Friday, February 27, 2009

AI Top 12, 3 more finalist revealed

Just as I thought, Adam Lambert, Kris Allen and Allison Iraheta is the three to go through ttop 12 this week.
Congratulation to them

Thursday, February 26, 2009

American Idol Top 36 Week 2

The Second week for Top 36 proves to be a week that’s left and right. It can go both ways. I’m sure with last week’s performance the viewership would be less. But this week there’s some of the best bet for the season. The show started with a rough start having straight 3 performance that’s lack luster from Jasmine Murray –she did a Sarah Bareilles, as the judges say, she got the fantastic voice and very commercial one but Sarah’s proves to be too independence for her voice. Matt Giraud – I love his voice and his performance at Hollywood week but Coldplay Viva La Vida is just not the right song for his style. He’s more soulful and jazzy than a soft rock geek. Jeanine Vailes sang This Love from Maoon 5 and there’s plenty of pitches problem everywhere and he didn’t have the energy the songs was meant for. Most probably it’s the lower note of the whole songs.
In this new format, this week there’s one clear front runner definitely, that‘s the easy part, the second and third spot is to be a fight between many.
Actually the show didn’t start on the 4th contestant, but it become interesting with it. Nick “Norman Gentele” Mitchell is on. And he’s back to his funny alter ego. Doing the Dreamgirls’ classic, I’m Telling you. Very very funny, and the song totally went on right with the style and Nick’s vocal in the light actually didn’t sound bad. It most probably be the most interesting performance ever in AI history and at least everyone remember him.
The person to follow that performance, Allison Iraheta actually did it great. If you don’t listen to her speaking, the husky singing vocal and sultry sound actually makes the 16 year old sound sexy, the song is nice and suitable to her voice, but it is not as good as what last year’s… did.
To top that off Kris Allen did a Michael Jackson, the low notes at the beginning proves to be a bit too low. But he got a great voice and he got a great vocal and though sometimes it’s on the verge of breaking but just barely, nice control and he is both charming and confident this time around.
Megan Joy Corkrey is next and she did a Corinne Bailey Ray, she got a nice unique voice and it seems the song suits her style in her own kinda way. But she also looks less confident. And when she let loose in the ending of the songs, she did it with a bit of Amy Winehouse.
Matt Breitzke, the welder did true Love, he have the soulful voice and last week’s Rigger, but the song is a rock song in nature and his voice is just too nice and soft to rock it. He’s got a soulful type and not the rock type. And I think he will not be able to make it.
Jesse Langseth got the looks and the presence, and that saucy voice totally sound modern and though she lost some of the tone but all together still have a fantastic vocal. Though the song she sang is a bit short in the range, but she got style and charisma. So it’s either the audience will like it or hate it kinda stage.
Kai Kalama did a 60’s song. Though he has the vocal to carry it it still proves that the 60’s is too old.
As for the last 2 performance Mishavonna Henson Drops of Jupiter with a Colbie Caillat style proves to be the right song for her voice. Thought the range is a bit limited which makes the performance less energetic. She still sound great delivering it. Like Simon says, the strange thing about this is that the whole song actually sums up her potential and the audience might just vote on this performance and may nto let her have the chance to show other potential.
At last Adam Lambert is on. Adam is a pro from the start and Hollywood week. though then he seems more of a stage performer than a commercializ-able singer or idol. This time he took the ball and pitch it totally out of the field and the dust is long gone before anyone can come close to him. Perfect pitch, perfect rockin style to the Rolling Stone’s Satisfaction. He is rocking the house down and it’s old school made current and manic and crazy range, might be a bit over the ledge on the stage presence but he got the look and the right style to pull it off. It is as if everyone is opening for his concert to night.
There you have it. The one locked target will be Adam Lambert.
As for the second seat if it’s a female there will be Misha and Alisha going for it. Misha is conventional and relevant, Alisha is sexy and modern. But if anyone of them didn’t make it into the second seats then it will be a brutal battle between her and Kris Allen, Jesse and, believe it or not, I’ll go on a limp on this, Nick “Norman Gentele” Mitchell, because he is the reason that people are excited to watch this weeks contest in the first place, and I’m sure it pleases both the vote for the best and vote for the worst people on this.
There you have it.
If you want me to choose, I’ll take Adam Lambert for first seats of male, Allison Iraheta for Second because she got energy, though the judges or the audience don’t really excitedly into her. Then the third one I feel that Kris Allen would have a better chance at it. He finally got the right look and the right style and charming too. And I will predict now that Adam will win the whole race.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

The Talented Jamie Scott Exclusive interview

We first seen Jamie when he appears as a cameo in Step Up, the dance movie. And he is smoking hot with the song he performs in it. Then after close to a year we see that Jamie came out with his first album and single. And it surprises us that Jamie can go from a totally pop/Disco style and come to the soulful jazzy Park Bench Relaxing melody. Jamie Scott is the talented singer song writer that can do it all and do them well. And later this year you can grab his new album in store, check out some of his new sound at his MySpace ,

Here is our interview with the talented charming musician, Jamie Scott.

Hey Jamie. It's great to finally meet you online.

