the fact that you are poor from controlling your own emotion or you lack of interest in controlling them. of course because of the fact that the condition of a bipolar disorder is so hard to be recognize some people do misuse the term by calling themselves bipolar when they have a mood swing or lazy. but bipolar disorder person they are not in control of the mood swing at all.
and most sever cases would go into manic shock or suicidal attemp on their own life.
so for those diagnos with the disorder can take medicine to control the depression or anger. yet everyone have a totally unique system of body on their own. so if you are taking those drugs, it takes some adjustment of the dosage and tries on different type of medication to really hold a control on the condition. but the fact is you can live a very normal life with the right medication and normal living. some do able to control the condition without taking any medication. but my advice is take them as a starting point when you are diagnos with the condition to get ahead of the mood swing and get yourself organize. just like treating any depression. but work with your psychiatrist to get the type of medicine and dosage right and you can lead a great life.
there is hope, everywhere and everytime. there is. do not resolve to any simple conclusion or just leave it. it is your life, take an active role and carpe diem. it is yours and yours only to live it. you can decide hold you want to lead it.
If you wish to learn more about the disorder you may get the book by Dr. Kay Jamison a foremost experts of bipolar disorder and a patient herself, "An Unquiet Mind" her autobiography or "Manic-Depressive Illness " this more factual book on the disorder.
Monday, January 28, 2008
This Week Shutter Bug Feature - Cole Rice

Yesterday SAG Award
No surprise here that the SAG and WG always have a uncommon relationship.
Anyway. as everyone expected there's no black horse in the race this year. everyone who was suppose to get an award was given one. except I'd love the TV series would give award to more wide spead series. it seems that it's all "The Office", "Sapranos", and "30 Rock" fans in SAG. the actor knows it well when it comes to chances in life and the are of acting. but I do think "Closer" star or "Damages" Glenn Close should deserve some applaud there, their performance are captivating if not audience magnetic.
Daniel Day Lewis as always got the ultimate nod for every award he got nominated.
and I do hope that Cate Blanchett could get one this year.
Anyway. it's a good thing. as always the SAG is filled with humor from some of the most charismatic actor and actresses as well as some shocked numb one. To the teens of course it's gonna be seeing Zac Efron up and running well for the first time after his surgery. nice move to support your own union Zac.
so everyone is looking forward for the Grammy and OSCAR now.
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Treasure Chest

Another Star have Been Deemed!

Monday, January 21, 2008
Mac New Genius Invention

The Ancient World.

Movie Of the Week

So after the movie I went for a walk around town until my second movie of the day. “Rendition” as anyone know it’s a politics movie. No! I dun want to talk about Reese Whiterspoon meeting Jake on the movie cos they don’t meet there .if you notice, Reese only have scene with Jakes Brother In Law which could probably formally introduce the 2 at some event or at the premiere. O.K. that doesn’t matter much, Let’s get back to the movie. It’s a great movie. Good portrayal of the whole Middle East situation. Yes that could be a fraction of the torture that gone on after 911. it’s whether you choose to believe it or not. The Arabic Actors and Actresses have done a great job especially the bomber and his girlfriend.
Jake….. doesn’t really have much scene to perform. However the victim have a better chance of winning awards as best supporting actor if he got his face shot more. Haha! Anyway, It’s not as good as “Lions of Lambs” which have a more focus point. But overall it’s not a bad movie. It got the message across. I was actually watching the film in a Muslim country and believe it or not there’s a lot of foreigners in the cinema that day and they the foreigners actually applaud at the end of the movie. That’s says a lot about the false perception that the Americans have on the Muslim and their partner in the war. Not all Muslim’s actually hate American nor do they like the war. And not all European or Australian for that matter are impress with the US move to have war. I guess some part of it in all our heart we are a bit tired of hearing about the wars. And if you didn’t notice this most of the war news now have remain as a monologue below the anchor face on the news nowadays. No one is interested in hearing it unless there’s a solution to resolve it now.
Music Review of the Week
First of of cors is one of the biggest tour besides, Madonna, Spice Girls, and Miley Cyrus is the Sexy Back Justin Timberlake. This time he is using his charm and the classic sexy back instead of the debut, rough, corky style. This time he goes classic. Wearing mostly throughout the show half a tucs or vest with some smooth and stylish dance move. And the setting is great because it is his very first Big Solo tour. Of cors with it runs the special edition CDS for “Sexy Back” with a couple of promotional Music video running on the airwaves all the is while. It’s one heck of the concert to look at.
Now from one Sexy Back to another, Beyonce, second world tour concert DVD is out, great set s and great performance and plenty of flair and booty shaking as always. What more could you say, it’s just top the first tour and a little bit more. Always a Gem to look at Beyonce performing live.
If you are looking for something smooth, sexy yet not so hot. Try the Hit theatre concert of last year from Michael Buble. He is the Smooth crooner of the 21st century. He’s a gentleman, he got style and he move and talks just like the old jazz legend, Frank Sinatra, Tony Bennett or B. B. King and he sings even as good as them with a twist of the new school. The way he talks, the way he walk exudes elegance and style. He’s a charmer and you’ll like him from the first moment he opens his mouth.
Friday, January 18, 2008
Treasure Chest

