Finally I saw this article about sexual orientation and preference.
O.K. people ask what's the different.
As always, I'm always pleague but the fact that most of my articles and things that I involved in mostly are male issue. one reason is that I am one so naturally i give more attention to such issues and the other could be habitual because I give more attention to male fashion or male health or male issue (Gay also contains of male species as you'd guess) so it appears to people that I am not interested in Girls and I could be Gay.
so What's that got to do with the article i find.
as the article suggest every issue or topics in life there are millions of perspective and angle to look at it. so let me explain.
Sexual Orientation is when you are doing it, which sex are you doing it with. or more deeply, when you actually fall in love, which sex you fall in love to. when you are male, you love male or you do it with male counterpart, then you are gay, you love girls then you are hetero, and if you are both then you are bi-sexual, and orientation means what you do. but preference is different which sex you like. guy who like guys or girl who love girls, you "prefer" homo, the other way around is you are hetero. if both is bi-sexual. so besides this 2 perspective, there's one more angle to look at this issue. that's habitual preferences, that is without any inteference from outside, a person naturally choose to be in which category. just like the natural law of physics, if one things moves and there's no other force act on it, the object moves on the direction as it is forever. so just like someone from Texas where they never talks about gays or a religious community that never talks about it or the children never encounter the issue and never thought about it, if there's no hormon changes, they naturally would select the orientation they always sees and heard and experience themselves. in most cases that's heterosexual, some homo. for me just the case is that I love girls, and when internet enter my life I take on the persona of finding out issue, topics regarding men, and definition of beauty in men and definition of men. Why the sudden interest. well, I've lost me father when i was very young, without a father figure, I'm learning to be a man at the time. so i need info. The other reason is that I live with my mom and most of the people I'm with, relative and all, most of them are women. By that time, I have gain a lot of knowledge how the other sex behave, likes and dislikes, and most importantly I have seen many things that dissapoint me and arouse me that makes me treat female differently, not like when guys want or like a girl he'd go all out and not knowing anything and being cute acting like that. me, i have no problem with girls(ust the kind that have certain standard about guys and every man she looks at must be a perfect man in her life, advice: not all man are interested in this kinda girls cos not all man like to be changed), and most of my closest friends are female, not in a remantic kinda way. so I'm not really in that group of guys into sports and only have sex or football in their mind and want to know the other sex so eagerly. All those factor I don't have. and as a result I'm looking for a partner in crime that could go deeper than that and so it seems harder to find a soul mate. so thus it seems after such habitual orientation for years, without a girl in sight, people would think you are Gay. (you know, a bunch of good friends that's female, non-romantically involved, don't really watch football, love artistic stuff all that.)that's quite fine for me. there's no hurry. to me I rather be late then just choose one and be not-happily ever after. One other reason out of habit, at that moment there's a movement about AIDS and Gay, the relationship and all, so naturally from the internet there's a lot of info and I'm a male, and since Gay are more likely to get AIDS I want to know if the decease have gender preference. so more and more I dug into the hole and more and more I know about gay stuff. and meet a lot of gay poeple. and so, I............................ do Gay issue and topics (you thought I'm gonna say naturally I'm gay? haha!) discussion. Longer the time span the more people I know and the more info I learn, though the statistic shows there's more "reported" Gay AIDS cases, it's rubbish to think that AIDS is a Gay issue or even have Gender preferences. Yet there's more issue and interest and topics, that can interact and discuss about the Gay community and so there goes on and on about it. and in comparison, I discuss less and very few women's issue, or more over Men on men Issue because that'st where my knowledge actually lack of and wish to know more. I find that trying to generalize things is not going to work on a men's girl's relationship. those things every case is different. and every case have their own issue. so my very personal friends knows I give them advice. To me, Guys if you want to go for it, romantic or not, just be natural and just think if she is your girl how you wanted to treat her(and please I don't mean sexually). when you get to know her and she knows you eventually they will come. and girls if you want a guy, regardless of whether there's a girl (wife aside not recommended), you know you won't be happy unless you know if he is into you. just act morally. and do believe the fact that not all nuts are mad about what's down under. so you can open up, see what's happen, no need to pretend, no need to fuss, and no need to overthink everything. just go for it. you like the car test drive the stick, just be careful and if you don't just refuse it. most importantly, dun overthink it.
Love is a wonderful things. you laugh, you cry, you fight and it never fail to amaze. just be sure of what you want and go for it. enjoy it. Guys on guys? that's kinda tricky and you'd think whether the person is gay or not only you'd move. so just observe first, if you think you can make a move then do it. if he is not then sorry man next time then. but they always say once you see it you know if he is or not, they always say they got the instinct. I don't know, If I am gay, I dun have that instinct haha! (which is why I'd like to know actually how homosexual poeple find their soul mate and all.)
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