Q: Let's start with the basic Jamie. You came from U.K. and you got a jazzy soulful sound with you. How long have you been writing and working on music?

I started playing the guitar at 7 and have basically been obsessed with music ever since. I grew up with both my parents playing all different types of music which I guess must have influenced me.

Q: you start playing guitar at a very young age. Is it hard to start that early?

I think when you start anything young it makes it easier to pick things up, but I still learn new things every time I'm in the studio .

Q: A lot of us first know you when you film the movie Step Up! How is acting compare with singing?

Well acting is different from performing on stage because you don't get the opportunity to stop performing on stage if something doesn't work. So in that sense it's much more like been in the studio, it's something you can work on till it's the way you want it.

Q: when you are in the movie your sound is sexy and pop and very modern, and yet your album is totally opposite of that, it's soulful and pure and green. It gave me quite a shock really at the time. How did you decide which to sing and what style to go for?

Well initially the song in the movie was going to be a song of mine called 'Soul' but it wasn't up tempo enough. So when I met the producers they still wanted me to be in the movie but to sing a more poppy modern song which was 'Made'.

Q: will we be seeing any more of that pop, R & B sound from you or even more acting?

Well I have no plans to do any more acting but who knows if the right part was offered to me.

Q: how is live performance like compare to writing long hours in the studio?

I really enjoy both but it's always nice to be in front of people who want to hear your music, I see it as one leading to the other all the hard work in the studio leads to me been able to perform to people.

Q: who is your most influential person musically and in your life?

Donnie Hathaway has probably been the most influential person musically in my life but I think every bit of music I hear has an influence on some level. I have a really close family and they always have a influence on me.

Q: are there any artists or producers that you are looking forward to collaborating on a song?

Well I've recently collaborated with Lucie Sliva's on a song called 'Gold' which was cool, but a hero of mine is a guy called Lewis Taylor and I'd love to do something with him.

Q: so what 's next on the agenda of the Jamie Scott camp?

Well it's an exciting time with various projects in the pipeline, all I can say for now is watch this space.

Q: How did the decision of going for a music career came about?

I remember been at school in class and all I could think about was the melodies in my head that when I knew I had to take up music full time.

Q: you ever wonder if you are not a musician what else will you be?

Well I've always been into Sport so maybe a Tennis Coach or something like that. But to be Honest with you I can't imagine my life without music.

Q: any advice for those aspiring artist out there?

My only advice is to work hard and believe in yourself.

Q: before we leave, would you like to say anything here to all your fans our there?We wish you have a fantastic year ahead Jamie. Thanks for giving us the opportunity sit down and do this with you.

Just like to say a massive thank you to all my fans that have supported me. And if you want to see me perform live over the internet tune into my Myspace for updates.

The Academy Awards - OSCAR 2009

Slumdog Millioanire has become the biggest winner in this year’s OSCAR and it truly is a slumdog to riches story for the cast and crew of the Independent movie. Winner of 8 awards of the 10 nomination which include the technical Like sound missing, Cinematography , editing and both song and score and adapted screenplay, of course not to forget the Best Director and Best Picture honors. The ceremony as usual is done in KodakTheatre. With a swarovsky curtain surrounding the stage it’s made the stage much smaller, more intimate and more old glamor. Bravo to the new production team, that this year’s Oscar is a great great success and much better than a lot of the previous year. This year the nominee of the actor category award is celebrated and honored by their own pears and 5 previous winners and great legend standing on stage to announce and congratulate the nominee. Everyone is so honored and moved that the ladies literally fall into tears before the award is announces.

With a new show comes and new style and a new host. Though I must say it is very similar to the Tony, maybe it’s Hugh Jackman. Everyone rumored that there will not be an opening but Hugh just gotta do it and to tell the truth it is as great as Billy Crystal is not better. Well done to the sexiest man of the year. Hugh did a run through of all the movies and some extra nominations usual and also did a pre-rehearsed stint with Anne Hathaway on Frost/ Nixon.

It’s a big year for the musical with Cadillac Records and Mamma Mia and High School Musical in the cinema, of course and with a Tony Winner as a host, you bet that there will be a performance on Musical. That includes Dominic and Amanda and Zac and Venessa.

While presenting the actor awards, Whoopi did a reflection joke on the nun character nominee by Amy Adams, and the Cube Gooding Jr. did one on Robert Downey Jr. on his Tropic Thunder character who is an Australia who gone through plastic surgery to be an African American in the movie both Amy and Robert is beaten to the award by Penelope Cruz (a surprise for a romantic comedy actress to take home the award.) and of course Heath Ledger of the Dark Knight, who family presented a moving thank you speech

Benjamin Button with the most nominees however takes home Best Make Up and Art Direction and Visual Effects as expected. The only disappointment that I have is the winning by the Duchess for Best Costume. Not that they are not deserving, and I know that Victorian costume are totally hard to do but this is probably the 7th out of the last decade that win the award already and the predictability is just becoming more boring.

