Friday, March 27, 2009

Everyone!!!! Earth Hour tonight!!!!! 8pm

Switch off everything tonight. take that 60 minutes of peace and lightlessness.
turn off all electrical appliances including your handset.
Earth Hour 3/28 tonight 8pm.

Join the world and let the earth have a breather!!!!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

American Idol Top 10 to 9 now.

Just as we expected Michael Sarver is the first of the Top 10 to go. well, Megan and Scott will still have a chance to see if they can make next week interesting...

Allison is also in a shaky situation with Anoop......

So we'll see what happen next.

all the best to Michael.

love for music and and singing is not the only thing that needed to be a musician. Michael just have to find away to break out as an artist.

American Idol Top 10 Perform!!!!!


Wednesday again and it’s American Idol night.

It is obvious now that the first 2 performance of the night is the front runner of the show…. The rest of the pack is really chasing.

Matt Giraud takes the show first for the Motown night and he did just that. With a Marvin Gaye spin to open to show to the former Motown glory. His sound just got that hook at the end of the note that essential for classic R&B and it’s hot. Even Smokey is amazed by it.

The person to follow Matt has to be better and Kris just did that with his guitar and How Sweet It is indeed.

The heat factor is off the chart and he totally got that Michael Buble sexiness on with a guitar…. And he is ready to move on to real recording.

With 2 big opening the next one would have to be huge so the person to suffer the after burn would be Scott. Not that he is not a good pianist or a good singer. But at this stage of the show, it is time to step up and Scott although did well on country night just did ok on Motown. He take on a faster tempo this week and refreshing style for he but the execution of the performance is just back to the old Matt a bit messy. And to have that at this stage would have a chance of sending him on the board.

Megan is up next, she looks totally gorgeous this week, the song started a little bit rocky, but the last part of it is amazingly executed. She just have to get hold of her voice together more.

Next up is Anoop, one of the redeemer of last week show. Will he be back to his former lost or go further this week. Oh Baby Baby is what he sang and oh Baby can he sing. This is what a soft serenade is all about. The voice is beautiful, the skill is phenomenal and you can tell he got the voice. And looks like he just books himself a ticket to the top with 2 consecutive solid performances in 2 totally different genres.

Michael Sarver is up next. It’s about a last chance with a woman. And this might just be the last chance for Michael. We love this dude. He is genuinely good. But the singing is just that at the spot there. He is confidence, thought he is not doing what Smokey was asking him to do exactly, he got the tempo up to right where it should be tough. He just needs to show some artistry here.

Lil Round is probably the most powerful singer of the whole lot. And the best voice of the girls, but I think the Heat wave have over heated her a little bit. To think that even Whoopi Goldberg’s version in Sister Act sounded better is bad for her. It is a lil bit old, we all know she is trying to pay tribute to the Motown but she got to heat it up a bit. There’s good control on the vocal while speeding on the fast lane though.

Next up is Adam Lambert, and it’s not all losses for the night. Looking silly classic in his tux tonight, he took on the monster and he conquer it with the softest he has ever been. Soft and controlled, 100% in his zone. And he finally, finally got the portion of his falsetto right. Just the right dose and just the right softness, not too sweet not too rough. Even Smokey acknowledges it with the judges by standing up.

Well, one big time front runner off and one more to go. Danny Gomey is up next and without following Smokey advice he ditch the last phrase of the verse for the background. I think it’s a really smart move because he ain’t got the lung capacity to run the chorus with his style of mixes if he’d go into unfamiliar gound with the first 2 verses. The run is great and the energy is fun it’s right on target for his. Though I see his originality, but I haven’t really been convince that those run could make top selling records though.

Last to close the show is Allison. She is not the strongest singer of the girls but she did one sassy performance tonight, hitting every note with the right heat and though I hope she can get more energy into her voice, it is still on par with the standard at this poit. Even the judges thought so.

So our ranking of the night.

Adam has come back up with his performance.

Kris is down one for lack of differences from his last week’s performance. (How can you top yourself when you are on the top is his goal now.)

and Matt is to follow close behind these 2.

The judges are right that the guys are in the zone here.

Anoop is to take the 4th spot if the night for a consistence performance.

Danny comes in with Anoop at the half way point. Anoop may be I the 5th seats for less popularity. But I think his vice is that much better than Danny at this moment.

And Lil Round will be cutting in in the middle with her big voice performance.

I think Allison is totally in the middle zone to tonight with a good run down.

As for the last three I’ll think either Scott, or Michael or Megan.

