So after the movie I went for a walk around town until my second movie of the day. “Rendition” as anyone know it’s a politics movie. No! I dun want to talk about Reese Whiterspoon meeting Jake on the movie cos they don’t meet there .if you notice, Reese only have scene with Jakes Brother In Law which could probably formally introduce the 2 at some event or at the premiere. O.K. that doesn’t matter much, Let’s get back to the movie. It’s a great movie. Good portrayal of the whole Middle East situation. Yes that could be a fraction of the torture that gone on after 911. it’s whether you choose to believe it or not. The Arabic Actors and Actresses have done a great job especially the bomber and his girlfriend.
Jake….. doesn’t really have much scene to perform. However the victim have a better chance of winning awards as best supporting actor if he got his face shot more. Haha! Anyway, It’s not as good as “Lions of Lambs” which have a more focus point. But overall it’s not a bad movie. It got the message across. I was actually watching the film in a Muslim country and believe it or not there’s a lot of foreigners in the cinema that day and they the foreigners actually applaud at the end of the movie. That’s says a lot about the false perception that the Americans have on the Muslim and their partner in the war. Not all Muslim’s actually hate American nor do they like the war. And not all European or Australian for that matter are impress with the US move to have war. I guess some part of it in all our heart we are a bit tired of hearing about the wars. And if you didn’t notice this most of the war news now have remain as a monologue below the anchor face on the news nowadays. No one is interested in hearing it unless there’s a solution to resolve it now.
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