I've Just walk tru my DVD collection yesterday and I saw this Lavender Boxes of DVD. THe movie is called "Ladies In Lavender". It's a Mopvie By Dame Judy Dench (Shakespears In Love, Scandal In A Note, 007), Maggie Smith (Harry Potter), and Daniel Brühl(Good Bye Lenin!,Was nützt die Liebe in Gedanken,Bourne Ultimatum) which is a very simple story that talks about 2 ladies come across this young lads who drift into their lives in a storm. there's no scandal. no Climax. But to me it's the best story telling at it's best. Just Like Breakfast at Tiffany's. one of the sisters who is old and single her whole life heart stir when this young guys drift into their house. he capture everyone's heart. Judy Dench gave a great performance of the struggling heart tormented by the inconvineint timing of this visitor. Late in her life, only she knows what's love, desire look like. It's just a great story tells in a subtle or even gentle ways. Movie Story Telling at it's best.
I know that for those who knows movies at it's best color will know this is a great movies. there's no excitement of fights and brutal gushes of blood. sorry for all the action and gore fans. it's just the beauty of the british country side, 2 old ladies, the handsome young chaps, and a bunch of great classics British country charactor. It is British Movies at it's most authentic. so for those of you looking for a quiet and relaxing day at home with your Girlfriend grab this one up.
Talking about Maggie Smith, which reminded me of another Harry Potter Pair's movie. "Driving Lesson", the Brits are just great with this kind of material. that's what I like about the Brit. they are the classic story teller. it's just a movie about 2 person doing a "Driving Lesson" and the Script on the Charactor is just incredible. just like Billy Elliot , Little Voice and Calender Girls. These Movies no matter how many times I watch they are still as great as a story of any movies. Die Hard or X Men, after first viewing when the buzz went off you dun really think you have any surprises anymore, but these movies are not built on surprise, they are of Story telling at it's best. If anyone still remember the feelings of hearing a person telling a great story. that's what it feels like when a great story was written and told.
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Lost of one star! Brad Renfro!