Probably will be Megan to go first because she is more outstanding among the group. But if all three of them didn’t up their act after this.

They will be going exactly in the order above. They are talented I don’t mean they are not. It’s just that the show is at the point of the reality that the lesser is gonna go one by one. And Megan, Michael and Scott style is just a bit limited at the moment and there’s no better light to shade on their potential yet.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

The under ground people from City of Ember and the outer space alien that destroy Manhattan in one night, Cloverfield

Last week was a slow week on the cinema front.
The online head lining movie is The International, which I am not really keen of watching with all the people lining at the ticket counter there.
So instead I go for movies that are not too popular or rather say old in the American line up.
City of Ember, which have been long fall from the American screen is now showing at the cinema.
A very The Borrower-esque kinda movie.
About a group of people living underground due to inhabitable condition above ground.
After over 200 years the city have forgotten their mission and filled with failing pipeline and electrical generator.
The young resident is keen on finding a way to fix the generator which is the only lifeline in the city. Instead he discover the box with the mission to instruct the member of the city to leave the place and go above ground so that they can live there after 200 years.
Young Doon tries to explore the possibility with the girl that discover the box that enclose the mission within. And while on their discovery they realize that the mayor have been hiding food precious to the people for themselves. While trying to escape from him, they came across the portal and the passage to go back up to the ground.
At first it started as a very dark and desperate movie and then the mission for really enlightened and the hope for survival is high.
It is about one of the best movie I’ve ever thought of though I always know that it is one movie that have to be watched on the big screen to really appreciate the excitement.
As for the rest of the weekend, it’s spend with watching some of the stored DVD I have been waiting long to watch when I bought them on a discount.
The total opposite of the Parity to the City of Ember above is Cloverfield.
I know, I know, when I mention it, it just remind you of the dizziness and the shakey camera movement you have when you watch it last year and the motion sickness you thought you’d never had as a guy in your life. HAHA!!!
But as I say when I got off the cinema watching it, Cloverfield is the perfect movie on TV and small screen.
For all you Graphic and effects and science-fiction geek out there. This is probably the coolest movie you are going to get on the small screen. While the big screen makes you dizzy and puking your guts out, the small screen let you take in everything that have been done of on the movie in perfect HD clearness. Every detail is magnified and personalize. The story telling style of a cam-recorder is simply the most innovative and intimate storytelling you’d ever get. It’s like watching youtube or your private home video and feeling every beat of the excitement and horrific moment in the movie itself.
Trust me. You’d love the idea of watching it at home with your perfect sound system. Really!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

WEll Official. Alexis got the boot from AI Top10

Alexis Grace is off the run for the Top 10 spot on American Idol.
A too Dolly Parton Alexis just go from fantastic last week to zero this week.
well as she says, everything happens for a good reason.
maybe it is time for her to move on.

as we thought, Michael Sarver and Allison join Alexis on the lowest 3 spot. if there's a 4th spot, I wonder would Adam Lambert be on that seat.
he just gotta get his game up without doing those rediculous notes too crazily.

Motown next week. we'll if Michael can up his game a bit. I'm sure some of them will be fine with it......

Kris Allen nice job...

All the Best.

