Monday, February 2, 2009

AI is off to Hollywood after 3 weeks.

I’m not always a fan for the AI preliminary audition. Because I thought it’s unnecessary for the humiliation. Of course I like the good ones. But this year the show is showing a lot less of them. I can only mark Michael Castro on the first week. The 2nd week there’s hardly anyone exciting. And for the 3rd week it’s better, because there’s a 2 city show. ?I can pick out Austin Sisneros and a Puerto Rican girl.
But there’s far less surprise as last years, and there’s even less girls impressive as it is. I guess the spectacle that Fantasia or Jordin created in their own season is far less likely.
But who knows.
As for the possible of Michael or Austin going through Hollywood week, from an online survey, Michael is more popular at this point, but his mySpace page is online at this moment. Usually top 24 contestants have their MySpace or online community pages blocked or closed temporary. There’s still no sign of Austin Sisneros’s MySpace page, could this be a tell tale sign?
Anyway, who win who lose, every year there’s only one winner in the end and over 30 thousand people not get through on the first run. As I always suggest, open up, record your voice in with your pc and play it to yourself. Then you’ll get a rating from 1-10 how good you are. If you love it even through bad recording, you are a great singer, if you think you need some help, but not tone deaf then you still need some work on it. But if you are either screaming or plain flat then it means the drop out is a real drop out. For those in the range of 5-10 you can still have hope and try. But if you are below that, just face the truth and just move on. It is a waste of time and who knows you might be better at other things. Trust me, look is not a big deal when you got the voice, check out Paul Potts and you’ll know what I mean. Be truthful to yourself and work hard from there.
And please don’t be a sore loser, there’s millions of rejection and millions of hopeful out there. Rejection and disappointment is part of life. We can either be defeated and angry by it or we can rise above it and be better because of it. Trust me when I say some of the best musicians are not at all possible in an AI competition. Jonas Brothers, and Hanson, and Chris Brown, they all may have no chance if they get into the competition, but they are fantastic musicians. Sometimes all we need is competition, and sometimes confidence is all we need. Use those emotions that is good for you and just drop and forget about all the bad one, the worries, the guilt, the inferiority, just go with your gut instinct.
It’s grilling 18 months ordeal that you have to endure. It is a competition, a dream maker, but not the only way to go. To have master the talent to sing every week, and doing promo and practice and rehearsal and prepare for special show. And then having to face the criticism from the judge and the whole world is a very very tough thing to do.
I wish all the best to all the contestant. May the best win and shine in the coming weeks.

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