Thursday, February 28, 2008

American Idol Update!

Well, nothing much to say except that as the judges have said. David Archuleta is Growing, Stronger and stronger every wek. this time the Audience as if went in to see him. He Closes the show with the ultimate 70's song, John Lennon's "Imagine". the 16 yo is brave enough to take a legendary song and makes it his own. and as Simon says, the race is simply a catching up games and everyone is competing with the teenager. This time the crowd didn't even wait for the performance to start they already giving standing ovation and screaming.

But this week besides David's rein of domination also sees some of the favourite of the judges breaking free of the losing pack.
David Hernandez and Chikeze to name the couple that's on the top 3. but to tell the truth they still seems a mile away from David Archuleta performance Paula even tear up on the closing performance. I hope that in the spirit of competition the remain professional and no dirty tactics on the teenager. anyway, this time the rockers fail out. Both David Cook and Robbie Carrico wasn't really bad but not better than last week either. though this time Cook took the lead. the disappointment comes from the opening by Micheal johns opening. not exactly superb. just good for me and lowest of the rockers clan this week. Mayb it's my previous fixation of Danny Noriega, he did better this week. but still a long way to prove he wasn't Sanjaya the second. but he did performance with decent show off of his vocal this time. so a plus for the kid. not A though. Jason Yeagar is a bit here and there, and Jason Castro remain his style of guitar and funkie tune. both staying the same would means Yeager the bottom 2 and Castro will mayb move on if the audience voter is not bored yet. then of course there's Luke Menard, brother you really gotta pick it up man. if you are really planning on going on with your looks you are not gonna move far. your voice is simply too soft man.
so my rating this week for the guys are:
1.David Archuleta
2.David Hernandez
4.David Cook
5.Robbie Carrico
6.Danny Noriega
7.Micheal Johns
8.Jason Castro
9.Jason Yeagar
10.Luke Menard
sorry bottom 2 there's simply no more time for you to wait to show more.

the girls I hope the Rock Chick can do better this week and show more skill. last week been fun too watch them and a couple of the more melodious songstress. but a dissappointment for me is SyeshaMercado. I did expect more from her last week. hope that she could do better this week. there's no front runner in the womens yet. but i do see some back runner. and all in all still David Archuleta is the Top fella in the whole season, actually i've not seen one that could take the stage as well as him since the start of the show besides Fantasia. So everyone need to look out.
But I wonder though, among this season he is the greater but among the previous season is he better than Clay Aiken or Fantasia his singing skill are very familiar to Elliott Yamen of the 5th season actually. Rather having a star cast as last year, this year's contestant seem more ameture really regardless of the age.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

A New Wednesday

I have been pretty off beat these few days, though not down. just off a little.
but yesterday something changes my life. watching a rerun of Oprah, she gave a show on the topic of death, but the perspective is totally New. not the gloomy and sad approaches of death. instead, the truth about death is that we all will face. So this is how we face it. once in a while we all ask a silly question about if you know that you'd die tomorrow or the date you'll die what would you do? and the answer is whatever i like and feel i want to. So Oprah does one that ask the person who is really in the situation and it's a inspirational and spiritual show.

first there's this lady who say she got the wake up call and stop all tobacco and drinking and start eathing greens and drinking greens. and she gone from a normal, wild life to a healthy, wild, fulfilling life, and started training as an acrobat as well haha. That's how you can choose to end or live a real life instead of being gloomy even when you have nothing but boredom. So go do something. Boredom is not exactly a dying desease. so this really put me into a perspective to my own life.

the next one would be an internet phenomanon, Randy Pausch the computer science freak professor of Carnergie Mullen University, have his real "Hypotheticly Last Lecture when you kow you are going to die" on his last lecture. everyone shown up in the lecture hall. he is diagnos with pankreatic cancer and given 6 months. And what he did is uplifting and the lecture I'd say everyone whould take. you can watch it on youtube.

every Lecture, Professor, Educator should be like this or if you think you can inspire yourself to be one. you can if you just put your mind to it. so this is what i meant to live life at the present. not about yesterday and tomorrow. now today.

this is the link if you wish to watch it on youtube. it's a bit over an hour and the most mesmerizing and inspring lecture I've ever been to.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