American Idol Top 11 - Country Night. Nightmare for some and FAbulous for others

Right Tuesday night In America, Another American Idol night.
This year, though there’s not one very out there fave on the show but there’s totally a lot of talent and no fault performance.
Michael Sarver Started the Country night with a Bang. Totally country with the Red Neck GOO Agenda (I mean Grand Ole Opry theme.) it’s like running water on the Mississippi. Non stop fun from the first word to the last and he cramp the whole 500 word in that 5 minutes. There’s not much big vocal showcasing here but good old country fun indeed. Sure enough Simon wasn’t all in for it. It’s country…
Next up is the 16 yo Allison, she did Blame it on the heart. It’s a very classic country sound, actually a lot like Miley Cyrus really. Good vocal and very GOO again.
But…. When it comes to Kris Allen, the shows actually hit up with the coolness he’d shown. It’s smooth and groovy cuddly tenderness he put in the performance of a Ballad spin on a very country song…. Just give him the perfect advantage. Though what I see in the vocal is that he does have the chops to do a very proper country sound song, his voice is very suitable for country. But he took a chance and it shows an even better and more perfection in the vocal.
From the time in top 36 to now, he’s been the dark horse of the race. Impression after impression and this time as Simon says….. I think he really have the chance to go all the way to the final 2 and be the real dark horse.
Lil Round came up afterwards, who’d know that an R & B singer can do country that well, the style is country for the theme is country and for a R&B trained singer to have a country sound is an accomplishment by itself. The judges think she should do a R&B twist but I think this is just the right choice to take on the giant by the…..
It is a bit short on the verse but she nailed it with high energy on the high notes.
Adam Lambert is on and he did a rock twist on a classic Johnny Cash with his signature and it turn out to be alternative style, it’s a bit awkward. It’s rockin but not rollin. And the exotic Middle East music makes it totally not country at all and if you let it soak, it even goes over a bit to not US style at all. So….. a little bit too over for Adam this time, which is a love/ hate choice for the audiences. Everyone is speechless of the weirdness of it indeed. My opinion, it is time that Adam thinks about toning it down this time than taking it higher. Go all Rockin or soft ballad-y, not the middle with high shrill. It doesn’t work well that way.
Scott McNamara is next, and finally Randy Travis has pointed out the obvious in his performance. There’s this little bit of unbalance in his vocal vs melody when he sang. And Randy totally straighten that up and right on target from him. The notes are all well on piano, the vocal is current, and the beat is rockin. Scott is finally, finally in the zone tonight. Flawless. The only thing the judges say is that Scott would need more variety on his performance.
Alexis did a Jolene ad the Dolly look a like actually make it more sassy than Dolly. And this time it’s far better than last year’s version of the performance. But there’s still some off key at the beginning, which is not quite country, not quite rockin and not really edgy either for Alexis. A little Flat indeed this time.
Believe it or not the show has just got started after 7 contestants. Danny Gokey is on, I love the dude but he is not exactly my top fave on the show, but this time the Carrie Underwood Jesus Take the wheel, I don’t know if it’s Jesus or anything, it probably is the most soulful performance of the night…. It started fantastic in my opinion. Deep in emotions and the chorus seems a bit shouty, which on the contrary to judges opinion they like the chorus more. And overall it’s good energy all round and when Simon’s only critics in on fashion you’ll know that he’d made it.
Anoop Desai, can he redeem himself from last week’s disaster?
I tell you what, he didn’t just redeem himself with You Were Always on My Mind, I’m sure after this night many would have him on their mind. Finally there’s the voice that we are waiting for. It’s even better than Lil’s. He’d gone from the bottom to the Top in just one shot.
Megan takes on her comfort zone, country is who she is. A bit old fashion with the song, bit I’m sure it’s totally suit for GOO.
There’s nothing more country than country in her performance this time. Right on the money even with a flu.
And the last to close the show is Matt Giraud. It’s another stellar moment for him and it’s fantastically wonderful about his performance and rally up everyone at the chorus. It’s another high concert quality performance of the night and very Michael Buble-esque. Top notch.
So now here’s the deal. While last year we are killing off everyone, one by one to just anticipate the moment for the final 2, (not a fair deal for everyone who is not the Davids) this year it’s much easier to choose cos you just have to pick one that is totally bad. One flops, they will get the boots.
And this week it’s a total shuffle.
Anoop goes to top 1 on my pick, then Kris Allen and Matt Giraud.
Lil Round is still on the second level close to Danny with Scott and Megan exactly in this order.
And the last 4 would be Alexis, Allison, Michael and Adam.
There’s 3 Aces here, and 2 of my last week’s fave is here, Michael still as likable and Allison just wasn’t that impressive. I don’t know how much people are going to judge from the night’s performances. But if it’s based only on tonight, I’ll say it’s either Alexis or Adam. If according to popularity, it could be Allison or Michael or even Megan to go. Or I guess it is harder to pick from the best the worst too. So we’ll have to see tonight.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


We are often given once glimpse into peoples life.
Very often there’s only on second, that one glance and we’ll never see each other not knowing what the other person is ever.
And every so often, one door opens and let us into them and let us becomes apart of their life.
For that brief moment we are a couple of beings standing in one space share our thoughts and minds and arguing about which color of eyes and shirt piece together beautifully.
The most beautiful thing about human interaction is when you see the person sitting opposite you talking about the most important and interesting things in their lives. Their eyes sparkle, spit come out so often it doesn’t matter because he/she is at their best now and you just admire that soul, that everlasting energy exhume from them with such concentration.
And then some stay the same forever, ever complimenting each others. Other times…… you realize that you are not the center of her earth…. You’d be heart broken and leave…
Or is it selfish of us to ask for too much in a relationship, for we are one of millions hours away in universal time and to ask for forever is simply out of our reach. Why don’t we just ask for now and focus 100% on it and see and accept whatever happens next?

