Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Love Letters ia a gem in the mud

Love letters is never set to be the big Broadway show that'd attract the largest crowd. Let's face it. 2 of the biggest stars sitting on stage basically table reading the story without dance nor music?
But it is just that that makes the whole thing worth watching. There's often too many distraction on big shows. This small intimate indulgence is just the right stuff to calm all those down n let u really enjoy that little thing call reading a play.
N u can't come any better than Carol Burnett signature humor n Brian Dennehy calm discontents. ( well mayb some Martin Sheen and Anjelica Huston after the new year could rival them) Talk about being moved, or pull on ur laughing stroke with just one line. U know Carol n u know u r in for some jaw stretching.  N if u think for one moment that they'd b the only stars there, u'd b wrong. They would draw the most famous crowd to Broadway  ever, Larry David, old Hollywood n Broadway all came out in doves on this chilly afternoon only weekend show. Yeah just to hear 2 folks do a table read.

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