Saturday, October 11, 2014

Annabelle and fitting Halloween movie, but not too scary!

As it is Halloween soon, of course I've watched Annabelle. just to get into the mood.
I've never really had any Expectation for the movie. not like Insidious or The Conjuring.
1 while it's pretty real, the weak spot is that there's no surprise factor. It's lost it when it's told in the Conjuring. and the story remains in beginning where it effects the young 2 person family.
so the scope of it is not that wide either.
that's been said. it's far more interesting when u watch the movie full house with skirmish people.
Just like the time when people first watch Jurrassic Park with a full house of Scared kids.
that's much more fun that just watching a not-so-scary movie alone.

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