This is the answer for the many question about sexual preferences

Finally I saw this article about sexual orientation and preference.
O.K. people ask what's the different.
As always, I'm always pleague but the fact that most of my articles and things that I involved in mostly are male issue. one reason is that I am one so naturally i give more attention to such issues and the other could be habitual because I give more attention to male fashion or male health or male issue (Gay also contains of male species as you'd guess) so it appears to people that I am not interested in Girls and I could be Gay.

so What's that got to do with the article i find.
as the article suggest every issue or topics in life there are millions of perspective and angle to look at it. so let me explain.
Sexual Orientation is when you are doing it, which sex are you doing it with. or more deeply, when you actually fall in love, which sex you fall in love to. when you are male, you love male or you do it with male counterpart, then you are gay, you love girls then you are hetero, and if you are both then you are bi-sexual, and orientation means what you do. but preference is different which sex you like. guy who like guys or girl who love girls, you "prefer" homo, the other way around is you are hetero. if both is bi-sexual. so besides this 2 perspective, there's one more angle to look at this issue. that's habitual preferences, that is without any inteference from outside, a person naturally choose to be in which category. just like the natural law of physics, if one things moves and there's no other force act on it, the object moves on the direction as it is forever. so just like someone from Texas where they never talks about gays or a religious community that never talks about it or the children never encounter the issue and never thought about it, if there's no hormon changes, they naturally would select the orientation they always sees and heard and experience themselves. in most cases that's heterosexual, some homo. for me just the case is that I love girls, and when internet enter my life I take on the persona of finding out issue, topics regarding men, and definition of beauty in men and definition of men. Why the sudden interest. well, I've lost me father when i was very young, without a father figure, I'm learning to be a man at the time. so i need info. The other reason is that I live with my mom and most of the people I'm with, relative and all, most of them are women. By that time, I have gain a lot of knowledge how the other sex behave, likes and dislikes, and most importantly I have seen many things that dissapoint me and arouse me that makes me treat female differently, not like when guys want or like a girl he'd go all out and not knowing anything and being cute acting like that. me, i have no problem with girls(ust the kind that have certain standard about guys and every man she looks at must be a perfect man in her life, advice: not all man are interested in this kinda girls cos not all man like to be changed), and most of my closest friends are female, not in a remantic kinda way. so I'm not really in that group of guys into sports and only have sex or football in their mind and want to know the other sex so eagerly. All those factor I don't have. and as a result I'm looking for a partner in crime that could go deeper than that and so it seems harder to find a soul mate. so thus it seems after such habitual orientation for years, without a girl in sight, people would think you are Gay. (you know, a bunch of good friends that's female, non-romantically involved, don't really watch football, love artistic stuff all that.)that's quite fine for me. there's no hurry. to me I rather be late then just choose one and be not-happily ever after. One other reason out of habit, at that moment there's a movement about AIDS and Gay, the relationship and all, so naturally from the internet there's a lot of info and I'm a male, and since Gay are more likely to get AIDS I want to know if the decease have gender preference. so more and more I dug into the hole and more and more I know about gay stuff. and meet a lot of gay poeple. and so, I............................ do Gay issue and topics (you thought I'm gonna say naturally I'm gay? haha!) discussion. Longer the time span the more people I know and the more info I learn, though the statistic shows there's more "reported" Gay AIDS cases, it's rubbish to think that AIDS is a Gay issue or even have Gender preferences. Yet there's more issue and interest and topics, that can interact and discuss about the Gay community and so there goes on and on about it. and in comparison, I discuss less and very few women's issue, or more over Men on men Issue because that'st where my knowledge actually lack of and wish to know more. I find that trying to generalize things is not going to work on a men's girl's relationship. those things every case is different. and every case have their own issue. so my very personal friends knows I give them advice. To me, Guys if you want to go for it, romantic or not, just be natural and just think if she is your girl how you wanted to treat her(and please I don't mean sexually). when you get to know her and she knows you eventually they will come. and girls if you want a guy, regardless of whether there's a girl (wife aside not recommended), you know you won't be happy unless you know if he is into you. just act morally. and do believe the fact that not all nuts are mad about what's down under. so you can open up, see what's happen, no need to pretend, no need to fuss, and no need to overthink everything. just go for it. you like the car test drive the stick, just be careful and if you don't just refuse it. most importantly, dun overthink it.
Love is a wonderful things. you laugh, you cry, you fight and it never fail to amaze. just be sure of what you want and go for it. enjoy it. Guys on guys? that's kinda tricky and you'd think whether the person is gay or not only you'd move. so just observe first, if you think you can make a move then do it. if he is not then sorry man next time then. but they always say once you see it you know if he is or not, they always say they got the instinct. I don't know, If I am gay, I dun have that instinct haha! (which is why I'd like to know actually how homosexual poeple find their soul mate and all.)

