I saw some of the facts on Oprah the other day. something really strange, funny and great facts that Male always choose to ignore and female just dun have a clue.
O.K. here's some of the fact. first up of course sex issue.
most man can only last 3-5 min everytime. so dun get jumpy when it's gone too fast. and please, not everyone have 10 inch ok. normal sizes are average at 4 inch or approx 10 centimetre.
next stop, every male at the age of 15 should start checking their testis and crutch. just dip in a warm bath and start touching gently. cancer is enlargement of the testicle, it should felt like nodules full felling down there, sometimes fluid-ty. don't wait til it's the size of softballs.
sensitivity of the breasts could be a sign cos it's often endocrine cancers. they release hormone to change the way you look.
and man your testis is either curve to right or left cos your balls always will be one on top of the other. it won't balance ever, so don't force it.
and all woman feast you ear on this fact, if you have sex with you man for an average 4 times a week, your partner will live longer. that's a fact man. the average of sex have by a couple is once a week that is much too few. HAHA!
oh and one of the reason you can't raise "your brother" is because you didn't have enough sleep.
so "He"'s still sleeping when you aren't.diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease. also is one of the reason. oh this is a good on. 4 inch of the spare tyre you lose you gain an inch on you "Bat" so start lossing those fat man. haha.
If you fear you have Erectile Dysfunction by physical reason, try the stamp test. which is wrapping 3-4 connected row of stamp at the shaft of the penis and form a ring and check if there's tear on the connected stamps the next morning. ** make sure the test is done when you are really in "deep" sleep. search erectile Dysfunction stamp test on the net for detail instructions. you'll know whether you dysfunction is physical or psycological
and Mother and Father of the world I'm sorry to say that your children, 90% of them are aware of sex when they first spill their cup at the age of 12. so whether you like it or not, that's when they are aware of it. and the correct way is to advice them from that age. don't ignore it or scold them. It's the natural clock working here. or would you rather let them explore ALL the posibility out there? it's up to you.
And guys when your health depends on erectile, your women health depends on orgasm, so don't just hold it you can't really, have foreplay and then only have sex.
one thing you get when you want more energy or sex drive, naturally you eat it everyday. garlic. but take some parsley before you meet your gal, if not no one will go near you ever haha. drop all the Viagra man, before you get a very dysfunction dysfunctional erectile.
Next stop, Baldness, no brandy or any medicine aside, you can either prolong the preiod of the folicle to stay on your head longer or no easy to break. there's no way to make it grow faster or grow more. so sorry man. you may try to openback and encourage those hair to grow back in the hole the fall off before, but not all people will have result, and mind you that all hair lost product need you to constantly taking them cos once you stop the enzime drop and head skin goes back to it's own state, and very sadly to inform that all hair lost product have side effect as they are altering you hormone.Propecia and minoxidil are 2 most successfull product.
oh next stop. you dun have to wash your face everyday. because your skin are different than women, unless you want your skin to be like a girl, then you'll require to exfoliate twice as much as women, if not, you are born to have rougher skin, so it's built to with stand more dirt than women by nature, so you may wash them less than once a day unless you are under the chimney all day. and probably once every 3 weeks you can go for a facial.
and for those of you looking for reason your hand is dry is you are lack of omega-3 fatty acids.
sleeplessness, Dun take caffeine 4 -5 hours before sleep. and if you are the sensitive kind. dun take it at all. no Watching television cos it psyched you up. milk works cos that little bit of sugar stimulates insulin.
to colon to prevent colon cancer, you need 35 grams or fibres every day. so start eating vege.
And when you are newr 60, the manopause you blame your wife for is on to you. though 25% of us dun get it. so most of you will be grumpy old man also by then.
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