Sunday, March 15, 2009

The Fight Between Human and Alien Never ends in Cinema History: Dragonball Evolution and Race To Witch Mountain

It is a fight Between a Monkey and 2 Aliens this week.
Finally, here is one action movie that is both entertaining and none of that long winded origin talk.
The story of Dragon Ball: Evolution introduces Justin Chatwin as the main Character with from the beginning, an apprentice of his own Grandpa on martial art. It is a training to contain the anger within him that comes natural with his nature. Now I don’t want to spoil the plot for those that have no idea about the story.
The whole movie retains most of the structure of the 1990’s Manga comic. The main character a fighter, gone out to join his martial art sifu and train. The action is brilliant and funny at times and gracefully executed as if Justin has been trained for years. With the Chinese martial art and stunt crew as the backbone of the movie and the newly emerging visual effects team of Stephen Chow movies. The story on most part stick to the original. The Alien Got, the Toi San Martial Art tournament, how he met his love interest, and his loyal friend Buma and Yamcha.
There’s plenty of joke and fresh new ideas of the storyline both for those that love the story and those that not. Although it may not have the English charm that the US audience love so much. Still the adventure is great to see.
Emmy Rossum did a great change in her previous still as the Character Buma. It’s a total 360 degree change for her. And Justin looks fantatic in this movie as Goku. Plenty of fights and plenty of laughter.
It is after all a comic movie with a backdrop in the year 2300 where the old ideas that green Alien is known as God, the martial Art emphasizes on the usage and manipulation of Qi, and the building and story brings about marvelous modern invasion and imaginary location with both modern and old structure. It’s like The Chronicles of Riddick meets Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon meets Street Fighter (but much, much better)
Audience will have great fun and before you know it you’ll be wishing the 1 and a half hour movie could be longer. And remember not to leave your seats too early for there’s a back line at the end after the main credits.
As for the 2 Aliens, it’s the combination of 2 kids from outer space, the Rock and a mountain.

Race to Witch Mountains proves to be the more familiar Disney Kids friendly pleasure Aliens movie. Though this movie there’s only one ugly Alien. That’s the one that’s on the back of the kid, hunting to kill them.
The comic relief all come from the huge in comparison Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson in this revamp of the 1975 version. Yet the movie is no child’s play. There’s some Matrix in it, some very memorable E.T. moment in it. All the running and chasing may proves to be a bit single minded at times. But to tell the truth, I’m all captivated by the almost fully grown, Alexander Ludwig and AnnaSophia Robb (who seems to remain the same the whole year). If you look closely, Alexander has prove to be one good looking kid that ‘s moving really close to the realm of hardworking handsome young actor status. He got that look and charisma I’m sure that most talent and casting manager see in him too. As for AnnaSophia…… she is probably the most sought after teenager after Dakota Fanning of our time. I just hope that they will be able to reach for the grown up someday much easier as Rob Pattinson and the gang does.
Anyway back to the story, Witch Mountain is a tricky one, you have to build up the conspiracy with the joke and the action and then the chasing and hunting. Because without those it proves to be a very empty story, so the portion of everything actually be planned really carefully and holding every inch of the film together from the first minute to the last of the 120 minutes.
I’m sure the US audience will love Witch Mountain more. For me I’d prefer Dragonball, cause it’s one of the most original story and idea there is that didn’t bored the s**t out of me for months now on the screen.
Witch Mountain is not boring but it’s not unique either. But if you ask me, watching Dwayne, AnnaSophia, Alexander and Justin doing their thing best on screen is a pleasure by itself.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Write Freedom

Every people have a imaginary how the world is. And everyone is blinded from how the world perceive us.

Yet what I know is that peace for some are totally not viable or obtainable or is it?

Some people know exactly in their hearts that they are more than their current environment. Some is just too angry to bother, and some are trapped by fear.

We can choose. To walk the distance, to a strange land and totally start over again. Be it becoming a security guard, a fast food vendor or a venture in a new business. We do not really have to wait nor do we have to prepare. If it is an adventure, and all we have in life now is anger, loses, empty soul, and nothing but debts. Why can’t we just move on and do better? What are there to lose?

For fifteen years I have been trying to learn one word.

Fatherhood. I have never been able to grasp the meaning of it.

I see people and how their father treat them.

Some are loved and caring, others beat them to death. And some simply train their children to be a soldier. Another soulless being with plenty of knowledge but an empty heart.

