Wednesday, April 15, 2009

American Idol Top 7, Adam Lambert Rocks the stage

American idol movie night take on Quentin Tarantino. And it is marvelous.
You think a movie director don’t know music and apparently directing music and directing movies ain’t that much different after all.
The show kicks off with Allison. The 17 yo knocks out a rocking Armageddon and the judges love it. For me the key is a bit too low. The energy level drop tremendously with it. She is a rock chick no doubt about it. It felt like the rehearsal is better than the live performance.
Anoop is the follow up and who’d know that Quentin can get this kid into the zone. The direction had help him hit every note just at the right energy. And it’s an even emotional performance from him. Finally, finally Anoop is hitting the heart string right.
The real show have started this week. Finally everything fall into place including the contestants vocal and performance. The weaks have brought up to level plain and the strong is lining up in place.
Adam Lambert totally rock the house, bringing back the good old style of Led Zeppelin and Bryan Adams to a new high. the proportion of his range is perfect this week.
Matt Giraud is next and “To Really Love a Woman” you gotta be like Matt. Perfect on the keyboard. Very sexy and good sentimental. Though there are a couple of key off that displease the judges. He can do piano no doubt and he can sing. I think it’s time for Matt to hold it back and show them all the natural self and not think too much and do too many riffs on the performance. Just do one solid emotional performance will get him well on.
Danny Gokey “Endless love” is proves to be endless. Using the eyes to sing is what the mentor says and Gokey lose the spec. indeed the hold back performance without the hand gesture is a new but not too natural to Danny. It is the most subtle and emotional delivery he had ever made and I think the mission is accomplished this week.
Simon however would like to see more difference from the original
Kris Allen is up. It’s confidence oozing out everywhere. Not holding to any guitar, Kris seems to be bare clean and he is visibly nervous without the defense mechanism. The voice holds good though, and without the distraction of a piano or guitar, Kris shows true color on his vocal. The performance seems too short. Kris could do a better run with a longer performance and showing more chops on his vocal.
Lil Rounds round up the rest of the show, there’s actually not much faults in the vocal. It’s just that the energy is not there. And the performance is not engaging enough. of course the Bette Midler’s is remarkable and makes an ordinary vocal sound incredible. Lil version could run too, just that it’s either not here nor there from melodic to gospel to R&B.
The ranking of the week from my view will take in as performance wise
Adam Lambert
Anoop Desai
Kris Allen
Danny Gokey
Matt Giraud
Lil Rounds
If calculating popularity vote
Anoop might just be the last male at the moment still. Or still below Allison. But to me the girls didn’t know the ball out the court this week.

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