The Verdict is in

First batch of Idol to be eliminated is Colton Davis, Joanne Borgella, Garrett Haley, Amy Davis. well IT's a sad case really to be clear off from the first show. they are on my last 3 cat though i still think they are better than Danny Noriega. and I believe the judges may have another Sanjaya cases this year.
So 2 young male blonds was goner, simply the reason is too cheeky and too inexperience.
and then for the girls I did watch the show. just that there's nothing much to say. because overall they are not performing as well as the guys. of course most thinking whether want to take the flu strike into consideration. all consideration aside, the plus size moel is off the stage as well as the "soft" skilled Amy is booted.
though i think on the girls side yesterday, is the case how to choose the worst. the Controversial Carly definitely have the chops to move on. just that as Simon says though pro but not enough umph yet. the Wow factor is still with the guys. the girls have seem to fail to impress anyone this year. ashame that it's not a gendre mix vote. if it is. i do think that Colton and Garrett would still be around for the next trip if it's a mix vote. reason be that their singing isn't really that bad compare to some contestant, even to the male i mean. and they do have some appeal. If Haley could pick the tune up a bit and Colton would tone downa bit. mayb they can form a group or something and become like the sexy Russian Dou, .strange they they actually look almost like brothers.

Anyway, this week's AI news is over. I may not be updating all the time. only the time when i actually do watch the show. so stay tune. Ciao, Peace OUT!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

The first Live show of Season 7 American Idol have started

Yesterday the voting for the new 7th season American Idol have started. and the Heat Seated David Archuleta have won over the Audiences and Judge with the largest Applause of them all 12 Male contestant. Last time we saw him, we are shock and this time though we anticipated the result still it's a great surprise that he could deliver a 60's song with perfection and his own touch. impressed even the Harshes judges Simon and Estimated will flow through smoothly. so if you are in the US vote for the uber talented and cute David Archuleta.
Trust me your bet is not waste.

