Monday, March 9, 2009

Movie week for the first Sunday of MArch 2009, The Reader out take every Watchmen on the street and the Jonas Brothers heat up the silver screen

Going back this week really makes me think about my own life. Last year I begin to change my life one step at a time. Some of my friends think IO haven’t changed a bit and some say I’d changed a lot. And I am to go about with a life that’s less emotion and more proactive. Not the proactive what other people want or want me to do but proactive-ness on my own life. A life that I wow to have no complains of and no worries.
Some say it’d never happen. I say it has already begun. Only when you accept that changes, challenges, are apart of life, then you won’t be surprises. I was with my family the whole month and it’s bound to have some argument some where in the course, and then there’s the money talk, there’s the accident and then 3 funeral in one week. it’s a crazy week, some say that I’m heartless because I reacted so fast after all of the incident. Well, the family argument I’ve already expected them so it’s just “huh, here we goes again!” and then I just stop and let them say what they want and move on. The accident part I am surprised and shocked, very very sorry that ruin some of my friends day, but grateful that no one is hurt but the front of the car, to skid a 360 degree and the bang on a wall to stop while going up a hill and didn’t fall off the ledge is very fortunate in my dictionary. So I made a few calls make sure I have enough to pay for the toll and repair and that’s it. I’m off again. Well I owe my brother some for that comfort. As for the funerals, there’ no way to g about it, car in garage, can’t go to the fartest, I can only go to one. And the rest I can only send my condolences. I was sad of course, my best cousin and a friend’s mom and a colleague on the same week. we just have to take it one day at a time and remember all we cherish with those we loved.
Compassion doesn’t have to come from tragedy, nor does it meant we must me emotional in order to feel emotion. We feel it everyday with every fiber of our being, but to act out in response is a matter of control. I just choose to feel and resolve the matter on my own than get other to go there with me.
Anyhow after all the incidents, A concert with great humor and life lesson is a good recovery. So do a trip home that allows you to sleep and read 24 hours a day.
Now…. I’m back
Another weekend of course chart another movie trip, this week movie review we come to a point there’s too much movies to watch and no time to take them all in. I’ve missed burn after reading and I think I’m gonna miss pink panther 2, Sex Drive, Role Model and Marley and Me too. But what I didn’t miss is a very realistic movie, a pretty boring action movie and one hell of a drama movie.
The realistic surely is the most recent 3D venture in cinema today, The Jonas Brothers Concert in 3D. this one I’ll tell you all if you are not into concert or Jonas Brothers don’t go for it. I think Asian audiences are not quite there yet with the Jonas Mania. Because throughout the concert I got people shouting to their pal for pop corn, walking about and talking on their handset and walking out after an hour. I’m just having the blast of my life with the couple of tween by me screaming almost every 10 minutes. I mean guys, really guys….. if you don’t really want to watch it why pay more to go in to the cinema.
This is the first time I ever watch a concert in cinema and in 3D. Sorry Miley the time when yours out Malaysia almost have no showing. I find the concept is pretty amazing. It’s almost as real as live show, and having Nick, Joe and Kevin head and body shot 10 times bigger actually makes them looks cooler. They are not the most rocking band on earth but I will give them the most energetic and most potentially talented. They got the youth on their side and a whole lot of time to expand yet. And this year this era is their era no doubt about it. And I’m sure the movie with generate some more follower to their coming tour too.
I’ve gone and take a run on Watchmen after the hype of the Jonas Brothers and almost fell asleep in the first quarter of the show. I don’t know about anyone in the business, but to have one person narrating and then keep explaining the history and the origin of the heroes seems so cumbersome when it’s done in an hour long. It’s just makes the movie loses the momentum or rather lack of it all together in this case. And the story about retired heroes force to reunite and come out to defend the world again makes the history talk to feel so much longer and makes the heroes seems so much older than they should be. If it’s not for the sex and the little bit of scandal and the fights in the end it seems the movie is going to become another one of those doomed doomsday superheroes movies. Fortunately the change of tone at the last quarter of the movie speed up the suspense and the fights looks good finally.

The real fun is saved for the last. The Readers proves to be not only a great performance from Kate Winslet, but a great story too. With the merciless sensors, most of the love scene is cut still you can feel the passion between the young kid and the woman. It is almost a simple movie. A woman, who can’t read ashamed to admit it, fall in love with a kid who reads. The twist comes when she become a Nazi’s concentration camp’s guard and sentence to life in prison with her love watching in the court. The redemption at the end for both person, and what love means that transcends time, age, politics and history and unimaginable shame and guilt and humane and morals. All that in the end are less important than the simple for letter words love. Though the world may not give this love a chance but it is in the end love the prevail never the less.

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