I must say that I was totally surprise when Milk got the Best Original Screenplay and also proud that Dustin Lance Black got the award. It is an amazing script and it is totally honorable and for the first time in so many year openly gay people can finally stand tall on the world stage, in the Olympics and in the film industry right now and I thought that an Art industry should be more acceptable and the reality is as it is that now only it seems that equality is reached this year. In his speech, Dustin thanks his family for having the courage and love to move him from the conservative Mormon community to the California because of his sexuality and his hope of one day that equality for homosexual people of federal rights.

Surely it is the war of predator and the aliens on the Best Actor Nominee, though that Benjamin Button’s Brad Pitt is a very covered actor on the nomination but it is widely thought that it is after all a fight between Sean Penn and Mickey Rourke. Both with a dark personal past in the media and rise above the ashes, So in the end Sean with the more notable and longer calming period takes home the award, but not without being joke on how he handle the photog and how his humanitarian work is applaud. In his speech he shamed those who vote prop 8 and resonance with Dustin Lance Black speech that he wish that equality in achievable in the very near future for everyone.

Other less interesting award, with some of the best jokes from t he presenter like Jack Black and Jennifer Aniston and also Seth Rogen and James Franco, are also awarded to Best Animation Wall-E of course, Best Animated short for La Maison En Petite Cubes. Documentary taken home by the most watched feature of the year, Man on Wire and Documentary shot by Smile Pinky.

The memoriam Feature has left me reminded that we have lost a lot of the best artist for the industry this year, from Bernie Mac to Michael Crichton, to Anthony Mingella, Sidney Pollack, Charlton Haston to Paul Newman. And the highest honor of the night is given to a great humanitarian and one of the best known faces on movies, Jerry Lewis is the recipient for the Gene Hershaw award.

Of course besides taking home the Supporting Actor award, The Dark Knight also take home Sound Editing. But in my mind it should take home Cinematography for having the courage to take the revolutionary high detail IMAX camera to make the film and also Visual Effects….. I mean it’s an action movie with some of the most amazing car chase and bat mobile and all. That should counted for something. But I guess in the end this year they are focusing more of computer generated visual effects.

Foreign movie goes to the Japan’s Departure rather than the Isreali realistically animated war movie.

John Legends Wall –E original song is weaved between the other 2 nomination of Slumdog Millionaire A. R Rahman when the performed the songs and it is totally mesmerizing.

And at last the most most waited award of the year, Best Actress is taken home by Kate Winslet. Finally, the one person that should have been awarded long before this is totally deserving this year to take home the statue for her fifth nomination in the same category. Of course the presentation of the winner is not without the funny moving introduction of the nominee by past winners.

Our congratulation on the Slumdog wins and Kate and Sean and Dustin and A. R. Rahman and Danny Boyle and Heath and Penelope and the Benjamin Button Team and Wall – E, you all are the inspiration of everyone’s and film maker and writers’ life. And the 81st Oscar is totally a night to remember.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

American Idol select their First 3 of Top 12

It is official that the first 3 is selected and it’s a bit of a disappointment really. Our favorite Danny Gokey and Alexis Grace is through. Our fav Rig worker Michael Sarver is through too. We are glad that is what happen but our best pick of the week Ricky Braddy didn’t make it. What a same. Because Ricky got the best vocal for the night. Well it is after all a popularity contest. I guess likability play a very very big role this year.

Congratulation to Danny, Michael and Alexis.

Our First Best 3 Picks for American Idol Top 36 Group 1

Yes 36 among the 10s of thousands of people got through to the round. But the game plan have totally changed. While last time everyone have a plenty of time to get to because there’s only 1 or 2 eliminated every performance. This time it’s make it or drop it because each time the get on one round there’s only 3 going through and 9 will be drop with no guarantee of a wild card chances. So the stake is really high and they have to nail the first performance. Because there’s no 2-4 chances for the semifinal. There’s only one. And this time it’s a mix round there’s no male first then girls it’s the fight for your life. So late the game begin.

Jackie Tohn – miss personality did a spin on the song, she got the energy but not much on the vocal is shown yet, it is a bit flat. It’s the enthusiasm that the producer looking for but not the best opening though.

Next up Ricky Braddy – doesn’t have much telecast during the preliminary round. So this would be the first time that any audiences see or heard about him. The sound is a bit jazzy, it’s suitably perfect pitch and some fantastic soulful twist to it. That’s the one that the producer’s looking for. It’s top notch. And it comes naturally, but there’s a doubt as Simon say it’s not as photogenic as some of the contestant.

Alexis Grace – Did a fierce Aretha and actually make it work with her sazz up look pinky tail. Her voice is not as smooth as Aretha but it is suitably hoarse for the song. So it works well. It’s not the big voice but if it’s the previous format, she’d be fine. It is a good choice for the night but in the new format we’ll have to see. It’s one girl and one guy top vote and the next second highest marks for the night top 3 to go through. At least here is 2 that worth going through from each gender here.

Brent Kieth – Finally a country rocker, the song is rockin, Brent’s performance is OK. And because country is a style that is more attitude and techniques than vocal which makes it even harder to impress. Brent has a vocal but the song is not exactly what memorable.

Stevie Wright – tried to do a Taylor Swift song to show that she is as young as her age. But Taylor’s songs is sometimes tailored to her voice only because the special pitch in her voice. And Stevie is exposing herself by toning the sound down. And I believe it is not the right song for her at all.

