Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Exclusive Interview with a promissing Musician: Todd Carey

During the holiday we did a Q & A with a fantastic artist online, Todd Carey. who wrote some songs with Sarah Bareilles. And from the beginning of last year we have been trying to grab him. Right now Todd is going on a university and college tour. So catch him at the campus near you. You can get the touring schedule and his music at

Hey Todd, how's your day?

Q: Let us get on with the interview. Shall we start with the basics. Who you are, where your from?

Chicago, IL

Q: You make some pretty amazing sound with your guitar and your songs. How would you describe your music?

Post Rock and Roll/Singer Songwriter

Q: How long does it really take from learning to play guitar to writing songs with it?

I've heard of people learning three chords and immediately writing their first song. So not very long.

Q: What makes you decide to make music your career?

It was never really a choice for me, always obvious...

Q: What gives you inspiration when you write your music?

Two things. First, I like to reach out to other people, Second, I like to satisfy my own desire to express.

Q: Anyone that you'd like to work with?

So many people. So many people. I'd really like to work with this British producer Martin Terefe. He did KT Tunstall, and James Morrison Albums.

Q: isn't performing on stage an amazing feeling? Will you be back to performing soon after the holiday season?

I'm on the road on a college tour right now. When everything is going right on stage, there is NO feeling that can match it. For me at least.

Q: You've got an album out not long ago. Tell us about the process of making it?

It was one a process that I'm really proud of. From writing the songs at home in Chicago and on the road in 2005-2007, to going out to LA for tracking, it is something that I carry with me.

Q: if any person wishes to contact you for show or performance. Who and how could they get in touch with you?


Q: Seeing that you are performing, you travel a lot. Do you like it? Touring around the country and stuff.

HAHA I live for it!

Q: How does it feel like doing a song with Sarah Bareilles?

An honor. I'm very lucky.

Q: Last but not least, would you like to say anything to all the readers here?

You can download this record for free, or "pay what you feel" at www.toddcareymusic.com/paywhatyoufeel

The music is really fantastic Todd. We love it and with wish for nothing but great success in your work. Thanks for doing this with us.
All the best. You have a great year ahead. Happy New Year

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