Thursday, October 23, 2014

Men, Women, Children - we should all watch this

Movies have always been a medium that tell stories. no matter it's boring or rich or funny or serious.
the internet undoubtedly have become apart of our daily lives. and with everyone having a cellphones on them that are capable to access the internet at all time......
10 years ago, it is an experiment. now it is a fact.
While a 2 hours movie can only depicts a small spectrum of things that people do on the net.
Men, Women, Children is the most honest representation of what people are doing or rather I should say live with the condition of having a life that the environment have expanded to the vast space of internet.
how so many try to regain control. and some react with trying to harness it's power, how people abuse it and how sometimes when paths crosses.... severe consequences may ensue.
For every Men, Women Children. if you need a meter to measure how far are you in the madness of it all. this movie is the exact looking glass that you can mirror on and fine it yourself.
some might think it's a little bit extreme and I think the portion is just right.

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