Anoop Desai – have a good voice and did a pop sound. It does show his range. At the beginning the voice is sweet and fantastic. But somewhere in the middle it’s drown by the background vocal. He lost the pitch after that so it’s a hanging vote and we are still waiting for the 3rd best to come. Paula say it right, he does have a bit of a Brian McKnight drift and he got that thing that people can connect to on screen. So we’ll have to see.

Casey Carlson – the first thing that came to mind when she first go on is that she got the look. Now we just have to see if she got the voice too. She got a voice that is pretty modern. Although she try to spice up the performance, but the stage presence doesn’t really sync with her voice. She’s just not that big voice that matches with her stage performance. It’s a bit of a shame though. I think she has to go and find her own gimmick. Sorry not the third one yet. But with the new format it is a very very hard choice to choose 3 best from 12 than 2 bad from 12. The judges may sound a bit harsh but that is the reality of the new format for the show.

Michael Sarver – The oil rigger that we are rooting for, he is a likable dude, but does he has the chops for the live show? He takes a Gavin DeGraw, and did his own twist but the twist is knotted too tight. It can fit his voice but he lost the intensity that Gavin DeGraw has. I love something that’s more soulful like what he did in Hollywood. It’s not the perfect fit for his voice. It is in the end a popularity show and there’s still no front runner for the third one to go through yet.

Ann Marie Boskovich – Another beautiful lady and did another Aretha, so would she do better? Natural Woman is what she is. She show her voice, it’s not as soulful as the original but she did her best with it and it does show her range. There’s still some doubts hanging here and there. Randy don’t really like it though. Right, the vocal are a bit below the standard, but to go to that high standard it’s better than most of them already. So it depends on the audience response to the performance.

Stephen Fowler – who forget the lyrics in his last round of Hollywood. Would he do better this time? He has a really classic R & B voice, but to choose a Michael Jackson early classics, he may just blow it. It started rough, and then in the middle the rhythm is off. His got the high range and the pitch but I don’t think it is good enough because the misstep is a bit too much and the style is too old.

Tatiana Del Toro – well she is the Diva of the season. Not the typical cruel Diva but the show have sculpt her to be a bit self absorb and it’s not the best loved quality in human history and the annoying factor as usual in this show could either make or break a person. We’ll just focus on her talent here a bit more here than all the riff raff before. She of course did a Whitney, it’s clear what the judges see in her voice. But to do a Whitney could really sometimes break a contestant vocal and show the weakness and strength in her voice. She got some of the parts right and lost some of pitch problem that needs patches. So we’ll see how the audiences vote. It is a bit old for her though cause it is not a record deal for her yet. A contender for the third seats of the week.

The last of the 12 to go on stage is Danny Gokey – it is truly a test what likability footing is on the show because of all the 12 I’m sure many have made the decision with Danny even before he sang because he is just this extremely likeable guy. And to do a twist on the Mariah Carey’s “Hero”, the judges all love it. It is not exactly the best vocal of the night. But there’s not really any wrong throughout the performance. And I feel that this the third seat and I am pretty sure he got it.

So if it’s up to me, my 3 choices for the night would be Ricky Braddy, Alexis Grace and Danny Gokey. Sorry Anoop and Tatiana and Michael, it’s just not the year to hope for second chance on the first performance, there’s just not enough seats to put those that still need improvement to get through.

One small thing with the show though, that’s the last showing of the performance because they fail to show Jackie’s they scrap it for everyone and the show automated self promote with the crazy SMS votes numbers, I wonder not showing the contestants name and number how many actually remember the number to votes? I just hope that is not a big upset to the show’s voting system.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Exclusive Interview with a promissing Musician: Todd Carey

During the holiday we did a Q & A with a fantastic artist online, Todd Carey. who wrote some songs with Sarah Bareilles. And from the beginning of last year we have been trying to grab him. Right now Todd is going on a university and college tour. So catch him at the campus near you. You can get the touring schedule and his music at

Hey Todd, how's your day?

Q: Let us get on with the interview. Shall we start with the basics. Who you are, where your from?

Chicago, IL

Q: You make some pretty amazing sound with your guitar and your songs. How would you describe your music?

Post Rock and Roll/Singer Songwriter

Q: How long does it really take from learning to play guitar to writing songs with it?

I've heard of people learning three chords and immediately writing their first song. So not very long.

Q: What makes you decide to make music your career?

It was never really a choice for me, always obvious...

Q: What gives you inspiration when you write your music?

Two things. First, I like to reach out to other people, Second, I like to satisfy my own desire to express.

Q: Anyone that you'd like to work with?

So many people. So many people. I'd really like to work with this British producer Martin Terefe. He did KT Tunstall, and James Morrison Albums.

Q: isn't performing on stage an amazing feeling? Will you be back to performing soon after the holiday season?

I'm on the road on a college tour right now. When everything is going right on stage, there is NO feeling that can match it. For me at least.

Q: You've got an album out not long ago. Tell us about the process of making it?

It was one a process that I'm really proud of. From writing the songs at home in Chicago and on the road in 2005-2007, to going out to LA for tracking, it is something that I carry with me.