I have lost in transition for a loving family to the single parent-hood.

Does all death means the same? Does the death of one life through accident are as cruel and worthless as the death of being killed at gun point?

Death and loses have been away for a long while. And yet not a day goes by that I’m not grateful for the experience that brought me here.

They are the meaning of every minutes I live.

Some work for money, some live for worries, and some worries to live. And me I have gone down the bottom of the deep dark well and found the purest of all water and given life. Work is life no more, nor does money hold water. They are merely the means for me to live……… My Life. And be it loses, be it retrenchment, be it debts and bankruptcy. Now I know with even one single breath left I have the chips to get back on the horse and ride out of this forest. For on the other side of the edge is a golden palace and a vast pond named Atlantic waiting to be explore.

Walk I shall, work I will, till the rise of my breast is broken and I, granted my last breath by Thee. God.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

American Idol Top 13th resutl week, Jorge Nunez and Jasmine Murray is off the board and 11 remain

Well A wild Card Rules to a wild card show.
I thought that Jasmine will be rather safe this week. but it proves that one male and one female contestant to kick off is too costly for them.
but this year the judges will have the power as to the 13th contestant on the result to decide if any of the contestant eleminated before the top 5 show can be save on result week. but those that is saved would means the week coming will have 2 contestants eleminated rather than one.
this time Jasmine and Jorge is the one going off and there's no save from the judges so both of them are off.
and next week will be business as usual for the top 11.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

28 March, 8 pm. lights off. Everyone it is time to take on the 60 minutes challege of the year again,

it is the concious decision for everyone to turn off all electrical appliances including PC and handset for an hour from 8-9 this 28th MArch everyone. take on the challenge and the change to change the world and save it. show your determination now.

American Idol Top13 Week 1, Top Talents Ever and the closest match ever

This is the first night of the American Idol Top 13 finalist round.

Lil Round started the Michael Jackson Theme show with a bang in her old blues and classic R & B style make modern. She does have a bit of a Fantasia vibe working there.

Next up is Scott the Blind man and he totally rock the house on his keyboard in his most natural environment and element there.

Things started to get really interesting with Danny Gokey going on stage and deliver a flawless and energetic performance with some querky dance moves.

When Michael Sarver takes the stage it’s like the most pleasant moment there is in today’s show. There’s no doubt that he is one of the most likable guy on earth. The voice is good, the sound is ok, I just hope that there could be more higher range in the performance.

Anoop Desai takes the stage after that and took the first beating of the night by belting out Beat it. Well, it’s not really that bad. It does show his range and control, it’s just that it’s either the famously famous dance performance nor the rockin geeky Fall Out Boys rock style. And without a gimmick the songs proves to create a void in the performance and keep waiting to be filled but never did manage to.

Kris Allen. Wow…. What can you really say about this guy but wow. Totally comfortable on the guitar. A few riff off the note but the style and the performance is…..totally confidence on high level and the unplug version is totally digging it. Like Simon says, bringing out the wife later would proves to be tacky but he is totally heating up the show with his performance. He is probably the one guy with a contender quality that could consider sexy actually in this season’s finalist.

Jasmine took the show with a Mariah Carey remix in front of the producer himself. So….. it’s a bit weird. But she got a great voice and a good spin o it and hitting that high notes means there’s no fault in the performance.

Allison takes the stage with the run in on the rock style. I think it could be rockin more. But it seems that it’s enough to prove to the judges that’s good. I mean if there’s more high notes would be great for the performance in total.

Jorge has a great moves with a slow love song. The judges are right. There seem to be less emotions involve I this performance. The R & B vibe is still intact it’s just not really that close to heart as other performance. Maybe the English is finally catching up with the dude.

Megan is up next and this girl can really turn everything around.

It’s a bit of a childish performance but it totally suited Megan’s voice. The style of the melody is old, yet she is able to make it into an old-style pop fuse with a rocking country tone.

The next 2 performers is the highlight of the night. First there’s Adam Lambert that rock out in black and with with his signature sound of lows and highest range control. And the performance is totally confidence and professional. I still think that he ought to take some steam off the shouting. Once is good, twice is great but more than 3 times makes it become a bit over the edge and verging on crazy. So it’s better to do in some soft riff between the shouting really.

And Matt Giraud, look and sound totally in tune with everything on the piano. He got his snitch there. The tone is soft and sexy, there a shadow of Justin Timberlake vibe, it’s like watching him performing on a concert stage there.