Sadly, he is dead. found dead in his own home alone.
It's a greif reminder of how drug and booze can actually hurt you. even years after you have stop using, the effect is permeanent. Imagine you have a limit to you life. each time you use drugs or booze or any intoxicating chemical, you life mile excelerate and your life span begin to rapidly decrease like the tyre. and here is a proof that you can actually run out a lot younger than you think how invincible you are.
with apt pupil, I thought this kid could be the next Al Pacino. Yet, the wronged path he chosen have lead him to no where. It's a shame and My condolences to the family and friends. and all the internet mourner.
Cloverfield! Blockbuster Buster! HAHA! Not Everyone Cup of Tea!
********* Movie Spoiler Alert***********
If you have make up your mind on watching the movie no matter what don't continue reading on.
Just Like I thought, It's a totally different style of cinematography. though the style is not new. but it's not really a bad idea really. there's no cinematography to talk about really. there's so many tight shots that you'd get disoriented before the monster even come out. at the half way point you are already feeling dizzy. It's exactly like watching "Blair Witch" minus the horror but filled it with thrill ride. It's like a Motion Master ride without the motion.
Yesterday turn out wasn't so bad, but by the half way point, half of the people in the movie have gone out. If you are a regular movie goer and you are looking for some wide shot movie like the "Godzilla" type don't watch this one. It's not your cup of tea. It's more of a voyuer type movie like "Blair Witch". there's no sound track, plenty of tight shots, visual and sound effects. so the movie is not as dramatic as any thriller movie. Most of the time you only see the actors face smack to the screen cos they are so big. and you can hardly see clearly what's the monster looks like. It is a great Idea though, and the actors acting isn't at all bad (if you can actually spot them out.)
The Conclusion is that It's a cross Between Blair Witch with Godzilla story and Doom Video Game Shots with the Actor as the victim and not as hero, all the way. Personally I give it a 6 out of 10 but for public preference I'd give it 2 out of 10.
It'll get a lot of buzz later just not the kind one I afraid.
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Health Issue for Man
O.K. here's some of the fact. first up of course sex issue.
most man can only last 3-5 min everytime. so dun get jumpy when it's gone too fast. and please, not everyone have 10 inch ok. normal sizes are average at 4 inch or approx 10 centimetre.
next stop, every male at the age of 15 should start checking their testis and crutch. just dip in a warm bath and start touching gently. cancer is enlargement of the testicle, it should felt like nodules full felling down there, sometimes fluid-ty. don't wait til it's the size of softballs.
sensitivity of the breasts could be a sign cos it's often endocrine cancers. they release hormone to change the way you look.
and man your testis is either curve to right or left cos your balls always will be one on top of the other. it won't balance ever, so don't force it.
and all woman feast you ear on this fact, if you have sex with you man for an average 4 times a week, your partner will live longer. that's a fact man. the average of sex have by a couple is once a week that is much too few. HAHA!
oh and one of the reason you can't raise "your brother" is because you didn't have enough sleep.
so "He"'s still sleeping when you aren't.diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease. also is one of the reason. oh this is a good on. 4 inch of the spare tyre you lose you gain an inch on you "Bat" so start lossing those fat man. haha.
If you fear you have Erectile Dysfunction by physical reason, try the stamp test. which is wrapping 3-4 connected row of stamp at the shaft of the penis and form a ring and check if there's tear on the connected stamps the next morning. ** make sure the test is done when you are really in "deep" sleep. search erectile Dysfunction stamp test on the net for detail instructions. you'll know whether you dysfunction is physical or psycological
and Mother and Father of the world I'm sorry to say that your children, 90% of them are aware of sex when they first spill their cup at the age of 12. so whether you like it or not, that's when they are aware of it. and the correct way is to advice them from that age. don't ignore it or scold them. It's the natural clock working here. or would you rather let them explore ALL the posibility out there? it's up to you.
And guys when your health depends on erectile, your women health depends on orgasm, so don't just hold it you can't really, have foreplay and then only have sex.
one thing you get when you want more energy or sex drive, naturally you eat it everyday. garlic. but take some parsley before you meet your gal, if not no one will go near you ever haha. drop all the Viagra man, before you get a very dysfunction dysfunctional erectile.
Next stop, Baldness, no brandy or any medicine aside, you can either prolong the preiod of the folicle to stay on your head longer or no easy to break. there's no way to make it grow faster or grow more. so sorry man. you may try to openback and encourage those hair to grow back in the hole the fall off before, but not all people will have result, and mind you that all hair lost product need you to constantly taking them cos once you stop the enzime drop and head skin goes back to it's own state, and very sadly to inform that all hair lost product have side effect as they are altering you hormone.Propecia and minoxidil are 2 most successfull product.
oh next stop. you dun have to wash your face everyday. because your skin are different than women, unless you want your skin to be like a girl, then you'll require to exfoliate twice as much as women, if not, you are born to have rougher skin, so it's built to with stand more dirt than women by nature, so you may wash them less than once a day unless you are under the chimney all day. and probably once every 3 weeks you can go for a facial.
and for those of you looking for reason your hand is dry is you are lack of omega-3 fatty acids.
sleeplessness, Dun take caffeine 4 -5 hours before sleep. and if you are the sensitive kind. dun take it at all. no Watching television cos it psyched you up. milk works cos that little bit of sugar stimulates insulin.
to colon to prevent colon cancer, you need 35 grams or fibres every day. so start eating vege.
And when you are newr 60, the manopause you blame your wife for is on to you. though 25% of us dun get it. so most of you will be grumpy old man also by then.
Monday, January 14, 2008
Make a Movie Date!

Wednesday, January 2, 2008
Happy New Year!!!!