Q: if any person wishes to contact you for show or performance. Who and how could they get in touch with you?

Q: Seeing that you are performing, you travel a lot. Do you like it? Touring around the country and stuff.

HAHA I live for it!

Q: How does it feel like doing a song with Sarah Bareilles?

An honor. I'm very lucky.

Q: Last but not least, would you like to say anything to all the readers here?

You can download this record for free, or "pay what you feel" at

The music is really fantastic Todd. We love it and with wish for nothing but great success in your work. Thanks for doing this with us.
All the best. You have a great year ahead. Happy New Year

Saturday, February 14, 2009

My Funny Valentine

It is Valentines. I hope that everyone have a great time with their partner this year. I’m all alone this year. But life works in mysterious ways. So I was working then when I got off work I got home and took a small nap. When I woke up it’s just 5, so I decided to go for the movie at the Cineplex.

I was looking forward to watching either Valkyrie or Pink Panther 2 yet it’s the last week before the Oscar and the Cineplex is showing all the Oscar nominated movie. And both the front runner for the best movie is showing. So I decide to take a chance and go for it both back to back. It makes you really wonder would the Academy honor their own and the movie with the most nominee or a story about a far far foreign country by the British team?

Slumdog Millionaire, the total underdog of the season have taken over and won almost all major award in the would first storm the critics in the independence film scene. The story about the kid that won the first 20 Mill Rupees in India Who Wants to be a Millionaire. The only reason he is on it is to find his long lost love. The show is just a weave around the story of about 3 person, Jamal, the Main Character, Salim, the brother and Latika, the Love interest. Salim is a rags slumdog who remain as one joining the gang and becoming a tug, while Jamal work on odd jobs to keep his life a float and having a clean life, Latika is threaten and sold and hold but the mobster boss in the end. The movies show the poverty and the history of the Indian and the life story of the child in the most realistic way, from the caste riot to the gangster fight to child labor and mobs disabling orphan to become beggar, the poverty, the living condition of the third world country, the expansion of Mumbai. The only thing about the movie is the weaving, the intertwine from the present to the past, there’s just too much of it that it makes you lose track of the time line of the story sometimes and that’s confusing. The audience is advice to sit for the credit because the most fun of the movie is that when Dev Patel and Freida Pinto dances off the old Hindu’s movie style. HAHA! I’m sure to film the movie in real on site street of Mumbai is totally the most difficult thing for a film maker. With all the population and the chaotic human and car traffic around the area. But they’ve made it. And it is a success itself. The love story that is truly hard to find.

Going from the realistic current piece to period piece of the most American spirited movie of the year. The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, the case where a child is born into this world in his 80’s at the end of World War I, there’s a twist too the backward clock of the station made by a blind clock smith when his son dies in the War. So Benjamin is born old and expected to die soon after, his mother dies while giving birth and his father who was revealed at Mr. Button of the Button industry, was scared to hell when he sees him and dump him in an old folks home. The caretaker of the home, take him in as her own, Benjamin grows younger and younger by the year and seeing the old folks in the home grows older and older. There he met the love of his life, Daisy. Soon after the death of the old lady who thought him to play piano and a friend he decided he’d leave the home and go and stretch his wings. Working on a toll boat, he travel far and met the fling of his life in an older ladies. And then he was back after a near death experience in WWII. There he got to meet his love again yet she had moved on and he need to. He met his father and inherited his business after he died. Benjamin try to go back with his love but she is young and wild and too far for him to reach. So he gone on his own when he was rejected again even when Daisy is hurt and no longer able to dance. When Daisy finally came back he greeted her with his love. And there after for a very short while they are together. Had a family together…… the story does not progress to happily ever after. You’d want to watch it to experience the true love.

Both movies are without doubt a couple of the best love story to tell. One is from rags to riches, the other is from a strange situation and how we are must walk through the difficult of life to truly know that love is one of the most amazing thing in life.


it is an amazing thing what life is, I was suppose to be glooming in my single life at the day when everyone is a couple will be a couple. but instead I was glad that I'm not. I was having the best time of my life. Free as a bird, having my favorite past time. running from one movie screen to another without any worry, enjoying myself. I miss the other half, I don't mean i don't want it. but now it is fine. and to see people paining through the process merely for the symbol of it makes me wonder how many people do knows what their life is going. watching all the pained faces when they are in line to buy the ticket and grumbling when they didn't get the seats that they want and then fighting in public. Valentine is a love day and I thought in my mind the strange survey that American always do, is it the day with the high seperation of couple day too. because there's just too many expectation and too stressful for the drama queen and king of the world. I still love the day when it's just going out and adventurously go to a casual movie. and in my case even reach the street and enjoy a street concert at the same time with my love one in my arms. I did it once. and yesterday there's another street concert too only that there's no one beside me and yet it's still a memorable coincidence that brings back all the great times.

Guys and Girls, life changes and to go with the flow is the game. if you expect too much, you are the one that ask for it. Just go out and have fun or stay at home, cook together with the soft music in the back drop or cozy up on the coach with a bowl of popcorn and cream. it doesn't have to be expensive and big, it's about celebrating the time we are together and going to continue have after. Happy Valentine Everyone!!!! and guys if you got your girlfriend heart broken yesterday, it is always a gentleman way of saying I Love You, no matter what to apologize first. (Yes! even if it's her fault or she started it first.)