The last person hit the stage is Alexis. Dirty Diana in Rocks is so dirty it’s almost unbearably fantastic. She rocks the stagewitha big bang at the end. Totally rock the house off it’s roof. I bet she og the best of the female follows by Lil Round.

As for the guys I say Kris lead the crowd with an overwhelm great performance and great attraction to audience on stage presences follow by Matt and Adam. Of course the judges is going for Danny, Adam and Matt in that particular order. But I think if I let Kris in…. Danny will be a bit weaker of the three. Still all contestant consider Danny is still one of the top 6 for me.

The girls might not find themselves on the bottom this week, and trailing off the guys Are Anoop and Jorge I think one of the 2 will be gone. Or both of them. There’s another surprise at the end of the tomorrow results round. By the looks of it, it seems the rumors is true that they are going more on a Dancing with the stars approach either the judges votes count like 40% of the votes or they are going to choose the last 2 or 3 finalist with the lowest score and the judges will decide who to go.

In a show with almost 3 to one male to female combination there’s bound to be some bad one from the guys more than girls.

My ranking for the night will be

Top 3

1. Kris Allen

2. Matt Giraud

3. Adam Lambert

Danny Gokey, Lil Round, Alexis in the middle with no particular order

Trailing by Jasmine, Scott, Michael Sarver, Allison in this particular order

And rounding off the lowest range by Megan, Anoop, and Jorge totally not in no any order at all.

My bet is the top 3 will be my final pick for top 3 til the end of the show I think. Though I doubt they will lest male contestant dominate the last 3 weeks of the show. But they are the most talented in my opinion. With an exceptional take over from Danny or Lil Round and Alexis maybe…… just maybe. We’ll see.

It’s not the last 3 is a least talented, just that wrong song, or wrong timing with those singing or weak performance for the week.

I can say this time around the show have one of the most vocally and musically most talented bunch of all the season. Not the most diverse. Because previously there’s more country and hip-hop or even totally great crooner before. But this year there’s basically no flaws in all of the finalist vocal and the gap will be very very close. The performance for the night have no big upsets at all.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Walking in Distance

Inches by inches I walk towards the door down at the end of the dark alleyway. Alleyway….. who ever say that anymore. The only source of light is from the cracks under and on the side of the door frame that forms a perfect square. My heart keeps throbbing I don’t know why. There is no reason for me to be afraid. What’s merely behind the door is my destiny. I was after all here to discover that. I was so scared, I can’t keep my hand from shaking.

The darkness seems to creeps closer and closer as I was approaching the door. There’s this faint sound of dialog from an old TV show behind it. I was just standing there and not knowing whether to knock or shout or simply budge into the room.

The door is ajar. There’s no harm to just taking a peek before I say anything? I open the door slightly, the door creeks, “Hello!? Is anyone home?!”

“Come on In? help yourself I’ll be right there!”

The sound was so casual. Am I being expected?

“Oh!!! I’m sorry who are you? I thought you are….. Oh Never mind! How can I help you?”

“I am….. Jonathan.” I don’t think he knows who I am. He is standing right in front of me. I can’t believe it. He is always just a story? Just a shadow that have faded into the dimension of my imagination for all those years and he is now standing in front of me. It took all my energy to control myself from running over and catch him so that I can be sure that he is real, no more a dream, of my hallucination.


Monday, March 9, 2009

Movie week for the first Sunday of MArch 2009, The Reader out take every Watchmen on the street and the Jonas Brothers heat up the silver screen

