
Drew Seeley is the singing voice of Troy Bolton in the infamous High School Musical, and Troy in the Concert Tour. Back then he’s already has a fantastic voice that capture our hearts with the unforgettable singing in HSM. Now he’s got his own movies under his own belt (Another Cinderella Story with Selena Gomez and The Shortcut). And undoubtedly he is as charismatic as Troy in the movie and more. After long searching finally we’ve got Drew on the line and did this interview with us. So everyone, Enjoy!!!!!
Check out more of Drew’s wonderful singing at http://www.myspace.com/drewseeley
Hey Drew, thank you for doing this for us. We really appreciate it.Shall we get start?
Q: We know you from the first High School Musical movie and concert. And now you are starring in your own movie, Another Cinderella Story and The Shortcut. Your music is fantastic and we love it. So what’s next? Will we be seeing more movies and music?
A:That's the plan! In the studio now, writing a lot. Have a song on the Upcoming Wizards of Waverly Place CD, and some music projects One promoting water safety and another to bring more understanding and awareness about autism.
Q: How is acting like compare with singing or writing your own songs?
A:I love doing all three, that's why Cinderella was so much for for me.
Q: Will any of your fans be seeing you on stage soon?
A:2 shows planned at the moment. All the info is at http://www.drewseeleystreetteam.com/
Q: how long does it take to actually master your own voice to sound so good? Do you take lesson? Or has a vocal coach or anything to help you improve?
A:I learned (and continue to learn) by making mistakes. Just experimenting. I've been singing so long that I kind of know what I can and can't do, and what my voice sounds best on.
Q: What is your most amazing experience in singing and acting?
A:Buenos Aires sold out opening night of the HSM Concert. Astounding.
Q: So Drew, let’s spill the bean here, what kinda girls do you like?
A:Confident, funny, motivated girls. You gotta keep me on my toes.
Q: Every Actor or artist takes odd jobs before they make into the business, what is your weirdest job you ever work in?
A:Selling cell phones, in restaurants, lotta random stuff
Q: Any advice for those who wish to go into the business?
A:Be patient. It really NEVER happens overnight, although it seems that way a lot of the time.
Q: The Internet allowed people to bring themselves out to the public in their own terms, it also makes the notorious gossip goes wild when they go viral. So what do you think about the internet effects on your work or life?
A:I've been lucky. Nothing scandolous yet. lol. I should start clubbing more to give people something to talk about. Too busy working.
Q: Will there be an album with all your own songs coming out anytime? I bet that your fan just can’t wait.
A:No release date, but working toward getting something out this year.
Q: So Drew, who is your most inspiring musician and the most influential person in your life?
A:Stevie Wonder, and my parents.
Q: when you write songs how do you get your inspiration?
A:When I'm not looking for it. I really don't know how it works, sometimes songs just wanna get written. But theres also a lot of staring at blank pages.
Q: if anyone wish to contact you for a show who and where they should contact?
A:David Levine at the William Morris Agency
Q: before we go off, would you like to say anything to your fans here?
A:I'm riding such a fun wave right now doing what I've always wanted to do, and my fans are the only reason I have this opportunity. Thank you a million times over!

Again drew, thank you for having the interview with us.
All the best and our wishes for your great success.
i think Drew is a gorgeous and talented guy. he seems really down to earth and i would love to get to know more about him. i would love if he would want to get to know me too <3 your fan
I agree w/ you Amanda...💞💞#Drewsfan4life
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