I've Just walk tru my DVD collection yesterday and I saw this Lavender Boxes of DVD. THe movie is called "Ladies In Lavender". It's a Mopvie By Dame Judy Dench (Shakespears In Love, Scandal In A Note, 007), Maggie Smith (Harry Potter), and Daniel Brühl(Good Bye Lenin!,Was nützt die Liebe in Gedanken,Bourne Ultimatum) which is a very simple story that talks about 2 ladies come across this young lads who drift into their lives in a storm. there's no scandal. no Climax. But to me it's the best story telling at it's best. Just Like Breakfast at Tiffany's. one of the sisters who is old and single her whole life heart stir when this young guys drift into their house. he capture everyone's heart. Judy Dench gave a great performance of the struggling heart tormented by the inconvineint timing of this visitor. Late in her life, only she knows what's love, desire look like. It's just a great story tells in a subtle or even gentle ways. Movie Story Telling at it's best.
I know that for those who knows movies at it's best color will know this is a great movies. there's no excitement of fights and brutal gushes of blood. sorry for all the action and gore fans. it's just the beauty of the british country side, 2 old ladies, the handsome young chaps, and a bunch of great classics British country charactor. It is British Movies at it's most authentic. so for those of you looking for a quiet and relaxing day at home with your Girlfriend grab this one up.
Talking about Maggie Smith, which reminded me of another Harry Potter Pair's movie. "Driving Lesson", the Brits are just great with this kind of material. that's what I like about the Brit. they are the classic story teller. it's just a movie about 2 person doing a "Driving Lesson" and the Script on the Charactor is just incredible. just like Billy Elliot , Little Voice and Calender Girls. These Movies no matter how many times I watch they are still as great as a story of any movies. Die Hard or X Men, after first viewing when the buzz went off you dun really think you have any surprises anymore, but these movies are not built on surprise, they are of Story telling at it's best. If anyone still remember the feelings of hearing a person telling a great story. that's what it feels like when a great story was written and told.
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