of course being one of the hardest contest out there, it's not short of talent but the day also bring some dissapointment. David Hernandez show off his stuff with a great start for the show. Followed by Chikezie's performance, both performance are good but not top notch meterial and both shows there are still a lot of space to improve. (means they are just a round the edges of 5-6 out of 10) then David Cook is the next to go on and presented a rave review of Rock style "Happy Together" this is the first one from the 7th season show that shows an incling of the Chris Daughtry flavor perfomance, thought it's not one of the best rock performance of the say but the performance is solid. then Jason Yeager show his sweet side by performing "moon River" and shown the audiences how an adult could seduce with songs yet a bad example as a contestant that lost abit of his focus during the performance. Next comes Robbie Carrico, it's some soft rock style performance, though Simon think it's niether nor here or there, I'd say so are ColdPlay so my bet is he's gonna stay. Of course from this not so bad performance, turn into a red hot inferno coming to the next perfromance for david Archuleta, the crooner wimply wow everyone with a solid and close to professional performance and a great presentation on stage and the girl just can't get enough of him, screaming from the start to the end and louder whenever he gets near. (mind you there's not prejudision here, he is the only one that makes the audience gives such reaction). and after that Simon gaves a million miles length from the others for the lad. so after that we are all dump into a cold bucket of water afterwards. I know following a great act is hard to top, yet lack of originality and singing a great famous elvis song and not sounding great or dance great is a big no no. and Danny Noriega falls into that trap and put himself in the risk of running for the first to be voted out of the show, yet he does have the aura of previous season top 10's Sanjaya, so we'll see what will happen tomorrow. Luke Menard, the oldest of all the male contestant looks relatively young and handsome. he holds the feel of Matthew Fox, Yet he's singing are a bit weak until half of the time TV audience would strain to listen to what he's singing. it's not a bad performance, the pitch is nearly perfect just weak. but he sound like acrooner at heart. he is in my opinion one of the weakest this week.
next came the Lucas Grabeel/Ellen DeGeneres Look-Alike Colton Berry, his is not at all bad, just cheesy, too cheesy for my taste and i believe most male audiences. his singing is not too bad. not exactly in the league of professional, but not too bad either, I'll give a 5 out of 10 there. oh if you are wondering, Archuleta get only 8 out of 10 from me. Why? simply I'm harsh, and with more perfect performance, he'll get the top 10 marks just that I still have some reserve for his age and the durability of his vocal. though right now my bet is on him. NExt comes the other youngest of the lot, Garrett Haley. he shows that he is really raw and young, his performance are here and there. some way of it is good, the singing are on pitch yet lack of bit of self confidence singing, and definitely not in speaking back to Simon, yet though he's lack of personality in his performance, he persona may get him pass the gate. so he is the third in the weakest rack of the lot. (oh i didn't mean the weakest in that particualr order.) the second last to perform is Jason Castro, he gave a funkie and not so typical performance of Daydream and being the only one perform with a guitar in the show he get my vote, and he's not bad, 6 out of 10. just behind David until you come to the closing. but to get 7 out of 10 he'd have to improve much much more cos it seems that he's taken the best he has this time and there's very few space for improvement there. We'll see, he's a stayer in my bet. of course last but not least Micheal Johns, this season resident Rocker of the lot. he's performance far out shine the same aged Luke Menard and deliver the almost perfect rock version of Light My Fire and give the show a great and better closing than an opening.

I think this week rank for the guys according the pervious show is (My personal Preferance is different though)
David Archuleta (1)
Micheal Johns (2)
Jason Castro (4)
Robbie Carrico (5)
Jason Yeagar (3, because his maturity Rating and Sweet Crooner Style, regardless of the old fashion 60's song)
David Hernandez (11, same reason with Chikeze)
Chikeze (10, simply for me i expected more and got less)
David Chuck (9, plain Shouting isn't really my thing, and he's not rock enough)
Luke Menard (8, for the age difference and not bring a great performance the first time )
Colton Berry (6, simply because he is young and looks like an Idol, but i beleive he is in the roll with Danny Noriega on the singing side)
Garrett Haley (7, for being young, steady singing style though lack of style)
Danny Noriega (12, sorry! he has crash and crush Elvis, the only reason i think he might be staying is because of the American Idol Hater. he is not the worst Idol of all season, but he have perform poorly on this one. )

Moive Review of the week

Jumper, I just went for the movie last weekend. not bad not bad at all. the Handsome Hayden Christensen is even hotter than his Jedi period. Jamie Bell gave another great performance as the formidable Jumper side soldier with a little bit of Psychotic breakdown haha. and Samuel L Jackson never took a role that makes me actually hate him to the bone. Of course not to forget the rising star that star as the younger alter ego of the 2 main character. Max Thieriot from the "Catch The Kid" period is growing Well, better looking day by day, movie by movie. Rather I was waiting for some better performance from Anna Sophia Robb of "Bridge to Terrabithia" fame. OF course Last but not least Rachel Bilson of "the O.C." tv series fame first full length feature gave the best perfomance of her life in this one. Sheding the Spoiled, rich Brat image of the tv series and rises from a ashes is a modest and humorous girl in the suburb. The action is easily better than Bourne or MR and Mrs Smith really. and the Visual Effect just blend into the movie perfectly just as realistic as anything around it. The concept is perfect. More tear jerker It's be up for a more dramatic Category.

