Wednesday, February 20, 2008

The first Live show of Season 7 American Idol have started

Yesterday the voting for the new 7th season American Idol have started. and the Heat Seated David Archuleta have won over the Audiences and Judge with the largest Applause of them all 12 Male contestant. Last time we saw him, we are shock and this time though we anticipated the result still it's a great surprise that he could deliver a 60's song with perfection and his own touch. impressed even the Harshes judges Simon and Estimated will flow through smoothly. so if you are in the US vote for the uber talented and cute David Archuleta.
Trust me your bet is not waste.

of course being one of the hardest contest out there, it's not short of talent but the day also bring some dissapointment. David Hernandez show off his stuff with a great start for the show. Followed by Chikezie's performance, both performance are good but not top notch meterial and both shows there are still a lot of space to improve. (means they are just a round the edges of 5-6 out of 10) then David Cook is the next to go on and presented a rave review of Rock style "Happy Together" this is the first one from the 7th season show that shows an incling of the Chris Daughtry flavor perfomance, thought it's not one of the best rock performance of the say but the performance is solid. then Jason Yeager show his sweet side by performing "moon River" and shown the audiences how an adult could seduce with songs yet a bad example as a contestant that lost abit of his focus during the performance. Next comes Robbie Carrico, it's some soft rock style performance, though Simon think it's niether nor here or there, I'd say so are ColdPlay so my bet is he's gonna stay. Of course from this not so bad performance, turn into a red hot inferno coming to the next perfromance for david Archuleta, the crooner wimply wow everyone with a solid and close to professional performance and a great presentation on stage and the girl just can't get enough of him, screaming from the start to the end and louder whenever he gets near. (mind you there's not prejudision here, he is the only one that makes the audience gives such reaction). and after that Simon gaves a million miles length from the others for the lad. so after that we are all dump into a cold bucket of water afterwards. I know following a great act is hard to top, yet lack of originality and singing a great famous elvis song and not sounding great or dance great is a big no no. and Danny Noriega falls into that trap and put himself in the risk of running for the first to be voted out of the show, yet he does have the aura of previous season top 10's Sanjaya, so we'll see what will happen tomorrow. Luke Menard, the oldest of all the male contestant looks relatively young and handsome. he holds the feel of Matthew Fox, Yet he's singing are a bit weak until half of the time TV audience would strain to listen to what he's singing. it's not a bad performance, the pitch is nearly perfect just weak. but he sound like acrooner at heart. he is in my opinion one of the weakest this week.
next came the Lucas Grabeel/Ellen DeGeneres Look-Alike Colton Berry, his is not at all bad, just cheesy, too cheesy for my taste and i believe most male audiences. his singing is not too bad. not exactly in the league of professional, but not too bad either, I'll give a 5 out of 10 there. oh if you are wondering, Archuleta get only 8 out of 10 from me. Why? simply I'm harsh, and with more perfect performance, he'll get the top 10 marks just that I still have some reserve for his age and the durability of his vocal. though right now my bet is on him. NExt comes the other youngest of the lot, Garrett Haley. he shows that he is really raw and young, his performance are here and there. some way of it is good, the singing are on pitch yet lack of bit of self confidence singing, and definitely not in speaking back to Simon, yet though he's lack of personality in his performance, he persona may get him pass the gate. so he is the third in the weakest rack of the lot. (oh i didn't mean the weakest in that particualr order.) the second last to perform is Jason Castro, he gave a funkie and not so typical performance of Daydream and being the only one perform with a guitar in the show he get my vote, and he's not bad, 6 out of 10. just behind David until you come to the closing. but to get 7 out of 10 he'd have to improve much much more cos it seems that he's taken the best he has this time and there's very few space for improvement there. We'll see, he's a stayer in my bet. of course last but not least Micheal Johns, this season resident Rocker of the lot. he's performance far out shine the same aged Luke Menard and deliver the almost perfect rock version of Light My Fire and give the show a great and better closing than an opening.

I think this week rank for the guys according the pervious show is (My personal Preferance is different though)
David Archuleta (1)
Micheal Johns (2)
Jason Castro (4)
Robbie Carrico (5)
Jason Yeagar (3, because his maturity Rating and Sweet Crooner Style, regardless of the old fashion 60's song)
David Hernandez (11, same reason with Chikeze)
Chikeze (10, simply for me i expected more and got less)
David Chuck (9, plain Shouting isn't really my thing, and he's not rock enough)
Luke Menard (8, for the age difference and not bring a great performance the first time )
Colton Berry (6, simply because he is young and looks like an Idol, but i beleive he is in the roll with Danny Noriega on the singing side)
Garrett Haley (7, for being young, steady singing style though lack of style)
Danny Noriega (12, sorry! he has crash and crush Elvis, the only reason i think he might be staying is because of the American Idol Hater. he is not the worst Idol of all season, but he have perform poorly on this one. )

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