Going back this week really makes me think about my own life. Last year I begin to change my life one step at a time. Some of my friends think IO haven’t changed a bit and some say I’d changed a lot. And I am to go about with a life that’s less emotion and more proactive. Not the proactive what other people want or want me to do but proactive-ness on my own life. A life that I wow to have no complains of and no worries.
Some say it’d never happen. I say it has already begun. Only when you accept that changes, challenges, are apart of life, then you won’t be surprises. I was with my family the whole month and it’s bound to have some argument some where in the course, and then there’s the money talk, there’s the accident and then 3 funeral in one week. it’s a crazy week, some say that I’m heartless because I reacted so fast after all of the incident. Well, the family argument I’ve already expected them so it’s just “huh, here we goes again!” and then I just stop and let them say what they want and move on. The accident part I am surprised and shocked, very very sorry that ruin some of my friends day, but grateful that no one is hurt but the front of the car, to skid a 360 degree and the bang on a wall to stop while going up a hill and didn’t fall off the ledge is very fortunate in my dictionary. So I made a few calls make sure I have enough to pay for the toll and repair and that’s it. I’m off again. Well I owe my brother some for that comfort. As for the funerals, there’ no way to g about it, car in garage, can’t go to the fartest, I can only go to one. And the rest I can only send my condolences. I was sad of course, my best cousin and a friend’s mom and a colleague on the same week. we just have to take it one day at a time and remember all we cherish with those we loved.
Compassion doesn’t have to come from tragedy, nor does it meant we must me emotional in order to feel emotion. We feel it everyday with every fiber of our being, but to act out in response is a matter of control. I just choose to feel and resolve the matter on my own than get other to go there with me.
Anyhow after all the incidents, A concert with great humor and life lesson is a good recovery. So do a trip home that allows you to sleep and read 24 hours a day.
Now…. I’m back
Another weekend of course chart another movie trip, this week movie review we come to a point there’s too much movies to watch and no time to take them all in. I’ve missed burn after reading and I think I’m gonna miss pink panther 2, Sex Drive, Role Model and Marley and Me too. But what I didn’t miss is a very realistic movie, a pretty boring action movie and one hell of a drama movie.
The realistic surely is the most recent 3D venture in cinema today, The Jonas Brothers Concert in 3D. this one I’ll tell you all if you are not into concert or Jonas Brothers don’t go for it. I think Asian audiences are not quite there yet with the Jonas Mania. Because throughout the concert I got people shouting to their pal for pop corn, walking about and talking on their handset and walking out after an hour. I’m just having the blast of my life with the couple of tween by me screaming almost every 10 minutes. I mean guys, really guys….. if you don’t really want to watch it why pay more to go in to the cinema.
This is the first time I ever watch a concert in cinema and in 3D. Sorry Miley the time when yours out Malaysia almost have no showing. I find the concept is pretty amazing. It’s almost as real as live show, and having Nick, Joe and Kevin head and body shot 10 times bigger actually makes them looks cooler. They are not the most rocking band on earth but I will give them the most energetic and most potentially talented. They got the youth on their side and a whole lot of time to expand yet. And this year this era is their era no doubt about it. And I’m sure the movie with generate some more follower to their coming tour too.
I’ve gone and take a run on Watchmen after the hype of the Jonas Brothers and almost fell asleep in the first quarter of the show. I don’t know about anyone in the business, but to have one person narrating and then keep explaining the history and the origin of the heroes seems so cumbersome when it’s done in an hour long. It’s just makes the movie loses the momentum or rather lack of it all together in this case. And the story about retired heroes force to reunite and come out to defend the world again makes the history talk to feel so much longer and makes the heroes seems so much older than they should be. If it’s not for the sex and the little bit of scandal and the fights in the end it seems the movie is going to become another one of those doomed doomsday superheroes movies. Fortunately the change of tone at the last quarter of the movie speed up the suspense and the fights looks good finally.

The real fun is saved for the last. The Readers proves to be not only a great performance from Kate Winslet, but a great story too. With the merciless sensors, most of the love scene is cut still you can feel the passion between the young kid and the woman. It is almost a simple movie. A woman, who can’t read ashamed to admit it, fall in love with a kid who reads. The twist comes when she become a Nazi’s concentration camp’s guard and sentence to life in prison with her love watching in the court. The redemption at the end for both person, and what love means that transcends time, age, politics and history and unimaginable shame and guilt and humane and morals. All that in the end are less important than the simple for letter words love. Though the world may not give this love a chance but it is in the end love the prevail never the less.

American Wild Card Round

I know that it's a bit late now and that almost everyone knows there will be a top 13 on AI and not top 12.
well almost everyone because the wild card round didn't really generate as much hype as last years show. though the viewership seems to disagree making the show the most watched of the night.
anyway. top 13 means the contestants in the round have a 50/50 chances to getting through. sadly Von Smith didn't do enoughw ith a rough and shaky start, and Tatiana though with that big voice also didn't really impress the judges. Matt Giruad and Anoop Desai is the favourite to go on and also past fave like Jasmine Murray and so is Megan Cockrey. of course the play for the night is that Anoop is the last to be announce into the show top 13 at the end with heart broken and mended again.
Anyway, for the best part of it all is that at least time time it seems those that are really talented are in the running for the top final.
congratulations to all 13 of the contestant and we'll be looking forward to a fantastic battle of the voice on air.
those slated to the final... list are.
• Kris Allen, 23
• Megan Corkrey, 22
• Anoop Desai, 21
• Matt Giraud, 23
• Danny Gokey, 28
• Alexis Grace, 21
• Allison Iraheta, 16
• Adam Lambert, 26
• Scott MacIntyre, 23
• Jasmine Murray, 16
• Jorge Nunez, 20
• Lil Rounds, 23
• Michael Sarver, 27