O.K. this week we Preview the show called "Vantage Point" I didn't expect to watch this one at first really because I haven't seen much of the preview. It's coming in Tomorrow. and It's a story about the US president killed in a foreign country and there's 5 person with 8 different vantage point of the incident. starring the Oscar winner Forest Whitaker and 2 hunky father of Hollywood Dennis Quaid and Matthew Fox this is a high speed high tension movie from the start of the event til the end. you won't want to miss this one.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Spoiler ahead ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

The Twist is that the President is not really killed. and the so called killer is actually a remote controlled automated Gun. So is the president behind it all or is it the secret service. and what's Whitaker really involves in this story?

and of course this time you will see the return of the ultimate female actress of them all Sigourney Weaver.

This week's Treasure chest jewel is "Raise Your Voice" I know I know, It's not really a Block office big nor an Award winning something. but I'm a total sucker for some Teenage Motivation movies or comedy. starring Hillary Duff of course you can expect the usual chicky movie type. actually this one is a bit off the normal beaten path. it have a take on some teen comedy and trust me. if you are looking for a good talent in today's youngster there are quite a few in this one. first off of course needless to say Hillary Duff. but as I said the surprise is on the side stand.

the male lead Oliver James coming from the fame of "What a Girl Wants" is a great singer really. he's shown that he is capable in his previous movie and this one. and he's not a bad looking guy to look at either. The music in this movie is simply great. The Arrangement and some of the "Impomptu" performance. of course the story line is simple. a gilr lost her brother in a traggic accident and then recieve a oppotunity supported by her dead brother to enroll in a prestige music school summer programme. defying her fathers opinion, she left for the programme under the disguise of staying with her aunt. there she met the love and the talent and a bunch of great friends and of course teen B***h, Queen Bee of the school who happens to be in love with the same guy...... (yeah cheezy i know). and then of course the climax, father found out, show talent anyhow, forgiveness and happy ending. Just take some popcorn sit down and relax with your girlfriend trust me she'll appreciate it. as long as she is not those movie enthusias freak that only like OSCAR great or Rock chicks. haha. Enjoy.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Hey there! Everyone I'm Back!

Been taking some break from the whole working scene for a week while all the chinese around the world celebrate the Lunar New Year, and American either voting or trying to escape the ice storm or tornado. Oh and the Hong Kong Star Rushes away from the whole Nude-sex-act photo scandal. Me been chilling in the tropical paradise of the south east asia with a bunch of below 5 kids damn there goes my holiday haha. taking care of all the children haha.

Guys and Girls what were you thinking? Taking Pic of Sex act and send the PC for repair?have some senses and delete all inappropriate photo in your or anyone pc now and lost if forever. with the network growing so fast once it's out there I'm sorry to say there's no way back man. And if you wish to be like Paris Hilton and not become a porn star in the end make sure you have enough money for the rest of your life or an ambition to go bad if not you are bound to be even worse than the Material Girl would have in the 80's cos then we dun have internet Babe.

Anyway what's up this week. the Grammy is over and Amy Winehouse regardless of her mishab, "rehab" is a biggie. then the BAFTA honour the movies like the rest of the world did, Atonement got the best movie and that's all. wonder though how a movie become great without a great cast or writing or even editing? strange how some awards does sometimes.

besides that the next global attraction of the year in Cinema Park is "Jumper" starring the ever so handsome Hayden Christenson of "Star Wars 2,3" fame and Rachel Bilson of "The O.C.". sorry guys no more geeky fantasy for you, she fell in love with the tall, handsome and Gymnastic-perfect Hayden right then and there. the movie about a generation of teleportable Jumper battling out another bunch of "normal if not psycho" guys pledge to kill them all with the ability.

Of cors there's more to go this week marks the 25 years of "thriller". the Micheal Jackson's 25 yo hit get a remake. for those of you born in the past 10 years, you'll be more appreciative of the collaboration of the CD with Ne-Yo, Fergie and Snoop Dog.