Friday, February 13, 2009

American Idol Top 36 updated - Joanna Pacitti been booted off the show and been replced by Felicia Barton

Yup, even before the show live vote begin, the contestant have been swap.
Joanna Pacitti who is once sign to a record deal have been booted off the show. some like to call it that she have connection to the show's producing member, I'm more of a guy that into the explaination that the judges think a non-completing even one song in hollywood perfectly deserve to give the chance to another person.
in comes Felicia Barton, the 26 yo married mom.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

American Idol Top 36, New Format New Style, Talent still to come

To Tell the Truth after this week, the American Idol have done some really disappointing selection really. Not that the contestants is not doing their best this year. But there’s really so few that the editor is showing. I’m already weary after this week. Michael Castro didn’t make it. Austin Sisneros either. We hardly see any female contestant that actually did well for the whole Hollywood week. And most of the show showing is some of the quirky or awkward moment or some moment is just overdone. Yesterday we see some good performance, but they are showing much too much of Tatiana and her roller coaster drama, it seems unnecessary. I’m glad bikini girl is off the competition, and some of them that really seems not ready. As for the top 36 I think a lot of them really have to do better. Even disappointed that some of them that have not done any good time in the Hollywood week have got through.

As Expected Adam Lambert got through, he got a voice, but the last performance it’s a bit here and there, really have to take care of the control on the pitch and the volume. Anoop Desai got through too, although he is not the typical good looking guy but his got a unique sound to his singing voice, you won’t hear it in his speaking voice because of the accent but he got something there. Of course we think that Danny Gokey got the best control, but not necessary the best vocal in the crowd, so there’s still some discovery there, it’s a shame that his good friend Jamal did not make it, I kinda love the sound he has. Well, the separation of the two makes a great moment on screen. One big mistake is kicking off Jackie Midkiff and yet retained Jesse Langseth. It’s a big big no no that shows how much better the talent the guys have over he girls.

Well, some other expected to go through one’s is there, like Piano Player Matt Giraud, Lil Rounds, Von Smith, as for the blue collar dudes, I think that is a great plus to the show, as the judges think we don’t know how far they can go they just have to start bringing their innovative and improvisation side to the table, if not as Simon say, it’s just too Bar singer type, but I do like the sound of the oil Rig worker Michael Sarver over the welder Matt Breitzke, he’s got the blues in him. But them both can be safe for the time being as long as people vote for them, unless votefortheworst have a hand on the matter, I think there are quite a few of the lower marks one to go before these 2. Of course Nick “Normund Gentle” Mitchell got through, you think AI would give up the chance of a comedian with a pretty good singing voice go that actually can entertain? I don’t think he can make it to the big final unless he did have some chops in the process that makes him interesting without being funny. And I don’t know if the blind pianist have the real work on either because without his piano he is a bit off, and I think he’d gotta do much better to get through with just piano everytime. Because by the time week 12 come, it’d be nothing fresh anymore. As for Joanna Pacitti this second chance really is a big gift, for she really flop it in the Hollywood week not a single song I think she sang right. In tonight “sing-off” the only one I agree on is just Alex Wagner-Trugman and Cody Shelton, at least they looks like the one deserve to be in that need to fight for it. Some of the sing-off I’m not even interested because both sound so bad.

There are come names that actually we have not notice before there, they maybe the wild card in the crowd, Stevie Wright, Ricky Braddy, Scott MacIntyre, a few of our audition fave that have not been mention before or even have any footage of Hollywood week, like Kris Allen, Kai Kalama, Jorge Nunez-Mendez, Brent Keith. To tell the truth, you think I’m bias? Check out all the new release and see how many of the female contestant in the 36 is ever mentioned before and you’ll know I’m not. They just didn’t show enough, I like some of the rocker one and some of the jazzy soulful one, but the show time for them didn’t even let me have the chance to read their name properly. So that’s just my take on the whole thing. Unless there’s something the producer is hiding if not they’re just not interesting enough to put on. Which means the contestants have gotta do much better, show more ability and variety in the live show. Cause when they are up there, there’s no hiding from the audience, it’s revealed right away whether you are good or not.

Just talking about the new format is making me tired here. From now onwards, live audiences will be able to vote for their favorite, I’m sure unlike last year, there are not much decision made yet and with that there will be far lesser viewer to the first live show. 36 contestants will be divided into 3 groups of 12 and compete like always instead of the 2 groups of 12 compete between the sexes, it will be a mix of gender, 3 with the most votes on each group will go on to the next round to be 9 among the final 12 and the last 3 will be chosen by judges in a wild card round and makes the 12. So this time the result might be announce who is the winner instead of who is the loser. Actually if you look at it, it’s 3 round kicking off 27 and the 27 will compete for another one or 2 rounds as judges choice. Could be fun, we’ll see.

