J – Jonathan
C - Colton
J: Say Colton, how long has it been when you first decide to make music?
C: I started singing at 3 yrs old and performing since i was 6, ever since then I hasn’t stopped
J: That’s a long time to have been a singer. How did you pass your voice change and the whole growing up thing?
C:well worked through it was tough I went from sounding like a high pitched lil kid to a stronger male voice but in this times lowering all the keys of my songs lol
J: most of us first know you from the AI competition. Did you get any great experience out of that?
C: Really Great, It was my first venture off by myself and let me know there was a big world out there outside of Oklahoma, and I’ve met some lifelong friends off the show
J: It is a shame that AI didn’t put you through, we think your music is fantastic. How would you describe your music?
C: Pop/ Rock/ Country with roots of Christian music shining through in some lyrics
J: your music is totally natural and soothing. We love it. How do you come about writing these amazing music?
C: Thank you so much , they all come about different lol, My brother and I don’t have any set rules or formats when we create a new tune, some of our best songs came from being bored at 3 in the morning.
J: I C, late nights and plenty of soda? HAHA!!!
how does writing music compare to live performance? Which one you like more?
C:if I had to pick I like performing better, due to the fact you get to interact with people and i love people, they are one of my passions, without fans and people showing up to concerts then who would i perform for? The mirror lol which would get old
J: who is your music idol?
C: I don’t have idols just influences and favorites, The Hinsons, (old southern gospel group) The Eagles, Keith Urban, John Mayer, Ray Charles, Richochet, so many man, in all genres I can’t single them out

C:I love it man the busier the better, I’m not going to school and I’m taking a risk not getting a degree at this moment but i want to follow my dreams which is touring and playing all over, do what you love and you'll never work a day in your life
J: great we wish you all the success man. what’s the next project you have up your sleeve for 2009?
C: Promote this new album and we are doing a Midwest tour hitting a bunch of schools and venues pushing our first single and title track "Another
Day" thanks Jonathan
J: Are there any artists or producer that you like to work with?
C:I want to tour with Taylor Swift!
J: maybe you should start calling Nashville now
she is looking for opening act
if anyone wish to get you on a show who should they contact or where can they get hold of you?
C:for booking email swonman_17@yahoo.com or
or tell them to hit up our MySpace
J:: Last but not least, are there anything that you’d like to say to all your fans out there?
C:Yes, God Bless them and add us on MySpace, oh and go to CDBaby and order our CD lol!!!!
so who does this go to again
J: Thanks for making this happen for us Colton. We really appreciate it. We wish for all the success for you in 2009 and beyond.
All the best
Evol, http://perfectlifestylemag.blogspot.com/

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