continue of the movie trail, I open my movie chest and found another great missing classics that's not of any Awards trail but a great cast have assemble, with Cher heading the show, All the old and beautiful and not to miss Talented are there, Dame Judy Dench, Maggie Smith,Joan Plowright and Lily Tomlin and not to mention the only Male lead, Baird Wallace in the movie that could steal the whole movie from all the great ladies. another movies that represent what movie's drama is all about. A setting in the Mussolini times of Italy and bunch of retired single women migrants in Italy send to concertrated camp yet with some miracle still fine humor and life in the great wall of the not so tightly guarded fence of Florence. And the kid that have been apart of the old socialite ladies life 10 year ago comes to the rescue of the ladies and offers a great comfort to the ladies of news of the outside world. i find that human a great being and capable to create better life for normal ppl with just small deed and a big hearts. and the relationship of the child-teenager Lucas with the ladies is simply captivating. for all of you who is looking for a good movie with little war and great relationship this is the one to watch for. and funny enough I accidentally discover this one when I bought the ticket to this movie wrongly in a cineplex like 5 years ago when there's a European movie fest going on and I waas trying to get tickets for a summer blockbuster haha. though not what i expected to watch but it still offers great entertainment and I was thinking I'm gonna watch Independance day haha. so you can imagine the surprise i have haha.

On the music side, the American this year besides voting for a New President, this month on you are given another chance to vote for the new American Idol. Yup the Hot and Spicy New 24 have been chosen this evening. and My bet is on David Archuleta. this kid just simply spell-binding. wait til you hear his singing voice after you heard him speak. you'd never guess the sound coming out of that "paralyzed" vocal cord. you'd be paralyzed by it. David I'm betting on a one mill bet off here don't fail me. Or I'll come for you...... haha just kidding. if only i have one mill haha. anyway good luck to all the contestant and for the Anti-------- being out there. no more Sanjaya, it is funny for a few weeks but after that there's nothing fun in screwing others better chances to shine. I dun like some of the Idol element as well but there's no good out fo crushing some deserving ppl's dreams. what fun is there? oh I'm not saying he's handsome, I'm saying he's a great singer. no harm being cute. Look at Nick Jonas of the Jonas Bothers.

Monday, February 4, 2008

New Weekend and a happy Lunar New Year to All Chinese Around the World

The other day I just have a look at the new Elizabeth Installation "The Golden Age" and it's a fine great deal. though less struggle than the first installment (which makes Cate Blanchett my muse, the British always have an itch on great indie movie).
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Spoiler Ahead~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

this time there's the spanish war wich the virgin Queen didn't even have to fight to win. of course there is the pirate's duke and her hand maiden. so all and all, it's an epic. and Cate is a gem to look at again....... the acting is simply captivating.

For those movie buff looking for action this is not the drama for you. it is more shaspearean stage show than the one and only Romeo and Juliet actian drama kind. but these kind of movie simply demonstrate dramatic movie influences perfectly tru and tru.

of course if you have watched the TV version of Elizabeth you'll have a bold time with this one. they are both of the same period just different interpretation. It is just as intelligence and well presented as "The Queen" 2 years before.

And now here comes the music review of the week. I've just got tru Blake Lewis of the American Idol Fame last year. the Album is called "Audio Day Dream". just as the Title suggested, you'll take the best trip of your life.

for all Jamiroquai Lover out there that's looking for a younger alternative with an incling of American touch on the mix. he is the guy and this is the album to get to. the Mix and style is a great deal fresher than the J man. minus the 8th track ballad. most of the songs are great discoteque and you can shake you botty off with the first single out Break Anotha. He is fresh, sweet, the sound is smoother and sometimes splash a bit of 54 studio-ish touches. a bit of house and grind-house beatboxing. it is the next new sound with a bit of old style. so enjoy you teens this is your ticket to the disco before the legal age. oh just one comment, the Ballad is a great touch as well. nothing's wrong with it. the Funk is working the Smooth Man

As for those that's looking for a more Corine Bailey Ray Style singer with a male voice.

you can take a look at this guy. Jamie Scott and The Town. He have the same voice as Blake Lewis yet their style is totally on another Hemisphere. Jamie's style are more British-Scottish country style than anything Discoteque. the most disco style he's done you'll have seen or heard that sound on "Step Up" the hit Dance movie of 2006.

both front man likes their Falseto so much they are more seamlessly incorporated into each sound. Jamie took the James Blunt Style and more British-like than american. so it's kinda hard to predict the possibility of him capturing the heart of the American here. but I'm sure with the success of the other Artist he's got a great chance with the world population, with just enough promotion. (when you look at it. what the US of A called unique is kinda Alienating themselves from the rest of the world sometimes.)