Below is the complete list of the 36 contestants:


Name: Adam Lambert

Age: 26

Hometown: Los Angeles

Audition City: San Francisco


Name: Alex Wagner-Trugman

Age: 19

Hometown: Los Angeles

Audition City: Phoenix


Name: Alexis Grace

Age: 20

Hometown: Memphis, Tenn.

Audition City: Louisville, Ky.


Name: Allison Iraheta

Age: 16

Hometown: Los Angeles

Audition City: San Francisco


Name: Anne Marie Boskovich

Age: 22

Hometown: Nashville, Tenn.

Audition City: Jacksonville, Fla.


Name: Anoop Desai

Age: 21

Hometown: Chapel Hill, N.C.

Audition City: Kansas City, Mo.


Name: Arianna Afsar

Age: 16

Hometown: San Diego

Audition City: Phoenix


Name: Brent Keith

Age: 28

Hometown: Blanchester, Ohio

Audition City: Louisville, Ky.


Name: Casey Carlson

Age: 20

Hometown: Minneapolis

Audition City: Kansas City, Mo.


Name: Danny Gokey

Age: 28

Hometown: Milwaukee

Audition City: Kansas City, Mo.


Name: Jackie Tohn

Age: 27

Hometown: Los Angeles

Audition City: New York


Name: Jasmine Murray

Age: 16

Hometown: Starkville, Miss.

Audition City: Jacksonville, Fla.


Name: Jeanine Vailes

Age: 27

Hometown: Sherman Oaks, Calif.

Audition City: San Francisco


Name: Jesse Langseth

Age: 25

Hometown: Minneapolis

Audition City: Kansas City, Mo.


Name: Joanna Pacitti

Age: 23

Hometown: Philadelphia

Audition City: Louisville, Ky.


Name: Jorge Nunez-Mendez

Age: 20

Hometown: Carolina, Puerto Rico

Audition City: San Juan, Puerto Rico


Name: Ju'Not Joyner

Age: 26

Hometown: Bowie, Md.

Audition City: New York


Name: Kai Kalama

Age: 26

Hometown: San Clemente, Calif.

Audition City: San Francisco


Name: Kendall Beard

Age: 23

Hometown: Austin, Texas

Audition City: San Juan, Puerto Rico


Name: Kris Allen

Age: 23

Hometown: Conway, Ark.

Audition City: Louisville, Ky.


Name: Kristen McNamara

Age: 22

Hometown: Napa, Calif.

Audition City: Louisville, Ky.


Name: Lil Rounds

Age: 23

Hometown: Memphis, Tenn.

Audition City: Kansas City, Mo.


Name: Matt Breitzke

Age: 27

Hometown: Bixby, Okla.

Audition City: Kansas City, Mo.


Name: Matt Giraud

Age: 23

Hometown: Kalamazoo, Mich.

Audition City: Louisville, Ky.


Name: Megan Corkrey

Age: 22

Hometown: Sandy, Utah

Audition City: Salt Lake City


Name: Michael Sarver

Age: 27

Hometown: Jasper, Texas

Audition City: Phoenix


Name: Mishavonna Henson

Age: 18

Hometown: Irvine, Calif.

Audition City: Phoenix


Name: Nathaniel Marshall

Age: 18

Hometown: Malone, N.Y.

Audition City: New York


Name: Nick Mitchell

Age: 27

Hometown: Brookfield, Conn.

Audition City: New York


Name: Ricky Braddy

Age: 25

Hometown: Nashville, Tenn.

Audition City: Louisville, Ky.


Name: Scott MacIntyre

Age: 23

Hometown: Scottsdale, Ariz.

Audition City: Phoenix


Name: Stephen Fowler

Age: 26

Hometown: Beachwood, Ohio

Audition City: New York


Name: Stevie Wright

Age: 16

Hometown: Phelan, Calif.

Audition City: Phoenix


Name: Tatiana Del Toro

Age: 23

Hometown: Los Angeles

Audition City: San Francisco


Name: Taylor Vaifanua

Age: 16

Hometown: Hurricane, Utah

Audition City: Salt Lake City, Utah


Name: Von Smith

Age: 22

Hometown: Kansas City, Mo.

Audition City: Kansas City, Mo.

DVD Summer Blockbuster: The Dark Knight, Eagle Eye, Mamma Mia, Mummy 3

While we are on the trail of DVD. I’ve also dig out some of last summer’s Blockbuster out and have arun through on my DVD player, which literally over heated after the 8 disk run HAHA!

First up is the memorable and totally Dark, The Dark Knight, the 3 hours show is a great memory of how a great action movies doesn’t necessary have to be second rated or auctioned centered only. There’s no hero character that is more human and breakable than Batman and who’s dark past and identity nearly take the character to a journey of moral struggle and multiple identity confusion, with the most realistic and incomparable Joker ever. (We believe that Heath will again take home the OSCAR coming Sunday for his portrayal of the Psychotic criminal.) and without a doubt the less stable hearted Harvey Dent is trick into the Dark side with the killing of his fiancé who is also Bruce Wayne love interest.

