Thursday, March 26, 2009

American Idol Top 10 Perform!!!!!


Wednesday again and it’s American Idol night.

It is obvious now that the first 2 performance of the night is the front runner of the show…. The rest of the pack is really chasing.

Matt Giraud takes the show first for the Motown night and he did just that. With a Marvin Gaye spin to open to show to the former Motown glory. His sound just got that hook at the end of the note that essential for classic R&B and it’s hot. Even Smokey is amazed by it.

The person to follow Matt has to be better and Kris just did that with his guitar and How Sweet It is indeed.

The heat factor is off the chart and he totally got that Michael Buble sexiness on with a guitar…. And he is ready to move on to real recording.

With 2 big opening the next one would have to be huge so the person to suffer the after burn would be Scott. Not that he is not a good pianist or a good singer. But at this stage of the show, it is time to step up and Scott although did well on country night just did ok on Motown. He take on a faster tempo this week and refreshing style for he but the execution of the performance is just back to the old Matt a bit messy. And to have that at this stage would have a chance of sending him on the board.

Megan is up next, she looks totally gorgeous this week, the song started a little bit rocky, but the last part of it is amazingly executed. She just have to get hold of her voice together more.

Next up is Anoop, one of the redeemer of last week show. Will he be back to his former lost or go further this week. Oh Baby Baby is what he sang and oh Baby can he sing. This is what a soft serenade is all about. The voice is beautiful, the skill is phenomenal and you can tell he got the voice. And looks like he just books himself a ticket to the top with 2 consecutive solid performances in 2 totally different genres.

Michael Sarver is up next. It’s about a last chance with a woman. And this might just be the last chance for Michael. We love this dude. He is genuinely good. But the singing is just that at the spot there. He is confidence, thought he is not doing what Smokey was asking him to do exactly, he got the tempo up to right where it should be tough. He just needs to show some artistry here.

Lil Round is probably the most powerful singer of the whole lot. And the best voice of the girls, but I think the Heat wave have over heated her a little bit. To think that even Whoopi Goldberg’s version in Sister Act sounded better is bad for her. It is a lil bit old, we all know she is trying to pay tribute to the Motown but she got to heat it up a bit. There’s good control on the vocal while speeding on the fast lane though.

Next up is Adam Lambert, and it’s not all losses for the night. Looking silly classic in his tux tonight, he took on the monster and he conquer it with the softest he has ever been. Soft and controlled, 100% in his zone. And he finally, finally got the portion of his falsetto right. Just the right dose and just the right softness, not too sweet not too rough. Even Smokey acknowledges it with the judges by standing up.

Well, one big time front runner off and one more to go. Danny Gomey is up next and without following Smokey advice he ditch the last phrase of the verse for the background. I think it’s a really smart move because he ain’t got the lung capacity to run the chorus with his style of mixes if he’d go into unfamiliar gound with the first 2 verses. The run is great and the energy is fun it’s right on target for his. Though I see his originality, but I haven’t really been convince that those run could make top selling records though.

Last to close the show is Allison. She is not the strongest singer of the girls but she did one sassy performance tonight, hitting every note with the right heat and though I hope she can get more energy into her voice, it is still on par with the standard at this poit. Even the judges thought so.

So our ranking of the night.

Adam has come back up with his performance.

Kris is down one for lack of differences from his last week’s performance. (How can you top yourself when you are on the top is his goal now.)

and Matt is to follow close behind these 2.

The judges are right that the guys are in the zone here.

Anoop is to take the 4th spot if the night for a consistence performance.

Danny comes in with Anoop at the half way point. Anoop may be I the 5th seats for less popularity. But I think his vice is that much better than Danny at this moment.

And Lil Round will be cutting in in the middle with her big voice performance.

I think Allison is totally in the middle zone to tonight with a good run down.

As for the last three I’ll think either Scott, or Michael or Megan.

Probably will be Megan to go first because she is more outstanding among the group. But if all three of them didn’t up their act after this.

They will be going exactly in the order above. They are talented I don’t mean they are not. It’s just that the show is at the point of the reality that the lesser is gonna go one by one. And Megan, Michael and Scott style is just a bit limited at the moment and there’s no better light to shade on their potential yet.

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