Monday, January 14, 2008

Make a Movie Date!

Let's make a movie date man!

"Cloverfield" is coming this Friday and for the Asian citizen of the east, we as always get a 36 hours head start on Thursday!

It's tip to be the first monster Block buster of the year 2008.

It will be, since everyone on the net that ever watch the Trailer is buzzing about it.

so it's get the first week block buster as big as Independance Days would. but if the film is not good or the word is out that it doesn't live up to the expectation then the buzz will be gone as fast as I Am Legend.
There are of course plenty of others attraction coming into cenima later to the year, "Indiana Jones", "Hellboy", "Batman", "Narnia" and "Harry Potter." Plenty of sequal that gaurantee sales for you to pick.
then there's of cors this year biggest Pixar Animation Event, "Wall.E" from Pixar. The answer for the Spy Kid Style Movie of the Year, "Speed Racer", Star the future star of Sean Penn Prodigy, Emile Hirsch. This year Answer to Apocalyto, 10000B.C. lets hope that the ticket sales isn't as bad. I'd hate to see the movie Beau or Covenant's Steven Strait drop off the earth. and there's of cors a string of follow up to the dance craze last year, Step up 2, and how she moves are a couple of those movies. of cors we are hoping that "The Mummy" Saga would be able to release this year to join the rush. This year the Mummy is from China. HAHA. and if you love Atonement, you'd love "Wanted", starring the ever so quietly sexy James McAvoy, with the ever sexiest Angelina Jolie. I have my eye fix on McAvoy ever since I saw him on the old children of Dune as the son of the Original Dune Hero. and the movie "Wanted" iss up against another movie with a similar Cenimatography style, "Jumper" expect these 2 single-titled movie duel it out on the big screen. and the musical Clan of the movie bunch, get ready for Mamma Mia starring the ever so graceful, "Devil" who wears Prada, Meryl Streep.
and for the Querky movie type, you can check out Will Ferrel's Semi Pro. I personally dun really like dirty Action Comedy so you guys can enjoy yourself. I do like some comedy with some British Sense of humor, Like Miss Pettigrew Lives For a Day. that is my taste of comedy, funny and witty and filled with grace.
or you like some Twisted Action Heroes Comedy, Will Smith's interpretation of the Black Superman Comedy, Hancock would be great fun to watch HAHA!
and for love story Chicks around the world, you can catch Definitely Maybe, or Sex And the City Movie.
You Woody Allen movie's Lover, you might want to catch Cassandra's Dream...... or not, cos this time this is a totally Not New york kinda Gangster Mafia family movie that stars the Hunky Colin Farrell and Ewan McGregor, totally not the same Querky old Woody movie you know in the past at all. and it may look like a thriller saga this time.
And After I Dig up some of the old James Cameron movies, like "Aliens", "Abyss" and "Titanic" and "Terminator", I really really miss his, grand, Big, Macho kinda rough neck movie. the way his movie were structured, there's just no other director compare. he is simply bold, and beautiful as a story teller.
of course if ever anyone would like to look back and see what kinda movie you'd like to revise, I'd recommand "Scent of a woman". A great performance from Al Pacino and Chris O'Donald.
these movies simply reflects how man are man and the interaction between man are as delicate, sometimes rough, yet still beautiful.
So I hope that you all enjoy my Movie Date review for this week. til next time.

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