Sunday, March 22, 2009

The under ground people from City of Ember and the outer space alien that destroy Manhattan in one night, Cloverfield

Last week was a slow week on the cinema front.
The online head lining movie is The International, which I am not really keen of watching with all the people lining at the ticket counter there.
So instead I go for movies that are not too popular or rather say old in the American line up.
City of Ember, which have been long fall from the American screen is now showing at the cinema.
A very The Borrower-esque kinda movie.
About a group of people living underground due to inhabitable condition above ground.
After over 200 years the city have forgotten their mission and filled with failing pipeline and electrical generator.
The young resident is keen on finding a way to fix the generator which is the only lifeline in the city. Instead he discover the box with the mission to instruct the member of the city to leave the place and go above ground so that they can live there after 200 years.
Young Doon tries to explore the possibility with the girl that discover the box that enclose the mission within. And while on their discovery they realize that the mayor have been hiding food precious to the people for themselves. While trying to escape from him, they came across the portal and the passage to go back up to the ground.
At first it started as a very dark and desperate movie and then the mission for really enlightened and the hope for survival is high.
It is about one of the best movie I’ve ever thought of though I always know that it is one movie that have to be watched on the big screen to really appreciate the excitement.
As for the rest of the weekend, it’s spend with watching some of the stored DVD I have been waiting long to watch when I bought them on a discount.
The total opposite of the Parity to the City of Ember above is Cloverfield.
I know, I know, when I mention it, it just remind you of the dizziness and the shakey camera movement you have when you watch it last year and the motion sickness you thought you’d never had as a guy in your life. HAHA!!!
But as I say when I got off the cinema watching it, Cloverfield is the perfect movie on TV and small screen.
For all you Graphic and effects and science-fiction geek out there. This is probably the coolest movie you are going to get on the small screen. While the big screen makes you dizzy and puking your guts out, the small screen let you take in everything that have been done of on the movie in perfect HD clearness. Every detail is magnified and personalize. The story telling style of a cam-recorder is simply the most innovative and intimate storytelling you’d ever get. It’s like watching youtube or your private home video and feeling every beat of the excitement and horrific moment in the movie itself.
Trust me. You’d love the idea of watching it at home with your perfect sound system. Really!

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