Wednesday, February 4, 2009

AI Wednesday Week 4: Top 75

Well, Wednesday episode marks the cut of another 29 hopefuls for AI on Hollywood week. Among my favorites for the finals, Austin Sesneros and David Osmond was cut. I must be honest that Bikini Girl – Katrina Darrell is off the stage too, because it is pretty obvious she is kept for the entertainment before the live show start. I just wonder if the rumored list from votefortheworst .com could be really the official list leak of the top 36. Cos it’d be a big hurt if the only one I’ve heard is good remaining is just Adam Lambart and Lil Round. I’m sure the 36 have some that is great talent too. Just that the show haven’t shown enough of them.

It is obvious that the show is revolving around how many contestants showing emotion than the group performance this episode. but in fact there's just too many performance to show anyway.

I must say that AI editor should have to step it up a little bit more this season if they wish the rating to go up. because until now. there's been a lot of talk but not much attraction, like great performance that the judges keep talking about. it's better to show the performance than the reaction the portion is totally over scale to the left wing this time. Audience is just not seeing any much talent as what the judges say on TV.

We’ll see next week. Top 36 going to the live show will be announce next week.

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