Wednesday, March 11, 2009

American Idol Top13 Week 1, Top Talents Ever and the closest match ever

This is the first night of the American Idol Top 13 finalist round.

Lil Round started the Michael Jackson Theme show with a bang in her old blues and classic R & B style make modern. She does have a bit of a Fantasia vibe working there.

Next up is Scott the Blind man and he totally rock the house on his keyboard in his most natural environment and element there.

Things started to get really interesting with Danny Gokey going on stage and deliver a flawless and energetic performance with some querky dance moves.

When Michael Sarver takes the stage it’s like the most pleasant moment there is in today’s show. There’s no doubt that he is one of the most likable guy on earth. The voice is good, the sound is ok, I just hope that there could be more higher range in the performance.

Anoop Desai takes the stage after that and took the first beating of the night by belting out Beat it. Well, it’s not really that bad. It does show his range and control, it’s just that it’s either the famously famous dance performance nor the rockin geeky Fall Out Boys rock style. And without a gimmick the songs proves to create a void in the performance and keep waiting to be filled but never did manage to.

Kris Allen. Wow…. What can you really say about this guy but wow. Totally comfortable on the guitar. A few riff off the note but the style and the performance is…..totally confidence on high level and the unplug version is totally digging it. Like Simon says, bringing out the wife later would proves to be tacky but he is totally heating up the show with his performance. He is probably the one guy with a contender quality that could consider sexy actually in this season’s finalist.

Jasmine took the show with a Mariah Carey remix in front of the producer himself. So….. it’s a bit weird. But she got a great voice and a good spin o it and hitting that high notes means there’s no fault in the performance.

Allison takes the stage with the run in on the rock style. I think it could be rockin more. But it seems that it’s enough to prove to the judges that’s good. I mean if there’s more high notes would be great for the performance in total.

Jorge has a great moves with a slow love song. The judges are right. There seem to be less emotions involve I this performance. The R & B vibe is still intact it’s just not really that close to heart as other performance. Maybe the English is finally catching up with the dude.

Megan is up next and this girl can really turn everything around.

It’s a bit of a childish performance but it totally suited Megan’s voice. The style of the melody is old, yet she is able to make it into an old-style pop fuse with a rocking country tone.

The next 2 performers is the highlight of the night. First there’s Adam Lambert that rock out in black and with with his signature sound of lows and highest range control. And the performance is totally confidence and professional. I still think that he ought to take some steam off the shouting. Once is good, twice is great but more than 3 times makes it become a bit over the edge and verging on crazy. So it’s better to do in some soft riff between the shouting really.

And Matt Giraud, look and sound totally in tune with everything on the piano. He got his snitch there. The tone is soft and sexy, there a shadow of Justin Timberlake vibe, it’s like watching him performing on a concert stage there.

The last person hit the stage is Alexis. Dirty Diana in Rocks is so dirty it’s almost unbearably fantastic. She rocks the stagewitha big bang at the end. Totally rock the house off it’s roof. I bet she og the best of the female follows by Lil Round.

As for the guys I say Kris lead the crowd with an overwhelm great performance and great attraction to audience on stage presences follow by Matt and Adam. Of course the judges is going for Danny, Adam and Matt in that particular order. But I think if I let Kris in…. Danny will be a bit weaker of the three. Still all contestant consider Danny is still one of the top 6 for me.

The girls might not find themselves on the bottom this week, and trailing off the guys Are Anoop and Jorge I think one of the 2 will be gone. Or both of them. There’s another surprise at the end of the tomorrow results round. By the looks of it, it seems the rumors is true that they are going more on a Dancing with the stars approach either the judges votes count like 40% of the votes or they are going to choose the last 2 or 3 finalist with the lowest score and the judges will decide who to go.

In a show with almost 3 to one male to female combination there’s bound to be some bad one from the guys more than girls.

My ranking for the night will be

Top 3

1. Kris Allen

2. Matt Giraud

3. Adam Lambert

Danny Gokey, Lil Round, Alexis in the middle with no particular order

Trailing by Jasmine, Scott, Michael Sarver, Allison in this particular order

And rounding off the lowest range by Megan, Anoop, and Jorge totally not in no any order at all.

My bet is the top 3 will be my final pick for top 3 til the end of the show I think. Though I doubt they will lest male contestant dominate the last 3 weeks of the show. But they are the most talented in my opinion. With an exceptional take over from Danny or Lil Round and Alexis maybe…… just maybe. We’ll see.

It’s not the last 3 is a least talented, just that wrong song, or wrong timing with those singing or weak performance for the week.

I can say this time around the show have one of the most vocally and musically most talented bunch of all the season. Not the most diverse. Because previously there’s more country and hip-hop or even totally great crooner before. But this year there’s basically no flaws in all of the finalist vocal and the gap will be very very close. The performance for the night have no big upsets at all.

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