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

American Idol Top 36 Week 3

This Week there's no time to actually follow the show. I'll take the rerun because of Jason Mraz but.....
here's the last 3 of the finalist to go through of the top 36

The most radical group of the top 36 battle it out yesterday and first round goes to Lil Round as everyone expected.
Scott MacIntyre and Jorge Nunez join the songstress to form the 9th of the top 12

Tomorrow, Wild Card,
Von Smith will be back, so do Drama Quees Tatiana Del Toro, Matt Giraud ought to get through this time, Anoop Desai comes back, Jesse Murray and Jesse Langseth get a second chance, and Ricky Braddy and Megan Corkrey given second run on the last 3 spot, this time it's 8 for 3 much bigger chance that almost half of them will get through. What a Shame! I was looking forward to Nick Mitchell getting another chance to humor the audience once more.

Jason Mraz is too hot to Handle, Opening his world tour in Malayia.

Jason Mraz rocks Malaysia yesterday. On stage, the Stadium is jam packed with late comer to the show. And as usual the tropical country give Jason the heat right away (apart from the fact that there’s no air-con in the closed stadium.), everyone scream their lungs out right from the beginning. This is the countless free concerts that I’ve been with now, thanks to a couple of my beloved friends in the business.

There’s no doubts that Jason is far far better an artist than he looks. And this year I think it’s slowly moving from casual, shy talent to sex appeal status HAHA!

Everyone in the house is hot for it.

Jason sound have always been the relaxing, free spirited, tongue tying fabulous. But to take it to the arena and the coming American and world tour, he literally Jazz it up a little bit with a three piece brass band. American can expect greatness from this guy. The recently Grammy Nominated guy from Mechanicsville, started the show with one string of his previous one-hit wonder.

Then there’s a break and a wardrobe changes after an hour of dancing, audience interaction (teaching the audience geeky dance moves that actually look fine with Jason….. and joke on people too cool to moves), and plenty of jokes along the way.

Return with a sleeveless I Love KL (the capital of the country and where the show is), showing off some skin to the crowd HAHA! And with a beautiful lady named Penny Dai for the Colbie Caillat duet. Though the Q from Penny to get on stage is mess up a bit but the audience compensated from the beginning of the song. As usual as any Jason performance, you just switch the audience on and they fall into the block right away. Casual, no stress, no fuss, pure enjoyment, which is why I say everyone nowadays should get a doze of Jason Mraztic sound to their life.

Anyway the show goes on even with un-choreograph and some choreograph dance moves with the band and the show ended as all foreign show…. Too soon after one and a half hour.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Movies at the Cinema: Street Fighter sucker punch on Seven Pounds

I was out and about again this weekend of course on my favorite past time. The movies.
It’s a bitter sweet moment.
I watched one of the most boring movies ever and a fantastic one.
You won’t guess it. Street Fighter : Legend of Chun Li can be so boring I almost fall asleep in the middle of the story, or rather lack of story. The plot is total lack –luster, the action is boring, and there’s totally no humor to it at all. It’s a action movie that lost it’s balance on both reality and special effects. I know the producer is trying to be loyal to the game. But the game is a game, there’s only 1 or 2 special effect to how every character fights there’s nothing after that. While the action seems good it only lasted for that couple of minutes. So when it reach the 1st hour it’s already getting bored and I’m already checking my watch. Don’t get me wrong, I love all the actor and actresses in the movie, it’s just that the story itself already can’t stand on it’s own. Sorry guys.

As for the movie that's actually interesting is like a totally 360 of the first. It’s Seven Pound, a drama by Will Smith. The movie is so secret with it’s plot that even the actor can’t talk about it when they promote it. Of course one part of the reason is it really is like Sixth Sense type of movie that if you tell the plot it just gone uninteresting totally.
So how would you describe it. Will Smith characters harbor a secret that will be revealed little by little along the movie. There’s one secret why he did what he did in the movie. Seven things to do. The targets have to be honest and good. By the 3rd quarter of the movie audience should have guess what it’s all about. And the answer is staring you right in the face. The title is a hint. Trust me you’ll like the suspense and the good feeling that comes with it. It’s a great movie to watch really.