Thursday, February 26, 2009

American Idol Top 36 Week 2

The Second week for Top 36 proves to be a week that’s left and right. It can go both ways. I’m sure with last week’s performance the viewership would be less. But this week there’s some of the best bet for the season. The show started with a rough start having straight 3 performance that’s lack luster from Jasmine Murray –she did a Sarah Bareilles, as the judges say, she got the fantastic voice and very commercial one but Sarah’s proves to be too independence for her voice. Matt Giraud – I love his voice and his performance at Hollywood week but Coldplay Viva La Vida is just not the right song for his style. He’s more soulful and jazzy than a soft rock geek. Jeanine Vailes sang This Love from Maoon 5 and there’s plenty of pitches problem everywhere and he didn’t have the energy the songs was meant for. Most probably it’s the lower note of the whole songs.
In this new format, this week there’s one clear front runner definitely, that‘s the easy part, the second and third spot is to be a fight between many.
Actually the show didn’t start on the 4th contestant, but it become interesting with it. Nick “Norman Gentele” Mitchell is on. And he’s back to his funny alter ego. Doing the Dreamgirls’ classic, I’m Telling you. Very very funny, and the song totally went on right with the style and Nick’s vocal in the light actually didn’t sound bad. It most probably be the most interesting performance ever in AI history and at least everyone remember him.
The person to follow that performance, Allison Iraheta actually did it great. If you don’t listen to her speaking, the husky singing vocal and sultry sound actually makes the 16 year old sound sexy, the song is nice and suitable to her voice, but it is not as good as what last year’s… did.
To top that off Kris Allen did a Michael Jackson, the low notes at the beginning proves to be a bit too low. But he got a great voice and he got a great vocal and though sometimes it’s on the verge of breaking but just barely, nice control and he is both charming and confident this time around.
Megan Joy Corkrey is next and she did a Corinne Bailey Ray, she got a nice unique voice and it seems the song suits her style in her own kinda way. But she also looks less confident. And when she let loose in the ending of the songs, she did it with a bit of Amy Winehouse.
Matt Breitzke, the welder did true Love, he have the soulful voice and last week’s Rigger, but the song is a rock song in nature and his voice is just too nice and soft to rock it. He’s got a soulful type and not the rock type. And I think he will not be able to make it.
Jesse Langseth got the looks and the presence, and that saucy voice totally sound modern and though she lost some of the tone but all together still have a fantastic vocal. Though the song she sang is a bit short in the range, but she got style and charisma. So it’s either the audience will like it or hate it kinda stage.
Kai Kalama did a 60’s song. Though he has the vocal to carry it it still proves that the 60’s is too old.
As for the last 2 performance Mishavonna Henson Drops of Jupiter with a Colbie Caillat style proves to be the right song for her voice. Thought the range is a bit limited which makes the performance less energetic. She still sound great delivering it. Like Simon says, the strange thing about this is that the whole song actually sums up her potential and the audience might just vote on this performance and may nto let her have the chance to show other potential.
At last Adam Lambert is on. Adam is a pro from the start and Hollywood week. though then he seems more of a stage performer than a commercializ-able singer or idol. This time he took the ball and pitch it totally out of the field and the dust is long gone before anyone can come close to him. Perfect pitch, perfect rockin style to the Rolling Stone’s Satisfaction. He is rocking the house down and it’s old school made current and manic and crazy range, might be a bit over the ledge on the stage presence but he got the look and the right style to pull it off. It is as if everyone is opening for his concert to night.
There you have it. The one locked target will be Adam Lambert.
As for the second seat if it’s a female there will be Misha and Alisha going for it. Misha is conventional and relevant, Alisha is sexy and modern. But if anyone of them didn’t make it into the second seats then it will be a brutal battle between her and Kris Allen, Jesse and, believe it or not, I’ll go on a limp on this, Nick “Norman Gentele” Mitchell, because he is the reason that people are excited to watch this weeks contest in the first place, and I’m sure it pleases both the vote for the best and vote for the worst people on this.
There you have it.
If you want me to choose, I’ll take Adam Lambert for first seats of male, Allison Iraheta for Second because she got energy, though the judges or the audience don’t really excitedly into her. Then the third one I feel that Kris Allen would have a better chance at it. He finally got the right look and the right style and charming too. And I will predict now that Adam will win the whole race.

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