Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Moive Review of the week

Jumper, I just went for the movie last weekend. not bad not bad at all. the Handsome Hayden Christensen is even hotter than his Jedi period. Jamie Bell gave another great performance as the formidable Jumper side soldier with a little bit of Psychotic breakdown haha. and Samuel L Jackson never took a role that makes me actually hate him to the bone. Of course not to forget the rising star that star as the younger alter ego of the 2 main character. Max Thieriot from the "Catch The Kid" period is growing Well, better looking day by day, movie by movie. Rather I was waiting for some better performance from Anna Sophia Robb of "Bridge to Terrabithia" fame. OF course Last but not least Rachel Bilson of "the O.C." tv series fame first full length feature gave the best perfomance of her life in this one. Sheding the Spoiled, rich Brat image of the tv series and rises from a ashes is a modest and humorous girl in the suburb. The action is easily better than Bourne or MR and Mrs Smith really. and the Visual Effect just blend into the movie perfectly just as realistic as anything around it. The concept is perfect. More tear jerker It's be up for a more dramatic Category.

O.K. this week we Preview the show called "Vantage Point" I didn't expect to watch this one at first really because I haven't seen much of the preview. It's coming in Tomorrow. and It's a story about the US president killed in a foreign country and there's 5 person with 8 different vantage point of the incident. starring the Oscar winner Forest Whitaker and 2 hunky father of Hollywood Dennis Quaid and Matthew Fox this is a high speed high tension movie from the start of the event til the end. you won't want to miss this one.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Spoiler ahead ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

The Twist is that the President is not really killed. and the so called killer is actually a remote controlled automated Gun. So is the president behind it all or is it the secret service. and what's Whitaker really involves in this story?

and of course this time you will see the return of the ultimate female actress of them all Sigourney Weaver.

This week's Treasure chest jewel is "Raise Your Voice" I know I know, It's not really a Block office big nor an Award winning something. but I'm a total sucker for some Teenage Motivation movies or comedy. starring Hillary Duff of course you can expect the usual chicky movie type. actually this one is a bit off the normal beaten path. it have a take on some teen comedy and trust me. if you are looking for a good talent in today's youngster there are quite a few in this one. first off of course needless to say Hillary Duff. but as I said the surprise is on the side stand.

the male lead Oliver James coming from the fame of "What a Girl Wants" is a great singer really. he's shown that he is capable in his previous movie and this one. and he's not a bad looking guy to look at either. The music in this movie is simply great. The Arrangement and some of the "Impomptu" performance. of course the story line is simple. a gilr lost her brother in a traggic accident and then recieve a oppotunity supported by her dead brother to enroll in a prestige music school summer programme. defying her fathers opinion, she left for the programme under the disguise of staying with her aunt. there she met the love and the talent and a bunch of great friends and of course teen B***h, Queen Bee of the school who happens to be in love with the same guy...... (yeah cheezy i know). and then of course the climax, father found out, show talent anyhow, forgiveness and happy ending. Just take some popcorn sit down and relax with your girlfriend trust me she'll appreciate it. as long as she is not those movie enthusias freak that only like OSCAR great or Rock chicks. haha. Enjoy.

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