One action after another I switch for the comic fiction to a most original fiction movie of the summer, Eagle Eye. The mega computer that have the all seeing eye after loading in to virtually every network on earth. Have decided that the United State is in danger with it’s current government and decided to execute the virtual test of the assassination of the cabinet member in real time. Shia LeBeouf portray both identical twin brother, the one who stop the machine from executing the mission and the brother that ditched Stanford and tracked down by the machine and set on a run to the machine to reactivate the mission. Throughout the movies, he is trapped in a fake terrorist attack set up by the computer and frame into becoming a fugitive of the law. He is then joined by a mother that is threatened into the conspiracy with possible kidnapping and killing of her son, who’d be the instrument in a charity show in Washington for the cabinet that would ignite a bomb that would kill them all. Of course as all fictional stories, the character in the end won over the computer and save the world. The movie also stars Billy Bob Thornton, Michelle Monaghan, Rosario Dawson, Michael Chiklis and Ethan Embry.

After much dramatic action, now let us relax with some fantastic musical before we move on. One of the most loved Broadway classic is brought on to the big screen by the original team of the musical show, Mamma Mia, starred Meryl Streep as the mother Donna and Amanda Seyfried as the daughter Sophie. Who will be married to the very handsome Dominic Cooper, and the fathers are portrayed by Pierce Brosnan, Stellan Skarsgård, and Colin Firth. And the side kick of Donna is taken by Rachel McDowall and Julie Walters. The movie is mostly shot on location in the beautiful Greece, which brought a new life to the stage savvy musical.

Last of the DVD I watch during last week is Mummy 3. I must say with the discontinuation of the storyline from the previous 2 installment is a bit of an disappointment at first, but the backdrop of China and the introduction of some new character in the movie have make it a great more fun to watch. the Chinese mummy like the Egypt are able to perform many supernatural power over the Earth’s 5 element and transform himself into a dragon and other mystical beast throughout the movie. And to watch Jet Li and Michelle Yeoh fighting in the same movie is a great plus.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

David Foster and Friends - All Stars Concert

About a week ago I was at home, nothing to do and decided to flip in my David Foster and friends Concert DVD. Throughout the show, there’s surprises, there’s discovery, and there are pure pleasure of great music and talent and the admiration of the talent and the amazement on how a great master like David Foster can take the advantages of every artists.

The show consists of the best protégé of David Foster, Michael Bublé and Josh Groban. The show opening with one of the most frequent collaborated musician of David Foster, Saxophonist Kenny G, which Kenny G describe David as a producer that can make an artist do his thing without any doubt, an artist can trust David Foster wholeheartedly with his decision in the music.

Other guest artist that have rarely appear together with David is Kenneth “Babyface” Edmond who brings along his Brother Kevon for a rendition of the classic I Swear, who David mention as his most fierce competitor in as a producer and won over him in every major awards. Another great producer that makes the show is Brian McKnight.

Celine Dion videotaped their performance at one of Celine’s Vages show where Celine Stop the show and gave the audience a surprise performance with David on the piano.

American Idol alumni and the New protégé of Foster, Katherine McPhee gave a rendition of classic by Barbara Streisand after Barbara gave a dedication and greeted David with her wishes, Somewhere. Katherine later appear again with Andrea Brocelli to perform one of the most famous duet of all time, The Prayer. Brian Mcknight also reappear with Josh Groban to perform another great classic Bridge Over Troubled Water.

One of David best partner Peter Cetera came and give a fantastic reminiscing performance of Peter greatest hits, Hard To Say I’m Sorry, You’re The Inspiration and Glory of Love.

The country singer from Warner music, Blake Shelton make an appearance in the show with a performance of David only singing classic with a country twist Wildflower and later resurface with a performance of the country remake of Michael Bublé’s hit Home with Michael Bublé which makes the best fun of all performance switching from jazz classic and country style back to back with Michael.

The most surprising moment of the show and the show stopper of the whole concert is the performance by the newly discovers Philippines teenager and the most hype singer last year, CharicePempengco who also appear in Oprah. David says he is urge by Oprah to let her appear on the show, who sang the most amazing rendition of Whitney Houston’s I Have Nothing/ I Will Always Love You. And believe me, if you just start with listening to the CD before you watch the DVD you’d not believe that the girl who sang the song is not Whitney let alone a 16 year old.

Other performer of the show including recently past AI season finalist Michael Johns who gave the best vocal performance of his life under the caring tutor of David (another showing of how David’s ultimate golden touch on the artist that work with him.) Boz Scaggs who sang some of the most memorable movie soundtrack that he did with David on Urban Cowboy, another young star, Renee Olstead, and also the amazing young pianist William Joseph have one of the heart-stopping and heart racing performance I’ve ever seen or heard. If you race with his hand you’d have thought that he had 10 fingers in each of his hand. Cheryl Lynn was also among the artist that performed her classic Got To Be Real with her dynamite vocal.

Our prayers to Jeremy Lusk's family

2008 X Games winner Jeremy Lusk, the Freestyle motorcross extraordineer, have passed due to a head injury while attempting a Hart Attack backflip maneuvor stunt at the X Knight games Teusday night and landed on the dirt head first as his 2007 fail jump but this time he did not suvive the jump that causes him severe brain damage and a spinal cord injury.

Again our condolenzes to the Lusk family.