Friday, October 10, 2014


I am familiar with Pippin.
roughly, I know it's a show that involve a lot of circus act.
but not Quite Cirque du Soliel.
it is after all a Broadway Musical first, so the book more important.

Yet if you think about it. after Spider-man, there isn't many show that really do stunt.
Mind you it is a live show so every single stunt is done over and over again for 8 times a week.

It is a coming of age story of a prince named Pippin. Told in a circus Act.

The set is great, the choreography and the synchronization of all the sets and scene are amazing and tech is difficult.

and I have the privilege to watch the last show of most of the player before they goes on the national tour and of course the first show that Priscilla Lopez as Berthe.

What interesting about such show is that when you watch the show and people react to it.
Pippin is a peculiar and strange show to watch. because the Narration and the Choreography are far away from any conventional Broadway musical. some are surprise, some are expecting it to be some Cirque Du Soleil show. and in the show I watched I got this couple of Chinese who have no idea what they are in for. They dun really understand the world and all the flying and cage simply through them off completely. but they'll survive. just will still be scratching their head for days after that.

If u want something with a little bit of flair and excitement. this is a good surprise for anyone that watches musical.

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