Thursday, February 21, 2008

The Verdict is in

First batch of Idol to be eliminated is Colton Davis, Joanne Borgella, Garrett Haley, Amy Davis. well IT's a sad case really to be clear off from the first show. they are on my last 3 cat though i still think they are better than Danny Noriega. and I believe the judges may have another Sanjaya cases this year.
So 2 young male blonds was goner, simply the reason is too cheeky and too inexperience.
and then for the girls I did watch the show. just that there's nothing much to say. because overall they are not performing as well as the guys. of course most thinking whether want to take the flu strike into consideration. all consideration aside, the plus size moel is off the stage as well as the "soft" skilled Amy is booted.
though i think on the girls side yesterday, is the case how to choose the worst. the Controversial Carly definitely have the chops to move on. just that as Simon says though pro but not enough umph yet. the Wow factor is still with the guys. the girls have seem to fail to impress anyone this year. ashame that it's not a gendre mix vote. if it is. i do think that Colton and Garrett would still be around for the next trip if it's a mix vote. reason be that their singing isn't really that bad compare to some contestant, even to the male i mean. and they do have some appeal. If Haley could pick the tune up a bit and Colton would tone downa bit. mayb they can form a group or something and become like the sexy Russian Dou, .strange they they actually look almost like brothers.

Anyway, this week's AI news is over. I may not be updating all the time. only the time when i actually do watch the show. so stay tune. Ciao, Peace OUT!

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