It is Valentines. I hope that everyone have a great time with their partner this year. I’m all alone this year. But life works in mysterious ways. So I was working then when I got off work I got home and took a small nap. When I woke up it’s just 5, so I decided to go for the movie at the Cineplex.
I was looking forward to watching either Valkyrie or Pink Panther 2 yet it’s the last week before the Oscar and the Cineplex is showing all the Oscar nominated movie. And both the front runner for the best movie is showing. So I decide to take a chance and go for it both back to back. It makes you really wonder would the Academy honor their own and the movie with the most nominee or a story about a far far foreign country by the British team?
Slumdog Millionaire, the total underdog of the season have taken over and won almost all major award in the would first storm the critics in the independence film scene. The story about the kid that won the first 20 Mill Rupees in India Who Wants to be a Millionaire. The only reason he is on it is to find his long lost love. The show is just a weave around the story of about 3 person, Jamal, the Main Character, Salim, the brother and Latika, the Love interest. Salim is a rags slumdog who remain as one joining the gang and becoming a tug, while Jamal work on odd jobs to keep his life a float and having a clean life, Latika is threaten and sold and hold but the mobster boss in the end. The movies show the poverty and the history of the Indian and the life story of the child in the most realistic way, from the caste riot to the gangster fight to child labor and mobs disabling orphan to become beggar, the poverty, the living condition of the third world country, the expansion of Mumbai. The only thing about the movie is the weaving, the intertwine from the present to the past, there’s just too much of it that it makes you lose track of the time line of the story sometimes and that’s confusing. The audience is advice to sit for the credit because the most fun of the movie is that when Dev Patel and Freida Pinto dances off the old Hindu’s movie style. HAHA! I’m sure to film the movie in real on site street of Mumbai is totally the most difficult thing for a film maker. With all the population and the chaotic human and car traffic around the area. But they’ve made it. And it is a success itself. The love story that is truly hard to find.
Going from the realistic current piece to period piece of the most American spirited movie of the year. The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, the case where a child is born into this world in his 80’s at the end of World War I, there’s a twist too the backward clock of the station made by a blind clock smith when his son dies in the War. So Benjamin is born old and expected to die soon after, his mother dies while giving birth and his father who was revealed at Mr. Button of the Button industry, was scared to hell when he sees him and dump him in an old folks home. The caretaker of the home, take him in as her own, Benjamin grows younger and younger by the year and seeing the old folks in the home grows older and older. There he met the love of his life, Daisy. Soon after the death of the old lady who thought him to play piano and a friend he decided he’d leave the home and go and stretch his wings. Working on a toll boat, he travel far and met the fling of his life in an older ladies. And then he was back after a near death experience in WWII. There he got to meet his love again yet she had moved on and he need to. He met his father and inherited his business after he died. Benjamin try to go back with his love but she is young and wild and too far for him to reach. So he gone on his own when he was rejected again even when Daisy is hurt and no longer able to dance. When Daisy finally came back he greeted her with his love. And there after for a very short while they are together. Had a family together…… the story does not progress to happily ever after. You’d want to watch it to experience the true love.
Both movies are without doubt a couple of the best love story to tell. One is from rags to riches, the other is from a strange situation and how we are must walk through the difficult of life to truly know that love is one of the most amazing thing in life.
it is an amazing thing what life is, I was suppose to be glooming in my single life at the day when everyone is a couple will be a couple. but instead I was glad that I'm not. I was having the best time of my life. Free as a bird, having my favorite past time. running from one movie screen to another without any worry, enjoying myself. I miss the other half, I don't mean i don't want it. but now it is fine. and to see people paining through the process merely for the symbol of it makes me wonder how many people do knows what their life is going. watching all the pained faces when they are in line to buy the ticket and grumbling when they didn't get the seats that they want and then fighting in public. Valentine is a love day and I thought in my mind the strange survey that American always do, is it the day with the high seperation of couple day too. because there's just too many expectation and too stressful for the drama queen and king of the world. I still love the day when it's just going out and adventurously go to a casual movie. and in my case even reach the street and enjoy a street concert at the same time with my love one in my arms. I did it once. and yesterday there's another street concert too only that there's no one beside me and yet it's still a memorable coincidence that brings back all the great times.
Guys and Girls, life changes and to go with the flow is the game. if you expect too much, you are the one that ask for it. Just go out and have fun or stay at home, cook together with the soft music in the back drop or cozy up on the coach with a bowl of popcorn and cream. it doesn't have to be expensive and big, it's about celebrating the time we are together and going to continue have after. Happy Valentine Everyone!!!! and guys if you got your girlfriend heart broken yesterday, it is always a gentleman way of saying I Love You, no matter what to apologize first. (Yes! even if it's her fault or she started it first.)
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